Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 522 I Won't Let You Leave Me

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In a secret villa of D Island, Zac shook the champagne in his hand and turned to look at the two people

beside him. "Are you satisfied with this horror movie I made up and directed by myself?"

"I didn't expect Anna to be so good at acting that she could directly enter the entertainment circle."

Essie said with a smile.

"It's so ordinary and not horrible at all. If it is really displayed in cinema, it will definitely fail to attract

audiences." Hanson said coldly. If it weren't for the fact that Zac had caught Miya and made her admit

in front of him in person that Leila had instigated her to frame Zac on purpose, he wouldn't have

cooperated with Zac.

Zac cast a sidelong glance at him and said, "if it weren't for her interest, I wouldn't have let her go so


"This woman will be a scourge if we keep her." Hanson snorted. She was wrong about him. He loved

Essie more than her own life, and treated Mili and Dot like his own children. He would never hurt them.

A murderous look appeared on Zac's face. How could he let go of Leila? The day when Essie was

recovered was her death day.

"Anyway, thank you for your cooperation this time." He said in a low voice.

"I did it for Essie and the children." As Hanson spoke, he turned to take a look at Essie, and then

looked away. "Zac, I won't give Essie to you. Our war has never ended."

"I'm always ready for your challenge." Zac's black eyes narrowed and a hint of coldness passed quietly.

He had monopolized Essie for the rest of her life. Whether she was willing or not, he would not let her


Sensing the smell of gunpowder in the air, Essie raised her glass of champagne to ease the

atmosphere. "It's a good day today. Let's have a drink together to celebrate our revenge for Dot. I'm

going to send the video to Dot to make him happy." Mili, Dot and Holy were sent to the United States

and under close protection. No one knew their whereabouts except Zac and Essie.

Hanson and Zac stared at each other and reluctantly raised their glasses. After drinking, he left.

Although it was a secret place, Hanson couldn't stay too long. It was the most critical moment and he

must make sure everything was going well.

Seeing his back disappearing at the door, Zac reached out his hand to grab the tip of Essie's chin and

forced her to look at him. "He has left. Don't look at him anymore."

"No, I didn't." Essie pouted in a coquettish manner.

"That's good." He snorted coldly. He had to prevent her from rekindling her relationship with Hanson

because of this matter.

Essie shook off his hand, leaned against the back of the sofa, and looked at him with a strange look.

"Zac, I didn't expect you to do such a funny thing as donating your sperm."

"Stupid woman, do you think it is possible?" Zac flicked her forehead rudely with a slight frown.

Apparently, he was very unhappy with her words.

"Didn't you donate?" Essie was slightly shocked.

"Of course not." A weird sneer appeared on Zac's face. He gave the doctor a wad of money and asked

him to handle it by himself. If he guessed right, the doctor should have used his own sperm.

With her mouth wide open in shock, Essie maintained the "O" state for ten seconds before she closed

her mouth. It turned out that it was someone else's. If Leila knew it, would she find a piece of tofu and

kill herself?

"Icy guy, you're in a bad situation. If that bottle of condom is used, you'll probably break the Guinness

record and become the person who has been pregnant for the most times." She shook her head and

sighed, worried.

Zac rubbed her nose and said, "don't worry. I've already dealt with it." He had ordered someone to

destroy it and remove his name permanently, so it could not happen again.

Essie put her head on his shoulder. In fact, she was just kidding. How could a cautious person like the

big devil not take measures in time to prevent the sequela from happening?

"How is everything going with Liam?" She asked in a low voice.

The reason why they arranged the explosion in the warehouse that day was to lure out Willi's capable

assistant, Liam. From the moment he met Leila in the warehouse, he had been controlled by the men

in black. But Zac didn't take action immediately. He wanted to find out the wire puller, Willi.

Now they had known a lot of things.

The man in black checked Liam's communication and network system and found out the location of


It turned out that he had been hiding in the Middle East all the time, only through the network to control

the situation in Dragon City remotely.

Willi earned a lot of money from the war by selling weapons and medicine to the East. He also trained

a group of daredevils. They had set up an underworld organization called Black Hawk which was

engaged in all kinds of illegal activities. Liam was now in charge of the two underworld organizations.

Besides, he had set up a secret lab to develop all kinds of viruses, so as to control those disobedient

people. From here, the virus that had been injected into Essie came out.

Zac's eyes darkened under the light, as if the dark and cold night outside the window. "I will give him

the highest treatment and let him enjoy it."

"Sometimes it's more painful to live than to die," said Essie with a sneer.

A week later, William went to the Blue Coast.

"I've got the news from the East that Willi's den has been destroyed by us. Most of his men have been

captured alive, but Willi has escaped. The most hateful thing is that we still don't know his true face. He

has been wearing a mask all the time. Even his men haven't seen his true face, and they don't know

his real background either. The only thing they know is that his voice is very hoarse. He didn't pretend

to be hoarse on purpose, but his vocal cords have been seriously damaged. "

Zac frowned and the veins on his forehead rolled. "This fox!" He squeezed a few words from his teeth,

with anger and disappointment.

"Now his organization is greatly damaged, and the way of getting money is also cut off by us. It's not

that easy for him to make a comeback. And we will keep searching for him. I believe he can't escape. "

After a pause, Willi continued, "I've found out one more thing. According to his men, it was Willi who

planned your assassination three years ago. It seems that he has been plotting for a long time, and his

target is not only the Xu family. "

A cold light as sharp as an ice blade flashed through Zac's eyes. He suddenly realized that he had

ignored a very important point. Willi's goal might not be the Xu family at all, but the Rong family. He had

carefully arranged all this for hurting Rong family.

"Boss, does this Willi have anything to do with the Qin family?" While he was thinking, William's voice

came from the side.

"Not clear." Said Zac thoughtfully. After a moment of silence, his dark ice eyes flashed, as if he had

thought of something. He quickly said, "has Liam handed over the antidote?"

William knew he would ask this question, but...

He pursed his lips and a very complicated expression flashed across his face. "Boss, this is the last

thing I want to report to you today." His voice suddenly lowered. Zac's heart jolted, and an ominous

premonition rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Tell me!"

After ten seconds of silence, William opened his mouth slowly. He wanted to give Zac a psychological

preparation. "Liam has told us the location of the lab, but when our people arrived, it was destroyed

completely and nothing was left."

Zac jumped up from the chair and grabbed his collar. "What do you mean?" His muscles all over his

body tensed, and his voice trembled violently in extreme nervousness.

Hearing that, William lowered his head. A hint of sadness flashed through his eyes. "No... Antidote


The color on Zac's face faded in an instant, and even his lips turned pale, like white paper. In a few

days, Essie was going to be injected with a new antidote. The research center hadn't found out the last

element of the antidote yet, which meant that she would only have a few days to live.

"Who did it?" He growled in a hoarse voice, and his whole body convulsed violently in anxiety and pain.

"I don't know. It might be Willi. But Liam and his men haven't received the order of destroying the

laboratory. I wonder if he has sent another group of people to do it." William answered.

"Where are the research workers?"

"There are ten people in total. No one is alive." William said.

Zac's breathing was extremely fast, and his heart beat almost exceeded the load. His eyes were

gradually covered with blood, and his eyes were red with tears. His internal organs seemed to be rolled

over by a soldering iron, and his body seemed to be cut into thousands of pieces. Every nerve and cell

was emitting sharp and unbearable pain.

His legs seemed to be under great pressure and could no longer support his convulsive body.

For the first time, he felt so desperate, so weak and so scared.

He covered his chest and knelt on one leg, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Icy guy --" A frightening voice came from the stairs. Then the thin figure ran downstairs, rushed to him,

and hugged him. She had heard everything they said.

"It doesn't matter, icy guy. I'm not afraid of death, not at all." Essie bit her lips and held back her tears.

"Idiot, you'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to you." Zac opened his arms and held her tightly. He

was so afraid that she would disappear as soon as he loosened his grip. As long as she was alive, he

could do anything, including exchanging his life for her.

"I believe you. As long as you are with me, I am not afraid of anything." She said firmly and clearly. As

long as he was by her side, even at the last moment of her life, she had no regret.


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