Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 410 Throw Herself Into His Arms

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Without Zac's company, Essie had led a peaceful and comfortable life. But now, she realized that she

was wrong. Without him, the world was dark; the sky was dark; the clouds were dark; even the sun was


Like a pool of stagnant water, she lost her vitality.

Lucy went back to Jiang City. Before she left, she exhorted Alice repeatedly to take good care of her in

case that Essie would reunite with Zac.

But she thought too much. Zac had already dumped her. He and Leila seemed to get along very well.

They often appeared in public together, and showed off their love from time to time. Obviously, he was

going to accept Leila as his wife.

On Fell's birthday, Alice got up early to dress up. Women had a sharp sense of smell. Essie also

sensed that her sister's interest in Fell was not a good thing to the Xu group.

Rong's Group was the business partner of Xu's Group and the Qin family and Rong family were

enemies. If Alice began to date with Fell, the cooperation between the Xu family and the Rong family

would be affected. Most importantly, Fell was a playboy. He spoke sweetly but didn't mean it.

"Sister, don't fall in love with him. He is not the right one for you."

"What? Are you afraid that I will take him away from you? " At the same time, a hint of displeasure

appeared on Alice's face.

"I didn't mean that. I just don't want you to get hurt." Essie said with concern.

"I'm just losing my memory, not being silly. I know what I'm doing." When Alice finished applying the

lipstick, she turned to look at Essie. "If you don't like him, just leave him to me. Don't compete with me,


Essie was embarrassed. She had no interest in Fell at all. They just had common social activities. She

found that since Alice lost her memory, she really became another person. In the past, she would not

pay more attention to men. Now she treated Fell as the most precious person.

In the past, when icy guy lost his memory, he only treated her very bad. But he never changed his

temper at all. How come his sister was so strange.

Essie stopped thinking about it. Why did she think of someone she shouldn't? They were over,

completely over. From now on, she wanted to forget everything about him.

Essie had thought that the birthday party of Fell would be a beautiful swimsuit show, but he didn't

expect it to be so low-key. It was all about his close friends. Perhaps Fell changed the party style

because of her coming.

"Happy birthday, Fell." Essie handed the gift to him.

"Cathy, your coming is the best birthday present in the world." Fell smiled, squinting his long and

narrow eyes. His handsome face looked especially handsome in the sun.

"Mr. Fell, all your concern is my sister, can you care about me?" When Alice was distracted by Fell's

reaction, he even didn't squint at Alice.

Fell smiled and said, "Miss Alice, I certainly pay attention to your coming."

How about you call me Alice instead of Miss Alice? "

Fell was taken aback by her directness.

"Okay, I'll call you that in the future... Alice. " He forced a smile. A woman as cold as ice suddenly

became very enthusiastic, which was hard to get used to for a while.

Thinking of this, Essie felt a little nervous, thinking that her sister really cared about Fell. Even though

he was handsome and attractive, but Alice forgot him. She had no impression of him at all. Last party

was the first time they met. Was it possible that she fell in love with Fell at the first sight?

After greeting with her acquainted friends, Alice went to change into her swimming suit. She wanted to

swim in the sea, while Essie lay on a deck chair, drinking champagne and basking in the sun. Fell was

sitting next to her.

"Your sister survived from the accident. She is like a reborn child. She is completely different from what

she used to be." There was a weird smile on his face.

"If you lose your memory, you will forget many unhappy things and become cheerful," Said Essie


Fell shrugged and said, "I'm used to her cold demeanor, but it's a little weird now."

With a slight smile on her face, Essie added, "perhaps one day she will suddenly recover and return to

her former state." To be honest, Essie didn't get used to it either. Right now, she always felt very

alienated from them. And the family affection seemed to fade with the passage of her memory.

Alice walked out of the cabin. Instead of sitting next to Essie, Alice sat next to Fell and handed the

sunscreen to him, saying, "Fell, can you help me put on the sunscreen?"

Fell hesitated for a while and then took the bottle. He knew it was a gesture, and he saw clearly her


"In fact, there is something you should know. "I'm courting Essie now. Maybe I'll be your brother-in-law

in the future. Is it better for you to stop your thinking on me?" He pretended to make a joke as he put on

the sunscreen on Alice's body. In fact, he was refusing Alice's request.

At the same time, a hint of sadness flashed through Alice's eyes. She knew clearly that she was more

charming than a divorced woman.

"My sister is still in love with her ex-husband. You can't get her, not to mention marry her."

"Sis, what nonsense are you talking about? I have completely cut off all ties with Zac." Essie cut in.

"Zac is actually married to my cousin. I don't think Cathy misses him anymore. Besides, he is such an

ungrateful person. How can he be more faithful than me? " Fell raised his bushy eyebrows and gave

Zac a disdainful look. Zac and he had been competitors since childhood. Wherever they were, their

school and social media would soon be divided into two groups, sharp and hostile.

"Essie, do you think so?" Alice turned around to Essie. It was also battling with her sister.

Essie glimpsed at Alice, seeming to think of Valery. When she and Valery competed for Zac, they were

incompatible as fire and water, and now she didn't want to go against her own sister.

"The past is the past. A good horse will never turn round to graze on an old pasture. A good girl will not

walk away if there is no turning back. I will never have a chance to be together with him again." Essie

tried to sound more determined than she really thought, but there was a flash of indescribable pain in

her heart.

"If only you could think like this." A mocking smile swept over the corners of Alice's mouth.

Fell was glad to hear that. In fact, there were countless good men in the world. She could find any kind

of man in the world. How could she foolishly choose to stick with Zac?

After dark, the yacht started to celebrate Fell's birthday. Everyone gathered on the deck to dance, sing

and drink. Fell was probably drunk. He put down his glass and looked around on the deck, finding that

Essie was gone. Then he went into the cabin to look for her.

As soon as he reached the second floor, he met Alice, who was holding two glasses of champagne

wine and seemed to be waiting for him specially.

"Alice, have you seen Cathy?" Fell asked, a little drunk.

"She should be in the dressing room now." With a smile on her face, Alice handed a glass of wine to

him. "Fell, today is your birthday. Cheers!"

Fell smiled, took the glass, clinked it gently with her, and drank it up.

"Alright, I'm going to find Cathy." He put the glass on the table nearby casually and was about to leave.

At this time, Alice held his arm. "Fell, don't worry. She is still in the make-up room and hasn't come out

yet. Sit with me for a while."

"But I'm your future brother-in-law. We'll be misunderstood if we stay here alone," Fell explained, trying

to stay calm.

"Don't worry. A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe." With a bright smile, Alice stretched out her

hands boldly and wrapped them around his neck.

Fell felt a surge of blood pressure. He took a deep breath to calm down and said, "you should know I

like your sister."

"So what? I don't care." A sly smile appeared on Alice's face. Her lips pouted slightly, which looked like

cherry soaked in wine.

Fell swallowed hard.

"Damn it!" He cursed in his throat. He seemed to have realized something and a flame flashed through

his eyes. "Alice, did you drug the wine?" Was she crazy?

"Don't panic. It's just a note of spice." The smile on Alice's face was evil. Today she was going to

swallow the bait.

"What the hell are you doing?" Fell gritted his teeth and endured the physical discomfort.

"I like you, Fell. I fell in love with you at first sight."

"You... You used to be cute. " Said Fell, panting.

"You are wrong." Alice shook her head. "I'll show you soon. I'm the most charming now." Then she

stood on her toes and kissed him.


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