Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 636 Don't Be Willful Anymore

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When Zac opened the door and walked out, the smile on everyone's face disappeared, as if they were

blown away by a cold wind.

In particular, Essie changed her smile face immediately when she saw Zac.

Such an obvious change made Zac's internal organs twist into a ball.

With an expressionless face, Hanson's eyes swept across his face like the night wind. He turned to

Essie and smiled, "I'm leaving now."

Essie nodded, "Hanson, see you another day."

"Daddy Hanson, remember to celebrate your birthday together." Mili waved at him reluctantly.

"Okay." Hanson stroked her head lovingly. After say goodbye with Lucy and Bob, he got on the car.

The existence of Zac continued to be ignored. It was not until Hanson's car left her sight that she

turned to him and said, "let's go." She said lightly and held the children's hands.

"Essie, if you are not happy, come back. Don't hurt yourself." Lucy's voice came from behind. She said

that on purpose. Anyway, she didn't plan to keep this marriage for too long. If Mary continued to make

trouble after the baby was born, she would help her daughter to end this tragedy.

A muscle on Zac's handsome face twitched slightly. His mother-in-law's words were ruthless enough. It

seemed that after this matter, she denied him again, and their relationship returned to the freezing


Along the way, his face was gloomy and serious, and there was a fire burning in his chest.

But Essie turned a blind eye to it and kept her head out of the window.

After returning to the villa, he asked the nanny to take the children upstairs to sleep, and Essie also

went upstairs to her room. She didn't want to talk to him anymore. But he wouldn't let her go. He

pushed the door open.

His aura was so cold that the atmosphere in the room was almost negative.

"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." Sitting on the edge of the bed, Essie said coldly.

"Are you tired of playing or laughing?" He pinched the tip of her chin and forced her head to face him.

"I don't understand." She shook off his hand hard.

"Weren't you very happy when you were at your parents' house? Were you so excited to see your old

lover?" He gritted his teeth and the veins on his forehead were rolling.

"Hanson just came to see the children." She rolled her eyes at him and said lightly. She didn't want to

explain more.

"They are my children!" Anger was burning in Zac's eyes.

"Hanson is their daddy Hanson. They have lived in the United States with Hanson for three years, and

their relationship is not inferior to yours." She said rudely, as if she didn't want to explain and just let it

be. She didn't want to care about his feelings at all.

He took a deep breath, his chest heaving heavily like a fan, and even the air around him was fanned.

"Do you miss that period of time very much?"

"Yes." She said angrily, "That was the happiest time for me. There was no plot, no harm, no need to

face my enemies all day long, and no need to intrigue with anyone. If possible, I hope I will never come

back and don't face so many troubles. "

A tinge of pain swept across Zac's face. "Am I your trouble?"

"Yes. Since you took me back to Dragon City, my trouble has begun. I don't want to set foot in this

place for the rest of my life. For me, there is only hatred and pain here." A bitter smile appeared on her

face. "Your mother Mary is one of my enemies. You want me to treat her like a family member. It's a

torture for me. "

Zac sneered. He had never doubted what Mary had said. Mary said that Luce had hooked up with his

father and had an affair with him, which had destroyed their marriage. That was why she was resentful.

So, in his opinion, Luce was also wrong. His mother was also one of the victims.

That was one of the reasons why he chose to support Mary.

If Luce wanted apology from his mother, she should also apologize to his mother.

But he didn't say these words, because he didn't want to waste his time talking about the grudge

between their parents, which had been known by Essie. However, he didn't expect that what he knew

and what Essie knew were two completely different versions of the story.

"If you insist on hating my mommy, I have nothing to say. But I do believe reason comes before loyalty.

I won't be partial to you and Mommy."

Essie sneered. Obviously, he was on the side of Mary, far away from the word "justice".

"Different ways don't work together. Now you and I are not in the same boat. We can't be together

anymore. It's better to be apart for us for the time being."

"Do you want to get back together with Hanson?" Flames of forbearance flashed in Zac's eyes. He

wanted to kill Hanson at the thought of her smiling at him.

"Whatever you think." She turned her head away and didn't want to look at him or explain. She didn't

want to make any more efforts for this marriage. Just let it be. They could get together if they were

happy or break up if they didn't get along well.

"Essie, you have a bad memory. I have monopolized your whole life. Don't ever think about anything

else." Zac stressed every word.

"If my heart is gone, what you can force to stay is only a body." Essie raised her eyebrows coldly.

"Where is your heart? Has it returned to Hanson?" Zac's face was filled with cruelty.

"Broken." Essie said the word indifferently.

The corners of Zac's mouth twitched slightly. "Aren't you an immortal fighter? Why are you so fragile? "

"No matter how strong I am, I am made of meat." She walked to the window and opened it. The

atmosphere in the room was too low for her to breathe.

"Essie." He pulled her shoulders and said, "I know what happened to my mother-in-law has left a

shadow on you, but I tell you, I'm not Mr. Baron. We won't follow their steps. We just have different

opinions. I don't want my mommy to be sad, and I will never let you be wronged. I will try my best to

come up with a compromise to make everyone satisfied, okay? "

His tone softened, with helplessness and understanding. Essie looked up at him and said, "Mr. Baron

used to be the same. Every time my mother was troubled by Vicki, he would try to make her happy.

They were reconciled for the time being, but a few days later, Vicki would make trouble again. It was an

endlessly vicious circle. She never stopped until they exhausted all their feelings. So it's useless. Zac,

I've seen through it! "

"I'm the one who lives with you, not my mommy. If you are really like fire and water, then don't meet

each other except on festivals." Zac sighed heavily.

She pushed his hand away and walked back to the bed. "It's late. I'm going to bed. You can go back to

your room."

Before she finished speaking, Zac lifted her up and said, "go back to our room. Don't make any noise."

He had lost his patience. He had let her be willful for so many days, and even his rival in love had come

to him to fight back. He couldn't let her go. Whether she wanted to or not, she had to go back to their

room with him tonight.

"Let me go." She pounded him on the shoulder.

"Don't move, or you will hurt the baby." He warned in a low voice.

Hearing that, Essie immediately became quiet. In the past few days, because of her bad mood, the

baby seemed to have sensed it and often kicked in her belly, which made her look a little uneasy.

When they returned to their room, Zac gently put her on the bed, put one hand on her belly and rubbed

it. "You haven't talked to daddy for a few days. My baby must miss me very much."

Essie sighed and thought that the child must be a narrow-minded person. Every night, after Zac talked

to it on her stomach, it would sleep quietly without kicking or making any noise. In the past few days, it

didn't hear Zac's voice. Every once in a while, it would kick her belly, as if it was looking for its father

and didn't let her sleep well.

At this moment, every word Zac said, it would stretch out its little foot to kick her belly. It was excited to

hear daddy's voice again. After Zac finished the story, it was quiet, as if it had fallen asleep at ease.

For the sake of the baby, Essie didn't resist anymore. She lay down and closed her eyes.

"That's good, honey." Zac smiled with satisfaction.

On the second day, Essie received a call from Albert, hoping that she could go back home with Zac.

Since the allergic incident of Mary, Essie hadn't stepped into Rong Mansion. She hesitated when she

received the call from Albert. Essie didn't want to see Mary, because Mary wouldn't be nice to her.

Essie didn't want to see her Stinky Face.

But Albert called her in person and his tone was very sincere. She couldn't refuse, so she had to agree.

On the way back to Rong Mansion, Zac looked out of the window, with an implicit and intriguing look in

his eyes. "My mommy has had a hard time these days. Daddy's attitude towards mommy has changed

a lot, and he even slept in separate rooms with her..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Essie. "If you are worried that I will quarrel with

her, I can get off the car."

"I didn't mean that." Zac held her hand and said, "if my mother really did something wrong, she was

punished this time, and you should be less angry."

Essie's dark eyes twinkled. Albert was a wise man. Mary couldn't hide this trick of finding a scapegoat

from him. Now he had neglected Mary, which should be the best proof.

Thinking of this, she felt a little better.

"I know what I should do." She said in a low voice and looked outside without saying anything.

When they arrived at the house, Mary's face darkened as soon as she saw Essie. She had not had a

good day since the God of plague entered the house. Now she was even neglected by Albert because

of her. If she didn't teach Essie a good lesson, she couldn't vent her anger.

A cold light flashed through Essie's eyes, but she hid it quickly and didn't show it.


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