Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 776 The True Face Of The Goddess

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Essie poured two glasses of red wine and handed one glass to him. "You are such a smart person.

How can you not see that your father's love for your mother is like a political marriage. He has

responsibility and family affection, but there is not much love."

"Otherwise, how could she be jealous of mother-in-law?" Zac shrugged.

Taking a sip of wine, Essie said, "Daddy actually likes mommy. To be exact, he likes mommy before the

car accident. According to my mother, Mary was simple, kind, modest and generous before the car

accident. She loved father very much. Even if she knew that there was another person in his heart, she

was willing to pay without regret. She also accepted her rival in love with tolerance and became good

friends with her. But after the car accident, she changed into another person. As for what she looked

like, I don't need to describe it. So mommy destroyed her marriage with daddy. Her change made

daddy unable to sublimate his like of her into love. "

Zac fell into silence. He was only one year old before the car accident. It was impossible for him to

have the memory of Mary Since he could remember, Mary had been like this.

"Lookers on see more than players. You have a good understanding about daddy and mommy's

relationship, but you fail to see clear our relationship."

"That's because you are too scheming and cunning to be seen through," said Essie crossly He had her

in his heart, but he had never said the three words 'I love you' to her. Was it necessary to cherish words

like gold? Love needed to express it frankly. They had been married for a long time, but he still covered

up his love for her.

She heard from her mother that her father-in-law was very romantic when he was young. This guy

really didn't inherit this good gene from his father.

While she was thinking, Zac flicked her forehead and said, "Of course your eyes will be covered by a

lot of messy things in my mind."

How could she have all the messy things in her mind? She wrinkled her nose, leaned against the sofa

and pretended to be asleep, ignoring him. She didn't forget that they were still in a cold war?

When the air in the room gradually cooled down, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and found

it was Jade. Eva didn't want to be his ATM any more. He had to find a way to borrow money. Besides

Eva, the person who loved him the most was Essie. He believed that Essie was definitely willing to help


In the cafe, Essie ordered two cups of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and one for Jade. "Why are you

so free today to visit sis Essie?"

"My sister is driving me into a dead end. I have no choice but to come to you." Jade looked depressed.

With a sigh, Essie said, "Jade, it's your fault this time. No matter how desperate you are, you can't

borrow usury."

"I know I was wrong, but Essie, I have met a goddess recently. I like her very much. I just want to give

her the best thing. I only have two hundred dollars left. I don't even have enough money to buy her a

cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Can you lend me a car and some more money? I will pay you

back when I work in the future," Jade pleaded.

Essie looked at him. Although Eva had called her and Vinton and asked them not to borrow car and

money to Jade. But judging from his anxious look, if she didn't borrow it, he would definitely think of

other ways. It would be terrible if he made a bigger mess.

"Jade, I can lend you money and car, but on one condition," she said in a low voice.

"Essie, I can promise you anything." Jade smiled. He knew that Essie loved him the most. When he

was a child, his family was poor, and Essie bought him snacks and toys.

"I want to see your goddess. If I think she is worth it, I will lend you one million and my Porsche," Essie


Jade scratched his head with embarrassment on his face, "Essie, well... Janny said that she couldn't

see my family before we officially settled down. I also swore to her that she wouldn't forgive me if I

broke my promise. "

Hearing this, a hint of dizziness floated out of Essie's eyes. "Jade, how about this? You take her to the

French restaurant in the Century Square this afternoon. I'll find a hidden place to sit down and secretly

have a look. She won't know. Even if she finds out, I'll say it's a coincidence and has nothing to do with

you. "

"Okay." Jade nodded. There was nothing he couldn't do since he had money and a sports car. Anyway,

he would introduce Janny to them sooner or later.

After that, Essie went to the bank and withdrew five thousand dollars as dinner fees for Jade. After he

left, she called Eva out.

As soon as she heard that she agreed to lend the car and money to Jade, Eva touched her forehead

and fainted, "You are so soft-hearted, aren't you? He begged you for a few words, and you wavered?"

"Eva, listen to me. I have thought it over carefully. The crux of this time is not Jade, but his so-called

goddess. In the past, no matter how naughty Jade was, he wouldn't do anything particularly

outrageous. I was worried that the woman was a liar. She bewitched Jade and made him lose his mind.

Nowadays, there are many ways for a female liar to act like a spoiled child to coax men. Jade is

inexperienced and is easy to be deceived. "

"Essie, you are smarter than me. You can always find the crux of the problem. I think that bitch is a liar.

She asked for two million Hermes from the beginning. Obviously, she was cheating. " Eva was furious.

"In the evening, I'll go to have a look and find out the origin of this woman. Then I'll think of a solution,"

Essie said.

Eva nodded.

In the afternoon, Essie came to the French restaurant very early. She asked the lobby manager to

arrange a seat behind the screen for her. Then she also told him to reserve the nearest seat to Jade.

So that it was convenience for her to peep. She was SVIP and the lobby manager would do as she


At six o'clock, Jade came with Janet.

Essie recognized her at the first sight and was so scared that her chin almost dropped.

Jade's goddess was actually Janet, that psycho!

Could it be that she shifted her target to Jade and used Jade to take revenge on Eva after her previous

plan failed?

Since they knew each other, they didn't have to play mystery. They just wanted to have a big

showdown. She quickly sent a message to Eva, asking him to come over. Then she stood up and

walked to Jade and Janet.

"Ah, Jade, what a coincidence! Are you having dinner here too?" She pretended to be shocked.

"It's you, Sis Essie. Why are you here?" Jade also pretended to be surprised in case of being exposed.

"I went shopping. I was hungry, so I came here to eat something," Essie said indifferently.

Janet looked at Essie and soon recognized that she was Jim's once rumored girlfriend, the

young hostess of the Rong family and a best friend of Eva. She had been paying close attention to Jim.

She didn't miss anything about his rumors.

If she was hit by Essie, it would mean that she exposed ahead of schedule.

A hint of malicious coldness flashed through her eyes.

"Essie, let me introduce to you. This is Janny, my girlfriend," Jade said.

"Her name is Janet Wang, not Janny," Essie said in a low voice.

Jade was slightly shocked, "Do you know each other?"

Essie didn't answer. This was the hall, and there were still many guests who came to have dinner, so it

was not appropriate to talk about private affairs. She called the lobby manager and opened a VIP room

for them. She also asked several bodyguards to guard inside and outside. Eva said that Janet was

more skillful than her and she didn't want her to have a chance to sneak attack.

No wonder she was the young hostess of the Rong family. She was so powerful. Janet snorted in her

heart. She knew that Essie was a weak woman, but she was not stupid enough to hurt her. Then Zac,

the big boss, would get involved and ruined her plan. She was going to deal with Eva.

She pretended to be timid and leaned against Jade, "Jade, who is this sister to you? Janny is a little

scared? "

"It's okay. She is my sister. She treats me much better than my sister," Jade said.

Essie sneered and thought, 'Who can't act?' She smiled gently at them and said, "You must be hungry.

Let's eat first. I made a call to your sister and she'll be here soon. Let's wait while eating."

Jade was shocked, "Why did you call my sister?"

"Your girlfriend and your sister are very close. Since we are all acquaintances, isn't it good to meet

each other?" Essie smiled.

Janet's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of cruelty flitted across her face. They were going to

reveal her past in front of Jade, but she didn't care. Jade had been completely controlled by her, and

she could do whatever she wanted.

Jade looked at her in astonishment, "Janet, do you know my sister? Are you her fan? "

"I always like sis Eva's movies." Janet looked innocent and harmless.

With a mocking smile, Essie said, "Jade, you two should know everything when you are dating. It

seems that you don't know the person besides you at all. Let me tell you something." She paused for a

moment, took a sip of champagne and continued, "Do you still remember the crazy woman who

warned your sister to harass and even killed her in the middle of the lake island who called herself

Bloody Mary?"

"How could I not remember? Wasn't she arrested and locked up in a psychiatric hospital?" Jade


"If she is locked up, how can she become your goddess?" Essie said slowly.

Jade's body convulsed violently. "Sis Essie, what are you talking about? What does it have to do with

Janny? "

When he was confused, Eva pushed the door open and rushed in angrily. As soon as she heard that

Jade's girlfriend was Janet, she had an impulse to kill her.

"Janet, you psycho. How dare you to target my brother? I will arrest you and put you in a psychiatric

hospital today. Or I will change my surname."

Seeing her rushing over angrily, Janet deliberately showed a terrified expression and hid behind Jade.

"Jade, help me. I'm scared!"

Jade stood up and stood in front of Eva, "Sister, Janny is my girlfriend. I don't allow you to hurt


"Janet, you psycho. How dare you to target my brother? | will arrest you and put you in a psychiatric

hospital today. Or | will change my surname."

Seeing her rushing over angrily, Janet deliberately showed a terrified expression and hid behind Jade.

"Jade, help me. I'm scared!"

Jade stood up and stood in front of Eva, "Sister, Janny is my girlfriend. | don't allow you to hurt



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