Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 243 No Misfortune If You Did Not Ask For It (Part Two)

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When she walked to the center, she heard the crack of the rope on her feet. She was scared to death.

She squatted down and tightly grasped the ropes on both sides. She screamed, "Help! The rope is

breaking --"

But she didn't know that the rope on both side was cut too. With a 'snap' sound, the hanging bridge

was completely cut off. Melanie in her screams was like free fall, and fell heavily on the air cushion.

The staff rushed around her and asked about her condition.

Because of the buffer effect of air cushion, her body was intact, but the refitted part was miserable.

Her chin where she had the plastic surgery, was broken.

The staff called an ambulance and sent her to the hospital.

Eva rubbed her chin. "She was so scared just now. Did she know that the rope would break?"

"Maybe she went through the time machine here yesterday." Essie sneered again.

Melanie stayed in hospital for a few days, thinking that things had gone by this way. However, one day

when she woke up in the middle of the night, she found that she had been taken to an empty room.

In front of her were two masked men in black.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" she asked in horror.

"Do you know David of the special skill group?" A man in black took out a picture and put it in front of

her. The picture was like the picture of a horror movie, which was extremely horrible.

Melanie covered her eyes and screamed in horror: "No, I don't know this man."

"But he knows you. He told everything about you hired him to do." The men in black snorted. Melanie

was trembling, "Let me go. How much money do you want? I'll give it to you."

The man in black sneered, "Don't worry. You can leave after I award you a meal."

Another man brought a plate in which there were water cockroaches, giant green caterpillars and

creeping earthworms.

"You can leave after eating."

Melanie vomited and shook her head, "No, I don't want to eat! I can't eat!" Before she could scream

out, a bottle of sulfuric acid was put heavily on the table. "If you don't eat it, I will pour what's in the

bottle from your head. By that time, even your mother will not recognize you."

Melanie's eyes turned pale and she almost passed out.

On the other side of Hengdian, in a luxurious villa, the lights were soft and sweet.

Sitting on the crocodile skin sofa with a glass of champagne in each of his hands, Jim and Zac were

casually watching the video on the big LCD screen.

The woman kept crying and spitting out the creeping bug.

"I've shot with so many movies, and I've watched so many of them. This is my favorite plot," Jim said

slowly as he squinted his beautiful eyes.

Taking a sip of the champagne, Zac's mouth curved into a charming arc. "You can move it to the big

screen. On the publicity poster, it says: Don't eat water before watching the video, lest it pollute the


"Good idea." Jim snapped his fingers in the air and took a sip of champagne, and then said, "It is such

a wonderful show. Beauty Yi and little pepper are not here to watch. There's some imperfection in it."

"Girls are usually timid. It's not good to be scared." Zac shrugged. He didn't want his wife to watch too

'violent' pictures.

"It makes sense if beauty Yi is timid. Pepper is a manly girl, she herself could be a scary movie. She is

the one who scare other people, nothing can intimidate her." A mocking smile tugged at the corners of

Jim's mouth.

"You are wrong. My wife is a hand in a velvet glove, while Eva is soft in her heart but tough on her

appearance. On the contrary, she is more fragile in heart. Eva's tough appearance is only her

protection shield. She must be a woman who has no sense of security," Zac said slowly.

Taking a sip of champagne, Jim said with a sly smile, "How do you know women better than I do?"

"Although there is only one woman in my world, I'm deeply looking at her with my whole heart. And you

can't read her heart only look at her by your sense organ," said Zac, whose deep eyes flickered in the


"I have dated such kind of woman before, but I was wrong in the end," Jim sighed

Zac knew that there was a thorn in his heart being touched. He said nothing but pat him on the

shoulder to comfort him.

On the LED screen, Melanie had finished her meal and vomited heavily, falling into a coma.

In the next few days, the netizens would dig into her background and expose her past before she

became famous. Fans from all walks of life would blame her for that.

The crew of 'War Emperor' announced that the second heroine should be replaced by Zoe.

People in their circle knew that Melanie was screwed and she would be banned forever, and she would

never get a chance to rise again. As the saying goes, "Do ever asked for misfortune by your


In the Xu family's manor, after watching the news, Elizabeth was extremely disappointed.

She let out news about Essie hooked up with Jim, and help Eva to get the leading heroine, in order to

stimulate Melanie and Wendy's hatred. So that she could take advantage of their sabers to get rid of

Essie. She didn't expect that the saber was so weak that it was cut off in a few seconds.

"Mommy, that bitch is so lucky. She always got out of the way." Valery was furious.

"Don't worry. There are plenty of chances. She can't just get away with it every single time." Elizabeth

snorted coldly. Her eyes looked particularly weird, as if she had come up with a more vicious idea.


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