Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 607 The Sunset Love

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"Absolutely not. I went back to get my iPad yesterday. At the gate of the community, I saw my mother

and a man get on a Maybach landaulet. It was a car worth tens of millions. That man must be very

rich." He swallowed and said, "After mom came back, I stole her phone and found that she had the

same number every day. I also overheard that they were going to attend a concert at the Harbor Grand

Theatre tonight."

"What does that man look like?"

"He is tall, big and handsome. He looks extraordinary. He must not be an ordinary person."

Eva searched all the possible people in her memory, but didn't find any suitable clues.

When did her mother know such a person?

She hadn't been to Dragon City for a long time. Did she know each other in the dessert shop?

Nowadays, there were many liars, and there were more liars in love. Her mother was simple and kind,

and she couldn't be deceived.

At dusk, the Maybach landaulet described by Jade appeared in front of them, followed by a Hummer in

both front and back. After a while, Percy came out and got on the car. Eva took her brother to her

Cadillac and followed him.

The Maybach and Hummer stopped at the gate of the most luxurious Scenery Sea Food Restaurant in

Dragon City. Four tall and strong young men in black jacket got out of the car first. It seemed that they

were bodyguards. Seeing that they looked at the Cadillac, the sister and brother quickly lowered their


The door of the Maybach was opened. Percy walked out with a tall middle-aged man and entered the

restaurant side by side.

After half a minute, the sister and brother got out of the car. Before they could get close to the door of

the restaurant, they were stopped by two young men coming out.

The bodyguards were not weak. They began to pay attention to them on the way.

"My boss wants to see you two!"

"Okay, we also want to see him." Eva shrugged her shoulders calmly and winked at his brother. The

two walked up with the bodyguards.

There was no guest in the restaurant. Obviously, the big shot booked the whole night.

Jade rolled up his sleeves as he walked, ready for a fierce battle to protect his mother at any time.

Eva was very calm. After all, she was a black belt of judo, and she could deal with several bodyguards.

In the deluxe private room, Jonson had ordered all the dishes that were Percy's favorite. Although more

than 20 years had passed, he still remembered her taste and habits clearly.

He had asked someone to inquire about her condition. He just wanted to know how she was doing. He

didn't expect that she had suffered so much, which made him feel sorry for her.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. The bodyguard came in and gave him a look. He nodded

slightly, and after he left, he turned to Percy. "Percy, sit down for a while. I'm going to the bathroom."

He stood up and walked out. Following the bodyguards to the private room at the end of the corridor,

he pushed the door open and saw the sister and brother sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

He was slightly shocked, and his sharp eyes softened.

"It's you!" He strode over with a gentle smile on his face. He looked at his sister and then at his brother

and said with a smile, "You are Eva and you are Jade, right?"

"My sister is a big star. Did you see her on TV?" Jade stared at him angrily, as if he was a bad guy who

wanted to steal his mother.

"Your mother often mentions you," Jonson replied with a smile.

"You and my mother are..." Eva asked haltingly.

The smile on Jonson's face deepened. "Your mother and I are old friends. We have separated for many

years. I didn't expect to see each other again."

When they were talking, Eva was silent and looked at him carefully. She knew all her mother's friends

in Jiang City. This person was very strange and she had never seen him before.

"Uncle, when did you know my mother?" She was a little curious.

"We knew each other before you were born. At that time, your mother was still in Dragon City." Jonson

smiled kindly.

"You know each other in Dragon City?" Eva was shocked. Her mother had never mentioned anything

about her in Dragon City. If it was not her birthday last time. She didn't know that she had lived in

Dragon City.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later." Jonson smiled, "Now, I'll take you to see her and have dinner with


In the private room, when Percy saw the two children, she was really shocked. She rubbed her hands

and felt a little shy, embarrassed and at a loss.

The air was frozen for a moment, and then it was broken by the voice of Eva.

"I happened to have a day off today, so I brought Jade here for dinner. I didn't expect to be seen by

uncle, so he took us here." She smiled, "Mom, you and uncle are good friends. You should have told us


"That's right. It could save sister and I to worry about you," Jade whispered to himself. When Eva hit

him with her elbow, he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

The atmosphere at dinner was very harmonious. The sister and brother talked and laughed with

Jonson, which made Percy feel a little relieved.

After that, Jonson proposed to go to the concert together, but Eva said that she and her brother had

made arrangement, "Uncle, please take care of my mother." She giggled and left with her brother.

Looking at the receding figures of the two, Jonson couldn't help but laugh. "Your daughter is so cute. I

like her so much."

Percy turned to look at him with a strange look in her eyes for a moment. "Eva has been very obedient

and sensible since she was a child. She has never let me worry about her."

When they got into the car, he suddenly held her hand. "You have been worried about the children.

Now they have handed you over to me. Shouldn't you let go of this worry?"

"Jonson..." She took a step back and felt sad. "I'm old and ugly. You should find a young and beautiful


"No matter what you look like, you are always the most beautiful woman in my eyes." His eyes were full

of affection, and his voice was as gentle as the night wind. He tightened his hand and said, "Percy, we

have missed more than half of our lives. Don't miss it again."

She lowered her eyes, and a crystal tear dripped down from the gap of her eyelashes.

God seemed to like joking with them. They met and brushed past each other again and again.

He wiped away the tears on her face and held her in his arms. After a long time, he said in a low voice,

"My wife passed away five years ago. It's said that the most beautiful thing in the world is only the

sunset. My life is finally complete when I meet you again."

She nodded gently and buried her head in his chest. Such warmth and happiness had been away from

her for a long time.

Outside the restaurant, Eva and her brother had entered the car.

Sitting in front of the steering wheel, Eva grinned from ear to ear. "That uncle must be mother's old

lover, Jade. We are going to have a new father."

"He is a rich father. Good, good, one hundred times stronger than that York." Jade chuckled and then

changed his tone, "Sister, there is one thing I can't figure out. Since mother knew such a rich boyfriend,

how can she marry a bad man like York?"

"I don't know." Eva shrugged. Life was unpredictable. Not all lovers could get married. She sighed in a

low voice. The more she thought about her future with Vinton, the more desperate she felt. Elizabeth

wanted to try every means to separate them. Now, the Fang family was getting in the way. She could

see no hope in it.

"After that bastard, York left, mother had been lonely for most of her life. It's time for a man to love her

well," she said slowly.

"As long as mom is happy and he is good to her, I have no objection," Jade said with a smile. His sister

was a big star, and his brother-in-law was a young man from a rich family. Now he had a rich man to be

his stepfather. In the future, he had the confidence to compete with others.

After sending her brother home, she drove to the midnight club. Wendy came here almost every Friday.

After she went in, she looked around and soon found her.

Wendy's smiling face darkened when she saw Eva.

"The threshold of the midnight club is getting lower and lower. People from all walks of life are allowed

to come in," she said sarcastically.

"Isn't the daughter of the upstart also allowed to enter?" Eva retorted.

Wendy knew that she was talking about herself, and her face turned blue and white. "Even a nouveau

riche is better than a sparrow flying out of the slum."

Eva sneered and looked at her with sympathy. Today she came specially for her.

"Wendy, do you still think you are Vinton's fiancee and the future wife of the crown prince of the Xu


"Of course I am. You can't replace me. As long as my aunt is here, you can't enter the Xu family."

Wendy spat on the ground.

Eva laughed, "It seems that you really don't know anything at all. Elizabeth has already abandoned you

and found another woman for Vinton."

Her words were like a hurricane, stirring up a storm in Wendy's heart. "Eva, what do you mean? Make

it clear to me!"

"Vinton doesn't like you at all. How can Elizabeth still support you? Of course, she is enthusiastic in it.

And she had her plan B, and the more backup, the better. As long as the girl could win Vinton's favor,

she will support her," Eva said slowly.

A muscle on Wendy's face twitched violently. She didn't believe that Elizabeth would change her. She

had promised her in person that she would help her marry Vinton.

"Eva, don't try to sow dissension between me and my aunt!" Wendy snorted.

"Wendy, don't you want to know who has replaced you?" Eva took a sip of wine unhurriedly.

"Who?" Wendy squeezed a word through her teeth. She didn't believe that someone could replace her

at all.

"Your cousin Shelly," Eva said slowly.

"No way!" Wendy sneered and thought, 'Shelly is my follower. How could she replace me?'

Eva sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and looked at her slowly. "Your father is the brother of Elizabeth's

sister-in-law, and her mother is the sister of Elizabeth's sister-in-law. You are the same as her in

Elizabeth's eyes."

A muscle on Wendy's face twitched violently. She didn't believe that Elizabeth would change her. She

had promised her in person that she would help her marry Vinton.

"Eva, don't try to sow dissension between me and my aunt!" Wendy snorted.

"Wendy, don't you want to know who has replaced you?" Eva took a sip of wine unhurriedly.

"Who?" Wendy squeezed a word through her teeth. She didn't believe that someone could replace her

at all.

"Your cousin Shelly," Eva said slowly.

"No way!" Wendy sneered and thought, 'Shelly is my follower. How could she replace me?’

Eva sat on the sofa, crossed her legs and looked at her slowly. "Your father is the brother of Elizabeth's

sister-in-law, and her mother is the sister of Elizabeth's sister-in-law. You are the same as her in

Elizabeth's eyes."


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