Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 481 Why Don't You Try To Coax Me (Part Two)

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Essie bit her lips, and the expression on her face was very complicated, as if she was struggling in her

heart. After a long while, she opened her mouth in a low voice, "I... "I am not." Her voice was weak, as

if just struggling had taken all her strength.

A hint of sorrow flashed in his eyes. "Can't you say something that makes me happy?"

"I don't want to lie to you." She lowered her head, her thick eyelashes casting a mournful shadow on

her eyelids.

A bitter smile played at the corners of his mouth. It seemed that until now, Hanson was still more

important in her heart than him. "Isn't your characteristic known as duplicity? How can he be so honest

now? "

"Because I decided to correct this defect." Her voice was as light as breathing, but it was enough to set

off a wave of anger in his heart.

"Do you have any other choice?" He tightened his grip abruptly. She was almost choked by his tight

grip. He wouldn't give her any way out. The only thing she could get out of was destroy, together with


"I am free," she said in a low and firm voice, with a fearless resistance.

"Your freedom is only within my permission," he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't forget that we have nothing to do with each other now. It's none of your business." She was a

little angry. He was already married. Why should he still imprison her? She was not his puppet, and she

would never be his puppet either.

"Essie Yi, since we met at the True Color Bar, you can't get rid of me!" He said every word with an

extremely cold tone.

Coldness spread from her back. "You are wrong, I can die. If I die, I can get rid of you! If you want me

to be your mistress for a lifetime, I would rather end my life earlier than be manipulated by you! " Her

voice trembled, filled with sorrow, despair and anger.

"Your life is also mine! If you want to die, I'll die with you. You'll never be able to escape from me! " His

words were so shocking and destructive that like a bomb exploded, it could destroy anything within a

hundred miles.

Her face was as pale as a white lamb under a lion's paw. She felt that she was like a lamb under a

lion's paw, and there was no chance of survival except being bitten by him.

"What do you think I am?" She was too weak to make any sound. But he heard her faintly since he was

so close to her, "You are my woman. Keep it in mind!" He was like a tyrant who was reciting the law

and death would be the sentence to the one who acted against him.

She felt a little dizzy, as if she had been stimulated greatly. "When I am old and ugly, it will be hard for

you to image that you will still want me. You will definitely leave me behind and go to find young


"You can't be submitted even though you are young. It doesn't matter if you change old." He changed

his tone to a touch of tease.

"I will get ugly if I get old." She pouted. She didn't believe that he would still want her if she got ugly.

"I already have a good looking face, and you don't need it. It doesn't matter if you look beautiful or not."

Drawing a slight smile on his charming face.

"As you said, I don't need to be a smart girl as long as you're smart, I can be dumb and silly." She

glanced at him shyly. He was perfect enough for her to be a good for nothing woman according to this


"Haven't you always been dumb and silly?" He flicked her forehead.

"I'm not the one who have great wisdom yet play to be dumb." She wrinkled her nose to show her


"You're right. It's just that you get ninety-nine percent of being dumb and one percent of being wise." He

looked at her with loving eyes, as if he liked her silly appearance.

She got close to him and took a slight bite on his high nose. "Anyway, you can compensate my clumsy

part. It doesn't matter."

"So you can't live without me." He lowered his head and pecked her lips lightly. 'As long as I can keep

her by my side, I will surely win her heart.'

"That's wrong!" She swayed her slender fingers to the left and right. "No matter who is missing, the

earth will still rotate. No one can't live without another." Even if what he said was true and she could not

live without him, she would never admit it.

"There is one earth outside, and so is the earth in our heart. We live by our hearts. If the earth in our

hearts stops rotating, we're just like a walking corpse," h said implicit. The earth in his heart was her.

Only when she existed and spun could he feel the meaning of life.

She lowered her head. She was not the earth, but the moon. She was caught by his gravitational force

and would be around him for the rest of her life. She would be destroyed if she left him.

"Zac, we are a disaster to each other."

"The death tribulation can only be resolved at the moment of death." His voice was with a kind of

bewitching power, as if to bewitch her to accept fate, and not to struggle in vain.

She smiled sadly. Maybe, he was a demon. There were ways to make her surrender. As long as he did

not let her go, what else could she do?

At the door of the toy room, a pair of ferocious eyes were staring at them, with both anger and hatred in

her eyes.


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