Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 564 Fight For The Beauty

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"He is Zac's brother."

"Wow, the gene of Rong family is so good. Zac is amazing, and his brother is extremely beautiful. It's

really enviable." Finney rolled her eyes and stood up all of a sudden. "Since he is a relative, why don't

we go and say hello?"

After hesitating for a while, Essie stood up.

At the sight of Essie, Walt was a little surprised. "Little pineapple, why are you here? Are you with

Zac?" He asked.

"No. my cousin wanted to come here, so I brought her here." Said Essie with a smile.

"Hi, my name is Finney." Finney introduced herself in a hurry.

"Hello." He nodded slightly as a greeting.

"Can we sit down?" Asked Finney with a smile.

"Of course." Walt nodded.

Finney quickly took her sister's hand and sat down, fearing that Walt would change his mind. A waiter

brought them two glasses of cocktail. She took a sip while peeping at Walt.

The young master of the Rong family looked extremely handsome from a distance, and even more

perfect from a close look. She was like a young girl in love, with her heart beating wildly.

Unfortunately, Walt didn't notice her. His eyes were completely fixed on Essie. Essie was the only

woman in the world who could attract him.

Taking a look at the wine at his hand, Essie asked in a low voice, "brother, are you in a bad mood


A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he wanted to smile, but it disappeared

before it took shape. "No, I am just a little bored." He said in a low voice.

"If we come here to keep you company, you won't be bored." Said Finney.

Walt didn't seem to hear what she said. He looked at Essie and asked indifferently, "where is Zac? Isn't

he with you at home?"

"He has an appointment tonight." Replied Essie indifferently.

"I thought you had a fight." Walt said half-jokingly. To be honest, he really hoped that they could quarrel.

The more they loved each other, the more painful his heart was and the deeper his jealousy was.

Before Essie could say anything, she was interrupted by Finney, "don't worry. Your brother treats my

sister very well. They won't quarrel."

"That's good." A hint of unnoticeable bitterness flashed across his face.

Finney flipped her hair near her ear and found that Walt didn't seem to be interested in her. She

decided to be active and bold, so she asked, "Mr. Walt, do you have a girlfriend?"

Walt's eyes finally shifted to her, but only a short, faint glance, "No." He said lightly.

"Then... Is there anyone you like? "

Walt didn't respond. He looked up at Essie. Of course there was, but she had become his sister-in-law.

While he was silent, Essie's phone rang. It was from Zac. He had just finished his social engagements

and learned that she was in the Midnight Club, so he drove directly to pick her up.

Seeing her leave, a malicious and cold light flashed through Walt's eyes. The little sun should be his.

Why should she be taken away by Zac?

In the Lamborghini, Zac looked a little gloomy, as if he was dissatisfied with his wife going to the club

alone. "I'm not here for only one night. Are you lonely?"

"What are you talking about? It's Finney. I was worried about her, so I went with her." Essie glared at


Zac stretched out his iron arm and held her in his arms. "You are not allowed to go there alone

anymore." His tone was very strong, as if he was giving orders.

"Got it." Essie pouted.

"Good girl." Zac stroked her head and was very satisfied with her obedience. "The wedding has

entered the countdown. We have to spare some time to prepare for it."

A charming light flashed through her eyes. "I've already made the wedding dress. I'll try it on tomorrow,


"Okay." Zac nodded slightly. He believed that she would be the most beautiful bride in the world.

The next day, in the Blue Coast.

When Essie went downstairs.

Zac's eyes froze.

The white wedding dress was like cloud flying out of an empty valley. Petals were all over the hemline

of the dress, and each petal was decorated with a diamond symbolizing loyalty to love, and there were

tassels made of small diamonds on her shoulders.

The woman in the wedding dress was extremely beautiful, like an angel who had entered the mortal

world. Every part on the wedding dress were sewed by herself, condensing all her happiness and love.

"You are so beautiful." Zac held her hand and kissed it gently.

Essie smiled sweetly, with two dimples on her cheeks.

She was really happy that she was finally going to enter the sacred wedding hall with her beloved one.

Alice took out her phone and took a few photos. She believed that someone must be interested in

these photos.

After leaving the Blue Coast, she went straight to Walt's apartment.

At this time, Walt went downstairs and was about to drive to the company.

"How about giving me a ride?" Said Alice.

Walt looked at her in surprise. He didn't know her well before, but why did she come here today?

"Miss Alice, what are you doing here?"

"I won't come here if I have nothing to do." Then she opened the door and got in.

Walt glanced at her helplessly and started the engine.

At the riverside road.

The sun was smashed into pieces by the rolling waves, turning into golden spots that rippled with the

waves, like butterflies that were about to fly.

Alice stared at the river thoughtfully, and the golden waves surged in her black eyes. When the car

stopped at a crossroad waiting for the traffic light, she took out her phone and handed the photo to


"Is my sister beautiful in a wedding dress?"

Zac trembled violently, with an uncontrollable pain in his heart. He almost forgot that it would soon be

her wedding with Zac.

"No matter what she wears, she is beautiful." He forced a smile.

"Do you think my sister will be happy with your brother?" Still looking at the river, there was a hint of

carelessness in her tone, as if she was just asking about the weather outside the window.

Shrugging his shoulders, Walt didn't answer.

A breeze, mixed with a slight autumn coolness, blew from the distant forest.

The light in his eyes completely disappeared, as if it had been blown away by the wind. His eyes

became extremely dim.

Turning her head to look at him, Alice asked with a meaningful look, "do you really want my sister to

marry your brother?" Her understatement aroused the deepest pain in his heart.

"What do you mean?" An indescribable look flashed across his eyes. He tried his best to keep his voice

calm, as if he was trying to hide something.

"Mr. Walt, do you need me to make it clear?"

Walt slowed down the car unconsciously, and his two thick eyebrows frowned. "I don't understand what

you mean."

"You understand." "You like my sister, don't you?"

The corners of Walt's mouth twitched violently. "Are you thinking too much?" He had never told anyone

about this except Zac and Mary. How did this woman know?

Lifting her hair that was disheveled by the wind in front of her forehead, Alice said, "I have always been

a sharp observer. From the way you looked at my sister at the ball last time, I knew that you had a

crush on her."

Walt still looked calm, but there was a malicious look in his eyes. "You are wrong."

"If I were you, I wouldn't give up. Even if there was only a chance, I would fight for it. In fact, my sister

doesn't like Zac very much. They have endless quarrels when they are together. "

Walt frowned, "if she doesn't like my brother, how could she marry him?"

"She just want Mili and Dot to have a complete family. Women were all like this. Once they had

children, they would have shackles. If she has a baby with you, she will also take you seriously. " Said

Alice slowly and lightly.

A glimmer of light flashed through Walt's eyes. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course, I'm her sister. She will tell me everything in her heart." With a serious look, Alice was afraid

that Walt wouldn't believe her.

"Do you think I have a chance?" Walt asked in a low voice.

"You are not worse than Zac. Why not?" Said Alice in a firm tone.

Walt also thought so. The only thing he lost to Zac was luck.

He was the eldest grandson and should inherit the family business, but his grandparents had to appoint


He knew Essie before Zac, but God made her meet Zac and let her become Zac's wife.

Since he was here, why was Zac here to compete with him?

From the very beginning, his mother shouldn't have been pregnant with a brother like Zac.

Without him, both Rong family and Essie would belong to him!

Seeing the expression on his face, Alice knew that he had been persuaded by her. A weird smile

appeared on the corner of her mouth.

When the car arrived at the next intersection, she said in a low voice, "stop here. I should get off."

After she got out of the car, he drove away.

Looking at the disappearing Bugatti, Alice sneered and took out her phone. "Boss, I have completed

the task. I believe that he will come to you soon."

Instead of going to the company, Walt went straight to a secluded residence in the suburb of Dragon


When the masked man in black saw him, his eyes lit up. "You're finally here."

"I want to see your boss." Said Walt.

"Boss is not in Dragon City, but you can talk to him on the phone." The masked man took out a satellite

phone from his pocket, dialed the number and handed it to him.

A hoarse voice came through the phone, "you've thought it through. Are you willing to join me?"

"You should know what I want." Said Walt, gritting his teeth.

"Don't worry. I will send this woman to you soon." The man on the other side of the phone laughed. His

laughter was like a ghost, cold, horrible and frightening.

Walt knew clearly that he was making a deal with the devil, but he would fight for his little sun.


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