Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 400 Be Used (Part One)

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The expression on Essie's face darkened, and it was completely out of her expectation. It was not

because that Kent had taken the money from a certain person, but because that she had wanted to

take revenge for her sister. No wonder Essie couldn't find such a large amount of money in Kent's


Kent stared at Landis, with hatred filled in her eyes. But she did not speak, as if she did not want to

reveal the identity of witnesses.

Landis bent down and stared at her. She didn't look guilty at all, without blinking her eyes. "I can swear

to God, I have nothing to do with what happened with Caroline. If I push her down, I will be struck by

lightning and will die in my boots." Landis stressed each word, as if she was not afraid of retribution at


Kent sneered, "people like you can do anything. You are jealous that my sister got the role, so you want

to kill her and replace her."

"Am I jealous of her?" Landis sneered. "Why should I be jealous of her? She didn't get the role by


"Nonsense! Don't ever think of slandering my sister!" Kent spat on the ground.

Landis walked to a chair nearby and sat down, crossing her legs. Then she took out a cigarette and a

lighter from her pocket. She lit a cigarette and took a puff. "Now that you mentioned what happened

back then, I will tell you what happened between me and Caroline."

Hearing this, Essie got seated too. Out of little gossip, she was also curious about how Caroline die.

"Caroline and I are not only classmates, but also roommates. We are just like sisters and we are so

close that we have no secrets with each other. It was when we were in the second year of the college,

the War Emperor started audition. We thought it was a good opportunity for us, so we sign up together.

We are full of hopes and confidence. We are looking forward to become famous just like senior Nicole.

We have promised that we won't affect our friendship because of the competition. No matter who gets

the role, we will be happy and bless for her. "

After taking a pause and taking a puff, she blew out a smoke ring slowly from her mouth. The smoke

curled around, as if it wanted to hide the secret deep in her heart.

"At the end of the initial exam, both of us lost the election. We thought we couldn't have a chance

anymore, but then we were recruited again because of Melanie's incident. Unfortunately, there is only

one character. We have tried our best to get it. When I attended an audition, I performed better than

Caroline. As a result, the crew decided to let me go to the company and sign the contract the second

day. "

"How could it be possible? The crew selected my sister, not you." Kent interrupted her and thought she

was deliberately slandering his sister.

"It's not too late to hear her out." Essie interrupted Kent.

Kent stopped talking. Landis swallowed and continued, "when we were in the audition, there was an

investor. He was a bald and ugly old man. He looked at me with saliva. I feel sick whenever I think

about it. When I came out, he followed me and gave me a room card. I know he is an investor and dare

not to offend him. So I have to take it. When I went back, I told Caroline about it and threw the room

card into the trash can in front of her. But I didn't expect that after I left, Caroline picked up the room

card and went to the hotel for me. "

"You are talking nonsense. My sister won't do such a thing." Kent couldn't believe that his sister got the

role by trading with a hidden rule.

Essie believed Landis didn't tell lies. It was very common in the entertainment circle.

Landis ignored Kent and continued, "when I decided to sign the contract the next day, I was informed

that I was changed. They signed the contract with Caroline. The investor was there too. He wanted to

teach me a lesson, so he told me that Caroline would attend the date. I couldn't believe that my best

friends betrayed me. In the evening, I took her to the roof of my apartment. We had a lot of wine and

fought with each other in a loud voice. At last, all of us were angry and jumped on the concrete

guardrail. As a result, she lost her balance all of a sudden and fell down. "

"That person didn't say that. She said you pushed my sister down." Kent said excitedly.

Essie stood up, walked up to her and untied the rope for her and asked, "do you have any evidence

about that person?"

"That person said he saw it with his own eyes." Kent said.

"Why don't you tell us who the man is first? Only in this way can we know if he is telling the truth. " Said

Essie in a low voice.

After a moment's silence, Kent said slowly, "actually, I don't know who he is. Two weeks ago, I added a

stranger to my QQ account. He said he knew the truth of my sister's death. He told me that he was

there when my sister died and saw Landis pushing her down. "

"Now that he saw it, why didn't he call the police? Why didn't he stand out and testify against Landis?"

Hearing that, Essie frowned. She felt that there must be something wrong with that man.

"He said he was afraid of being revenged by Landis." Kent said in a low voice.

"Bullshit!" Landis was so angry that the cigarette fell to the ground and said, "you were once a college

student and a psycho just played a few words on QQ and you believed it. At that time, we have locked

the door of the rooftop from the back. No one will come up. He can't see it unless he has an insight into

it. "

the door of the rooftop from the back. No one will come up. He can't see it unless he has an insight into



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