Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 239 Terrible Possessiveness

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"I am only married once and only have one wife. Now that you get this position by accident, there is no

way back." He put his arms around her waist peremptorily as if he had locked her in his arms.

"What if I die earlier than you? Do you marry another woman then?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"Wherever you go, you are my women. If you die earlier than me, I will be with you soon and no one

can take you away from me!" It sounded like he was joking, but his expression was serious and firm,

without any hint of joking.

Essie suspected that Zac had ruled the universe in his previous life. He was so possessive that he

wouldn't let her go even if she died.

When she was in a daze, he said again, "if I die first, I permit you to marry again. It doesn't matter

whether you marry Hanson or anyone else, because you are a woman and need to be taken care of."

After taking a pause, he continued, "anyway, there's only one way for you to get rid of me. That's to

stride over my body!" He was so arrogant and dictatorial, but she was not angry at all, instead, she felt

sour in her heart. If she had to live with him for her life, she hoped they would be together forever, and

then have a grandson and a great grandson, but...

"Don't be so absolute. You haven't passed the test of Valery yet. If you are her child's real father, I will

stride past you by your side. Then I will be separated from you and we will have nothing to do with each

other." She needed to remind him to keep their promise in mind and never go back on his word all the


He shrugged his shoulders. His carefree look confused her again.

Was the child his or not? Or was he not sure about it?

She scratched her head worriedly. As long as she stayed with an ice house, her IQ would be seriously

overdraft and it would be useless.

Just as she was thinking, a man's light voice came with the wind, "honey, the moonlight is so charming

and the night is so beautiful. Shall we enjoy the beautiful scenery here?"

"I... I'm going back to the car. " The woman was stunned for a moment and came to herself belatedly.

When she realized what had happened and wanted to stand up and run away, she had been knocked

down by the man on the grass...

The opening ceremony of War Emperor was about to be held at Hengdian film and television base.

Essie came to take a visit and prepared to play a little part.

Zac knew that she was worried about Eva and worried that Eva would fight with Jim on the film set. As

a director, producer and male leader, it was as easy as for Jim to roll off a log to put obstacles in Eva's

way. Based on Eva's explosive temper, she certainly wouldn't eat humble pie. It would be no wonder

that the two didn't get along well with each other then.

This was the first time that Essie had come to Hengdian. After she put all her belongings into the hotel,

she took Zac to go sightseeing in a scenic spot. The TV series would not start until tomorrow, so they

could hang around and have a look today as a tour.

"Freezing guy, this place is ancient and beautiful. The Legend of Sword and Fairy was filmed here."

Walking along the scenic spot of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, Essie took her mobile phone

and kept taking pictures.

"Pervert, are you here for fun or for selfies?" Said Zac with a teasing smile.

"Travel is nothing more than sleeping on the bus, having a break off the bus and taking pictures on the

scenic spots." The woman stuck out her tongue and blinked mischievously.

"Okay. Let's do it together." Zac smiled and held her in his arms. The two of them shot themselves

charming selfie. Then the woman glanced at him like an anthomaniac and said, "icy guy, if you put on

an ancient costume, with long hair flowing naturally, you will be the eternal God from the heaven, and

you are the most beautiful."

With a slight sigh, Zac said, "honey, do you mean that the only thing that I'm able to attract you is my


"Yeah, your greatest advantage is that you are handsome." The woman nodded with a sincere look.

The eyes of a "lustful" girl were familiar to him, which reminded him of the girl who had made him suffer

from a hidden disease.

"Honey, do you know that? If Cathy, the sister of Valery, is still in the Xu family, you have to hand the

president of the Appearance Association to her. "

It was unexpected for her to hear her former name. So she asked eagerly, "why?"

"That little devil was just a reincarnation of east evil. She was evil at the age of four and even pursued

handsome men." Zac said, gritting his teeth. It seemed that he had a deep hatred against someone.

Essie sneezed. She was sure that she had offended the icehouse in her childhood, and Zac would hate

her till now. Obviously, he was seriously offended.

"Tell me, what the hell did she do to make you, the second son of Rong family, disgusted to this day?"

Zac shrugged. All of a sudden, all the anger was gone. "Nothing. It's just a kid's banter." He couldn't

explain that at all.

'It couldn't be nothing. What children's naughty thing can make you hate until now?' Essie thought.

Essie complained in her mind.

"After all, she is your fiancee. If her parents hadn't divorced, you should have been married now, right?"

She pouted.

"Even if there was only one woman in the world, I would not marry her." Before he finished his words,

Essie sneezed again.

"Have you caught a cold?" Zac asked immediately.

"No, maybe I am allergic to pollen." Essie stammered, depressed and perturbed. If one day he knew

that he finally married this evil woman after so many years, would he want to punch himself out of


"Icy guy, do you remember what dose Cathy look like?" She asked tentatively.

"Remember a little." Zac touched his chin and seemed to be recalling something. "At that time, she

looked nice. But women change a lot when they grow up. Maybe she has become a fat woman."

Another sneeze came from Essie's nose.

A red flush suffused her nose. It seemed that she was allergic to pollen, so Zac took her away


That topic had turned her gloom into melancholy again. She couldn't talk about this topic anymore, or

she would sneeze and bleed.

On the second day, after the opening ceremony, the War Emperor formally began filming.

It was hottest in August of Hengdian and it was hotter for actors and actresses to wear ancient

customs. However, Essie had already prepared for the summer heat preservation for her bestie. She

put the sunscreen she bought on her body, which made Eva feel fresh and cool.

"Shrimp, you are so smart. Why didn't I think of you before? Why do you live with bad blood every

time?" Said Eva with a smile.

"The temperature cooling sticker can not only bring down a fever, but also prevent sunstroke." Essie

smiled and sent several stickers to Jim. She wanted to please him and make him be tender to Eva for

her sake.

At that moment, in the exclusive dressing room, Jim was cool and in a good mood. "Zac, I like your wife

more and more."

"My wife, what do you like?" Zac raised his eyebrows. It seemed that he was a little displeased.

Ignoring him deliberately, Jim said, "be tender when it's time to be tender; be clever when it's time to be

clever; be naughty when it's time to be naughty. If you're not lucky enough, I won't let her go."

"Only those who are tired of living will dare to compete for woman with me." There was a hint of

coldness flashing across his eyes.

"A fair lady is a gentleman's good mate." Jim narrowed his eyes and smirked.

"Jim, you don't want to continue your acting today, do you?" Zac's black eyes narrowed slightly and the

intention of killing rose.

Jim immediately shut up. It was so boring to wear makeup in the dressing room, and it was also an

interesting thing to make fun of Zac.

Jim and Eva's scene began in the afternoon. They know each other due to fighting, so the first scene

was a fight.

When Jim saw Eva, a charming smile appeared on his face. "Since you're the heroine in the play, I'll

stop calling you extra actress from now on. I will call you spicy pepper. It's the best one among hot


'Okay, then I would be the hottest paper and hope to hurt you! I have a good name for you. Scum is the

best name for you.' Eva thought in her heart.

Essie and Zac were sitting on a chair not far away. It was cloudy today, but the weather was quite


Essie continuously drank the icy water to cool herself.

"Honey, if you feel hot, let's get in the limo."

"It doesn't matter. Eva and Jim don't feel hot with so many clothes on. I dressed so cool. I am not hot at

all." Said Essie, waving her hand.

"They put a sticker from you. Of course they don't feel hot." Zac smiled. Although Essie's brain was

often confused, she was more meticulous than ordinary people. She could think of things that others

didn't expect.

With her chin in her hands, and without a blink, Essie stared at Jim and Eva who were fighting in the

scene and asked, "ice house, do you think they are really fighting or just acting?"

"Real fighting." Zac said casually.

"What?" Essie scratched her head, wondering how they could start a fight as soon as they meet.

Zac smiled and put his arm around her shoulder. "I was just kidding. They are acting a fight scene, of

course they have to fight for real."

Essie frowned at him and thought, 'is it funny to play tricks on me?'

At this time, the make-up artist came to inform her to make up. She would act as the fiancee of the

host. Several hundred years ago, she had protected the host from being hit by the flame palm and then

vanished into thin air.

"Ice guy? I'm going to hang the wire to fly in the sky later." Her thick eyelashes flickered, and her face

was full of expectation.

"Watch out!" Zac stroke her head in a doting manner.

"I'm not afraid of anything as long as you are with me." Essie patted on his shoulder and smiled. Zac

took the opportunity to kiss her. "You're right. I'm a citizen favored bodyguard. I fight ten to one!"

The scenes Essie would act happened in the evening. When she was wearing makeup, she surprised

not only Zac, but also Jim.

Essie wore light purple silk clothes, with her black hair hanging down like a waterfall. A golden hairpin

was put in her hair, which was shining in the limelight. A cool breeze brushed her face, but she didn't

move. She was just like a peony in the dark night, blooming in full bloom.

"My fiancee is the combination of Miss Little Dragon and Rong Huang." A sly smile appeared on Jim's


"Don't overdo it. She is my wife." Zac snorted and pretended to be jealous, completely ignoring the evil

look from the dark corner.


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