Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 437 A Family Reunion

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When she arrived at the children's Park, the children were playing bumper cars.

Zac was sitting in a car with Dot in it. A faint smile finally appeared on the little boy's serious face.

As soon as he came out, the children saw Essie. They ran towards her joyfully. Especially, Rabi, he ran

the fastest. He hadn't seen his mommy for a long time.

"Mommy..." Rabi opened her arms and hugged her. "You haven't come to see me for a long time. I miss

you so much."

Essie carried him in her arms, kissed his cheek and said, "Baby, Mommy missed you too."

She looked back and found Dot first. When she saw his opera makeup face, she took a deep breath

and then heaved a sigh of relief. No wonder that Zac seemed to be calm. He didn't rush over to get

even with her and cut her into eight pieces. It turned out that this little guy played a little trick to cover

his face.

Zac looked at her blandly. "Why are you here?" His tone was even colder than before.

Essie shrugged and said, "Of course I'm here to take care of my kids." She had to watch them carefully

in case they got into trouble.

Mili took her hand in her, and her other hand took Zac's hand. Today was a good day, for her mommy

and daddy were here and their family were finally had a chance to be together.

"Daddy, Mommy, let's go to the pirate ship, shall we?" She grinned.

It had never occurred to Essie that someday she would take the kids out with Zac. A mix of feelings

welled up in her heart.

"Let's go." She touched Mili's head. Although she didn't want to have anything to do with Zac anymore,

she didn't want to disappoint her children.

Lying on the pirate ship, Zac felt the wave in his heart, ups and downs. When he heard the joyful

laughter and screams of the children and Essie, his felt even his blood was warmed. Because he felt a

warmth of home. He longed for a home where he could have his little fool, a home for the children and


It had been a long time since Essie played such an exciting game. After coming down from the pirate

ship, she felt a little dizzy. Seeing her wobbling, Zac quickly reached out to hold her.

"Haven't you had a good meal recently? You feel dizzy after wandering on the ship for a while. Even

the baby is better than you," Zac said in a mocking tone to hide his concern for her. He remembered

that in the past, they went to the happy valley and played all the entertainment projects, but she didn't

feel dizzy. Now her health is getting worse and worse. Was she infected by the virus?

"Mommy hasn't eaten well recently. She used to eat two bowls of rice every time. Now she only eats

half a bowl and doesn't eat any more," Mili said.

"You're going to get married. Are you so happy that you cannot even eat?" Zac smirked, but he was

very worried.

Essie rolled her eyes. "I am just feeling nervous, okay? It is only fair to have a wedding ceremony for

the marriage. I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau dazzledly to get a marriage certificate before I put on the

wedding dress once, and then I was kicked. This time I am going to marry this man for once, taking him

seriously, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. "

A cold and cruel air rose from Zac's face. "Congratulations then." The brief sentence was almost out of

his gritted teeth.

"Thank you." Essie turned her head away, avoiding eye contact with him.

Mili sensed the tension in the air and said, "Daddy, Mommy, let's play shooting games together, okay?"

Essie nodded, then she took the kids and left, leaving Zac behind.

"Mommy, I want that bear. Help me hit it," Rabi screamed.

"Okay, mommy will get it for you." Smiling, Essie touched his head and picked up the pistol. She was

full of confidence at first, but none of her shots went through.

Dot sighed. "Mommy, shooting is not your strong point. Don't waste bullets."

Essie smiled in embarrassment. Zac held up another gun and aimed at the bear with one hand. With

the 'crack' sounds, the bear fell to the ground. As for shooting, he would never missed.

"Daddy is the greatest!" Rabi clapped her hands happily.

Hearing that, Essie felt a bit frustrated. It seemed that Zac had no weakness or shortcomings. His merit

was so strong that she was pressed against the wall by him in just a few seconds.

"I'm a little nearsighted, and I can't see anything clearly. This time, I will try my best. I must hit the

target." Again, Essie picked up the gun and decided to aim at the target with the favorite Barbie doll for

her daughter.

Zac and Dot held their foreheads at the same time. They did it in a tacit manner. They dare bet that this

time Essie would hit the whole box of bullet again, but she wouldn't hit the target. As for Essie, she was

an extremist. She had her own merits in which she excelled herself astonishingly. While in her

shortcomings, she was weak and performed poorly in it. Unfortunately, she did not good at shooting.

So it was her shortcomings.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Sweat began to break out on her forehead due to the slap. Her fingers were sour, and her eyes were

swelling. However, she missed the target. She was a little angry, like being gambled with bullets. She

tried her best, but still got nothing.

"You'd better not play this kind of game if you have a poor eyesight." A mocking smile appeared at the

corners of Zac's mouth.

"There is something wrong with the gun." Essie curled up her lips. She didn't want to lose to Zac in

front of the kids. After all, he was good for nothing. It was impossible for her to fight back.

"Really?" With his bushy eyebrows slightly raised, Zac took the gun from her hand, put a bullet in it and

aimed at the Barbie doll. "PIA!" he shot it. With a mocking smile, he continued, "Whatever guns you

have, you'll get them in trouble."

"It's men's game," Essie said with embarrassment.

"Really? How about I call Pana to have a try?" Zac thought he should give her a good treatment for her

stubborn character.

Hearing that, Essie's face became redder, as if she was a ripe red apple. If she were to dig a hole, she

would dig a hole in the ground in a second to avoid the big demon.

Mili found herself a terrible game. It not only didn't ease the conflict between her daddy and Mommy,

but also infuriated them. She felt that they needed some time alone. "Daddy, Mommy, we'll take a small

train over there. You find a seat and wait for us, okay?"

Zac nodded his head. He asked Pana and the bodyguards to take the children there. Then he and

Essie sat on chairs nearby.

Essie took out a black grape, picked it and peeled them one by one and put it into the crisper. Rabi

would eat it when he came back. She remembered that he liked black grapes the most.

Zac looked at her with meaningful eyes.

"You have a good memory on some things, but often forgets some things." He smiled slightly. His smile

was faint, but it was more like a bitter sigh. She had always forgotten everything about him.

"I just remember what I should remember, and forget people and things I should forget, so as not to

look for trouble." Hearing that, Essie curled her lips. People like him should be completely forgotten,

leaving no trace on her life.

"You are right. I should make those superfluous people disappear in my mind." There was a shadow in

Zac's eyes, which made his dark eyes even more deep and unfathomable.

Essie knew that he was referring to her. In his heart, she was just like a fifth wheel. If he needed her, he

would seize her and play with her. After he drained her of value, he would kick her into the dustbin.

"I heard that you found a young mistress. You are really a different man since your hidden disease

have been recovered," she swallowed the sadness in her heart and said slowly.

"It seems that you are paying a close attention to me." Zac raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly, as if

to show off his affairs on purpose.

"I don't have the time. I just read some entertainment news occasionally." Essie opened the glass of

juice and took a sip, to cool her anger. Although she tried to be calm, she still felt very sad.

"The last thing I need is women. I can get anything I want." Zac pretended to be careless, his eyes

gleaming coldly in the sun. 'Stupid woman, giving up on me is your biggest loss. You will just wait to

regret and cry bitterly.'

Essie was very calm, and there wasn't any emotion shown on her face. As she was peeling the grape,

she said, "There are many men in the world. No one will be foolishly hang herself on a tree. You can

change one to another if you can't trust this one. There will always be one who is willing to shelter you

from the rain. I found that tree now. "

"Come on! By your nearsighted, how can you find the right person?" Zac snorted with a cruel smile.

"Time will tell. Anyway, I have given the last half of my life to that big tree. Even if it changes, I will not

regret it." Her faint voice was like a breeze, but it caused great disturbance in Zac's heart. "I'm waiting

to see your end."

"The tragedy scenes related to you in the first half of my life have ended. The happy second half will be

restarted soon." The expression in Essie's eyes turned cold, as if she had been disheartened by

something. Ice had been condensed from her eyes to her heart, keeping the past sealed.

Zac gnashed his teeth. His heart gave out a sharp pain like lightning. Was their marriage a tragedy to

her? 'Can't you feel any happiness?'

"Will you be happy only when you are together with Hanson?" He squeezed out a few words from his

stiff mouth.

"Yes." She replied in a cold voice, "I have always thought that I would not repeat what happened to

mom. In fact, I have copied her completely. Baron gave my mother a lot of beautiful fireworks, but they

were too short and there was endless pain after that. Father Yi provided her with fine, long happy life.

Although life was plain, she was still very happy. Now I'm in the same situation. I believe that Hanson

will be the second father Yi. I may not have intense passion with him, but we will live a peaceful life. We

won't have so many disputes and troubles, and we won't need to worry about that there are always

wicked women to destroy our peaceful live."

Zac's face was covered with melancholy. His eyes became even more desolate. He had to admit that

he was unable to give her a peaceful life. From their marriage to now, only the days in Yang City were

peaceful. He felt frustrated and desperate beyond words. "If you think you will be happy like that, then I

wish you well."

Zac's face was covered with melancholy. His eyes became even more desolate. He had to admit that

he was unable to give her a peaceful life. From their marriage to now, only the days in Yang City were

peaceful. He felt frustrated and desperate beyond words. "If you think you will be happy like that, then |

wish you well."


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