Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 311 It Is None Of My Business (Part Two)

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She shrank a little. She was still frightened by the "lesson" he had taught her on the bed last time. She

didn't dare to irritate him too much. She had to give in, "I... I'm tired and want to go back to sleep. Open

the door and let me out. "

He gave her a gloomy look, slammed on the gas and the car sped forward.

"I'm at the door of my home. I won't go to your place." She wanted to cry. This guy must have been the

reincarnation of a tyrant. He was arbitrary and only acted according to his own will. He never cared

about other people's feelings. She curled up in the chair, and there was no more resistance, only a sad

look of being cut and ready to be slaughtered.

The car was shrouded in a quiet and dark color.

For a long time, his voice, like a rock falling into the ice, came in a low voice, "did my brother send you

back just now?"

"Yes, we had dinner together tonight." She said lightly, looking out of the window, not at him.

"He asked you out?" There was a flash of fire in his eyes.

"He happened to pass by. I was still in the office, so we could have dinner together. Your brother and I

are good friends, and we know each other earlier than you. Isn't it common to have dinner together?"

She pouted and felt that her personal freedom was severely restricted.

Zac was silent. In the past, he did think it was normal for his elder brother to have dinner with her, but

after the dispute at the ball, he felt unusual. The girl he liked was known during the trip, and he and the

confused fool were also known during the trip. He said he had found the girl, but he went home with a

fake to fool his mother. In retrospect, it seems that there is only one explanation that is most

reasonable, that is...

He stopped thinking and asked in a casual tone, "are you having a good time?"

"Yes." Essie raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, "although you and your elder brother are twins,

there is a big difference in character between you. Your elder brother is gentle, polite, humorous,

approachable, and very gentleman. Unlike you, you are overbearing, rude, malicious, uncertain and


She used several negative words in a row. She wanted to say seven or eight more, but felt the car

speed was getting faster and faster, so she shut up in a hurry. Driving fast is one of the ways that a

man is furious. She can't lose her life by talking fast.

Zac's handsome face was already very gloomy, and cold light was constantly flashing in his dark ice

eyes, like the lightning that split dark clouds in a stormy night. She shivered, quickly closed her eyes

and pretended to be dead. But Zac won't let her go easily. He has a way to punish this annoying fool.

In the morning, Essie was woken up by the ring of her mobile phone. The caller was Christina. Her

sister was losing her temper again and refused to eat. She had to wait for Zac to come.

At this time, Essie was 100% sure that Zac disappeared in the past few days just to take care of Leila

in the hospital.

She jumped out of bed angrily and put on her clothes. "Go to the hospital to accompany your first love.

Don't bother me any more. There are so many people who like me. I'm not in the mood to have a love

triangle with you. "

"I've told you many times that Leila and I are just friends. She was injured to save Rabi. Of course I

have to take care of her." Zac explained as he came over and held her shoulder.

'Do you dare to say that you have no feelings for her? Do you dare to say that you can forget your past

and put her down completely?'

Essie roared furiously in her heart, but she didn't utter a word, and all the words were blocked in her


"I'm not in the mood to know about your business. I'm at work. Do what do you like to do." She shook

off his hand and walked out quickly.

"Essie!" He roared and rushed over like a hurricane, locking her against the wall. "Didn't you say we

would learn to trust each other? Forget it so soon? "


She sneered. She didn't want to trust him and was fooled by him as a monkey. He had picked the

wrong person. She was not so stupid as to be hopeless!

"Zac, if you want me to learn to trust you, you have to show that you are trustworthy first."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Stay with me all day long. Don't go anywhere." She said word by word clearly and forcefully.

"Okay." He nodded, "I'll come back after I go to the hospital to see Leila."

These words were like a cold wind, which made Essie's chest cool. He didn't understand what she

meant at all. "If you want to go to the hospital, don't come to me again." She said firmly and coldly.

Zac sighed, "I just want Leila to get better soon so that she can accept eye surgery. The doctor said

that if the congestion oppressed the visual nerve for too long, it would cause damage and it would be

difficult to recover by then."

Essie sneered, "I'm not related to her. She has nothing to do with me. What's more, her eyes are her

own, and her body is her own. It's her own business that she wants to self-mutilate and self-abuse.

Does it have anything to do with you? "


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