Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 628 Probationary Period

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Essie made a bowl of chicken soup and took it to the hospital with Zac to visit Mary.

The servant took the chicken soup and was about to feed it to Mary. Mary waved her hand and said,

"no, thanks. I can't afford it. I have only half of my life left. I can't stand it anymore. "

"Mommy, if you don't want to drink it, I'll drink it." Zac frowned, opened the heat preservation box,

poured half a bowl of chicken soup, and sat in front of the sofa to drink it. "This is the chicken soup

made by my wife herself. She is pregnant. I advise her not to be busy and let Jane cook it, but she

insisted cooking it herself. She said it is her filial piety, and the chef at home can't cook it so delicious."

He said slowly. He said these words on purpose to let Mary hear, but Mary didn't appreciate it at all.

She felt uncomfortable when she saw Essie.

"Well, if you like it, you can drink it yourself. I'm used to the food cooked by my cook, and I'm not used

to eating others' food."

Zac's face darkened. His mother's stubbornness gave him a headache. Yesterday, an apology could

solve the problem, but she refused to say it. Essie had been busy all morning and cooked chicken soup

for her. She didn't want to drink it at all. Obviously, she didn't want to improve their relationship.

Essie sighed slightly. She knew that petty people like Mary couldn't let go of the grudge.

"Zac, stay here with mommy. I'll go back first."

Zac nodded and asked the bodyguards to escort Essie out. He had something to talk to Mary.

"Mommy, you are lying in the hospital. I shouldn't have said anything, but I really don't understand what

you are thinking about? Don't you want to dissolve the feud with Essie and her mother for many years?


"You mean I should apologize to Luce?" Mary frowned.

"You owe them." Zac said in a serious tone.

"I don't owe her anything. She owed me." Mary suddenly became agitated and raised her voice by

eight degrees.

"What does she owe you?" Zac looked at her in confusion.

"I don't want to tell you anything, but since you think it's my fault, I'll tell you." Mary took a deep breath

and said, "Luce is a coquette. After she married Baron, she behaved indecently and seduced your

father to destroy our marriage."

"How could it be possible? Did you make a mistake? How could my mother-in-law have anything to do

with my father?" said Zac, shocked.

"Your father is on good terms with Baron. They often gather together. Luce, that coquettish girl, hasn't

been satisfied to marry Baron. Seeing your father handsome and unrestrained, she has an idea of him

and secretly seduced him. She was pretty when she was young, and your father was energetic. He

couldn't afford to hook up with her, so he got involved with her. " Mary said angrily.

Zac's black eyes narrowed and a sharp light flashed across his eyes. "So, you helped Elizabeth not

because of your friendship, but because you hate Luce and want to revenge on her, right?"

Mary's eyes twinkled, "I just want to add to Luce's crisis. If the marriage between her and Baron turns

red, she will no longer pay attention to your father. As for what Elizabeth has done, it has nothing to do

with me. "

"Since you have successfully destroyed Luce's marriage with Baron, why can't you let it go?" Said Zac

in a low voice.

"Because your father's heart has been wild and can't be taken back. He still remembers the seductress

Luce. The reason why he has always been on Essie's side is that she is the daughter of Luce. And you,

you brought Essie into the house and let her be in front of me all day long. As long as I see her, I will

think of your father's betrayal to me, which is equivalent to adding salt to my unhealed wound. Do you

know how painful I am? " Mary cried bitterly.

Zac was silent. He didn't expect the truth to be like this. No wonder her mother refused to apologize.

No one could forgive such a thing.

While he was thinking, Marlon called. After a night's search, they found a suspicious person from the

surveillance video of the restaurant.

At this time, instead of going home, Essie went to the apartment of Eva. Vinton had just been promoted

to the executive vice president of Hengyuan Group. She and Eva were going to celebrate for him.

Eva made a table of desserts, and Essie cooked several dishes herself.

"I find it much more warm to have dinner at home than in the restaurant." Vinton smiled.

"Brother, why don't you marry Eva and start a family as soon as possible?" Said Essie jokingly.

Vinton held Eva's hand and kissed it, "I also want to. As long as Eva is willing to marry me, we can get

married tomorrow."

Eva glanced at him coquettishly and said, "we have just started our formal relationship. How could we

get married so soon?"

With her mouth covered, Essie chuckled, and her thick long eyelashes flickered stealthily, "you can

have a trial marriage first. The company will give each new employee three months' probation period.

You can follow suit and give my brother three months' trial marriage period. If he succeeds, you can

step into the wedding hall together."

"That's a good idea. I agree." Vinton raised his hands.

With a slight smile at the corners of her mouth, Eva reached out her hand and touched the lower

abdomen of Essie, "well, Vinton, after my godson is born, we will start the trial marriage, not three

months, but six months. If you can pass, we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register."

"Okay, Essie, let's witness that the day my little nephew is born is the first day of our trial marriage."

Vinton smiled. What Eva said was a relief to him. His four year marathon pursuit was finally going to

reach the end of happiness.

"That's great. Let's raise our glasses together. First of all, congratulations on my brother's becoming the

executive vice president of Hengyuan Group, and then congratulations on his marring my sister-in-law

next year." Smiling, Essie raised the juice glass in her hand.

Vinton and Eva raised their glasses and clinked with her in the air. The clear sound of glass colliding

rang in the hall, full of joy and happiness.

After putting down the glass, Vinton ate a piece of five incense soybean skin and asked casually, "Eva,

how are you getting along with Jim recently?"

Hearing this, Essie paused for a while and gave him a meaningful look.

Recently, the gossip between Eva and Jim was widely spread in the celebrity circle of Dragon City.

According to the paparazzi, during the shooting in Hengdian, Eva stayed in the resting room of Jim at

noon to have lunch with him, and in the evening, she secretly went to the villa of Jim and stayed there

for two or three hours.

Everyone thought that she was dating with Jim in secret and that Vinton had been cheated on.

Essie believed that Vinton must know the rumor. Now he asked, perhaps he wanted to test Eva.

With a simple mind, Eva didn't think too much. She curled her lips and said, "I hate people like Jim the

most in my life. He and I will always be enemies!"

"Really?" Vinton raised his eyebrows and wanted to say something, but he didn't. Essie knew that he

wanted to ask about the gossip but was afraid that Eva would be unhappy, so he swallowed it.

She didn't want her brother to have any doubts, which would affect his relationship with Eva, so she

said in a joking tone, "Eva, recently the gossip between you and Jim has been very popular in the

celebrities circle of Dragon City. The paparazzi have followed you to Jim's villa frequently. Is this

deliberately arranged by the company to hype for the new play?"

"Yes... Right. They can't speak decent words. The entertainment circle is full of hype. How can you

believe what the paparazzi said? " Eva finally came to her senses, took the opportunity to nod and


If she said that she was there to pay off her debt of gratitude and she had to eat and drink with Jim,

Vinton would be worried about her that he might "settle accounts" with Jim. She had been with Jim for

so many days. When the movie was finished, she would pay off the debt. She didn't want to give up

halfway and continue to pay her debt. So she'd better hide it from Vinton.

"Are you going to fight with Jim every day?" Said Essie with a smile.

"Is there anything else I can do except quarreling with him?" Eva stuck out her tongue.

With a smile, Essie turned to look at Vinton and said, "brother, don't worry. You are the son of our Xu

family. You are not inferior to Jim in appearance, figure and status. Moreover, you are the warmest man

in Dragon City. Eva will never change her mind. "

"Essie, don't talk nonsense. I have never doubted Eva. I'm worried that Jim will bully her." Vinton

explained in a hurry, fearing that Eva would misunderstand him.

"Don't worry, Vinton. Even if I can't beat Jim, I can protect myself. He doesn't dare to bully me." Eva

patted her chest with confidence. She was acting this time. In fact, she was very guilty. The bastard Jim

had taken advantage of her several times. He was too powerful, just like the ultimate BOSS in the

game. If one wanted to defeat him, he had to add all his energy and martial arts to the maximum before

he had the chance to win.

Essie could tell that Eva was lying. They grew up together and she knew her best friend well.

Her best friend was not good at hiding her little secrets. Her joy, anger and sadness would inadvertently

be revealed on her face. As long as she observed carefully, she would find something wrong.

After dinner, she deliberately asked Vinton to buy fruits so that she could have a private talk with Eva.

"Eva, now my brother is not here. You can tell me the truth. What happened between you and Jim?"

"I know I can't hide anything from you." Eva wrinkled her nose at Essie and told her everything.

After thinking for a while, Essie asked, "did he do it on purpose?"


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