Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 666 Heaven Pepper, You Are Not Allowed To Die

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Eva realized that something was wrong, but before she could run away, the ice under her feet was

completely broken. She fell heavily into the ice lake, sinking, sinking...

She had a strong fear of drowning. The moment she fell into the water, her mind went blank and she

couldn't even struggle. It was five degrees below zero. The water in the lake was freezing cold, and her

limbs quickly stiffened. When the ice water poured into her throat, her internal organs were about to


Mandy looked at her coldly not far away with a malicious smile on her face. 'Eva, I will see if you die

this time!'

But her complacency only lasted for a second, and a tall figure swept over like a hurricane.

Taking off his inconvenient coat, Jim jumped into the ice water without hesitation. His assistants and

bodyguards had no time to stop him, so they had to take rescue measures outside.

The cold water in the lake was piercing, like a blade scratching Jim's muscles, trying to freeze him and

stop him from moving. He clenched his teeth and tried his best to forget the cold and not to be affected

in his action. He was experienced in swimming in ice water. When he was trained in the US Navy, ice

water operations were a necessary test.

At this moment, he completely forgot his own safety. The only thing in his mind was to save this heaven


Lying at the bottom of the cold lake, Eva had completely lost her consciousness. Seeing that she was

dying, Jim had a strong sense of fear that he had never experienced before. He was afraid that he

would lose this troublesome enemy. That no one would argue with him again. No one could make him

playful. No one would be his appetizer, so that he would have a good appetite.

'Heaven pepper, hold on. You're an immortal fighter. You'll be fine!'

He grabbed her hand, pulled her into his arms and swam towards the water with her.

Her body was as cold as iron, without any warmth, as if her life was also fading away. His heart was


When they reached the surface of the water, the ambulance and local police had arrived and saved


Because it was too cold outside, the doctor quickly lifted Eva into the ambulance and turned the heat

up to the maximum.

Jim also jumped up, forgetting to change his wet clothes, only wearing a blanket.

Eva lay motionless on the operating table. Her face was as pale as paper, and even her lips were


She had lost her vital signs.

The doctor kept giving her CPR, but she still didn't respond.

"Is she still alive?" a nurse asked.

The doctor shook his head and sighed.

Jim jumped up like a needle, "Of course she can be saved. You can't give up, neither can she." He

pulled the doctor away, threw away the blanket and gave her CPR.

The muscles all over his body were taut to the extreme, like a string that was about to break, and the

temperature in his blood quickly dropped to the edge of freezing. However, these were not because he

had been soaked in ice water. They were extremely cold, but because of excessive, incomparable

tension and anxiety.

"Heaven pepper, you are not allowed to die. You haven't paid off my debt of gratitude. If you dare to

die, I'll go to the King of Hell and ask him to lock you up. I won't give you anything to eat for one

hundred or one thousand years. "

She was a top-grade foodie and was afraid of hunger the most. As long as he threatened her, she

would definitely be scared. So she would not dare to die.

But Eva didn't respond, as if her soul had been taken away by the cold lake.

Jim opened her mouth, breathed in air for her, and then pressed her heart repeatedly and incessantly.

"Sir, she has left," the doctor said with regret.

"She won't leave. She is an immortal fighter. She will definitely wake up." Jim's voice was trembling. His

heart was twisting and his internal organs were convulsing violently.

"Heaven pepper, do you want to break your promise? Do you want to be a deserter because you can't

defeat me? If you're going to die, I'll engrave an ungrateful dog on your tombstone. You'll be a loser to

me all your life! "

He spoke Chinese. Doctors and nurses couldn't understand him, but they could see his extremely

painful expression and feel that he was about to collapse.

"Sir, I'm sorry for your loss," the nurse comforted.

"Shut up!" Jim roared. She had not died. She wouldn't die. He didn't allow her to die!

He didn't stop giving her CPR. He didn't give up, nor did he allow her to give up.

"Eva, as long as you wake up, I'll let you beat me, and let you win every time! Don't you like the food I

cook? I not only cook noodles with meat paste, but also am good at cooking French, Italy, Greek,

German and South Sea food. Wake up quickly. I'll cook all of them for you and feed you to be fat. "

A wave of heat rushed into his eyes, making his eyes red. He felt a dagger stabbed into his chest,

gouging out the flesh in his heart one by one, making him feel sharp pain in every cell.

He had lost his most important woman, and now he was going to lose this only enemy who could

quarrel with him?

"Eva... Don't leave me... Don't leave me like Janice... " A drop of tear fell from his brown eyes and fell

on the pale face of Eva.

She moved a little, choked and coughed, and a mouthful of water gushed out of her throat, not knowing

if she was scalded by the tears or the pain.

"God, she woke up. It's a miracle!" The doctor and nurse exclaimed as they crossed their chests.

Jim's dark peach blossom eyes seemed to be lit up by stars, and suddenly lit up the light of hope again.

"Heaven pepper, I knew you wouldn't die!"

"If I want to die, I have to defeat you first." Eva smiled weakly.

"It seems that you have to work hard to live until eighty years old." A faint smile played at the corners of

Jim's mouth.

Eva bit her cold lips and said, "Scum Jim, I heard you say that you should cook more dishes for me just

now. Is that true?"

"How could it be possible? You are dreaming!" Jim pursed his lips and suddenly changed his face. An

unnatural color floated over his eyes. She was a foodie. How could she call her soul back if he didn't

say such words to lure her?

Eva didn't hide the disappointment on her face. "I knew it was my illusion. How could you be so kind?"

"It is good that you know." Jim picked up the blanket from the ground and put it on again. Then he sat

on the bench next to him.

Eva turned her face and squinted at him, "Scum Jim, why are your eyes red?"

"It is because of the cold. I just got you out of the lake." Jim stared at her angrily. This woman just came

from the jaws of death and didn't have a good rest. She talked so much nonsense!

Eva blinked her thick eyelashes and said, "Thank you, scum Jim." She said gratefully, but sighed in her

heart. 'God, I owe scum Jim another favor. It seems that I will not be able to pay all the gratitude till I

get old?'

"If it was not that you hadn't paid your debt to me, how could I save you?" Jim pretended to be

indifferent. It was rare to meet an enemy in his life. With her by his side, his heart was not so empty

and boring. So he didn't want her to die.

"Well, I'll pay you back with this sum." Eva pouted and stared at him. A glimmer of astonishment

flashed through his eyes. "Scum Jim, your clothes are still wet. Are you cold?" He was wet from head

to toe, like a drowned rat. Now the temperature was so low, and she seriously suspected that his

clothes were going to freeze.

Jim pulled the blanket indifferently, "The heat in the car is so warm. How could it be cold?" He was in

good health. It didn't matter even if it was a little cold.

"Drink some hot tea to dispel the cold. Don't catch a cold. If you catch a cold, you will sneeze and have

a runny nose, which will affect your perfect image as the Nine Heavens Mysterious God. It will be bad if

your fans see it," Eva muttered.

Jim was in a mess in the wind and had an impulse to stand up and kiss her so that she would stop

talking. But he controlled himself. Considering her current physical condition, it was good for her to say

more and keep conscious.

"Heaven pepper, can you move any part of your body except your mouth?"

"My hands are a little numb and my legs are a little stiff. Will I be disabled?" Only then did Eva realize

that there was something wrong with her body. She had forgotten herself when she was talking to Jim.

"Maybe it's because of the frostbite that the blood circulation is not smooth. You will be fine after resting

for a few days," Jim comforted her, and then changed his tone with a little banter. "Anyway, the most

important thing for you is your mouth. If you keep your mouth, everything will be fine."

Eva gave him a ferocious look, "How can I make money to feed my mouth if I don't have hands and


"This is a serious problem." Jim touched his chin and smiled mischievously. "Then I must ask the

doctor to treat you well and keep your hands and feet."

"That's good." Eva stuck out her tongue at him.

After arriving at the hospital, Eva had rested for a few days. Fortunately, her body was only slightly

frostbitten and she was fine. She was soon discharged from the hospital.

Jim asked the film crew to temporarily block the news, and did not spread the news that Eva had fallen

into the water to the country.

In the past few days, Eva didn't take part in the shooting, nor did Jim, because he caught a cold

because of Eva jinxed it.

Hearing this, Eva felt a little sorry. After all, he caught a cold because he went to save herself. Besides,

he didn't need to follow her after she got into the ambulance. He should go to the hotel to change his

clothes. Why did he follow her in wet clothes and catch a cold?

The scum Jim was always unpredictable. No one knew what he was thinking about.

In the afternoon, she borrowed the kitchen of the hotel and made a few dessert. Then she went to the

presidential suite to visit Jim.

At this time, Neil, Jim's assistant, was reporting the investigation to him. "We have carefully checked

the ice breaking on the lake. It's not a natural break, but a sign of man-made destruction. According to

a tourist we found, yesterday afternoon, she saw a man holding an iron hammer squatting in the middle

of the lake, seeming to be digging ice. The tourists thought he wanted to go fishing, so she didn't ask

him. "

In the past few days, Eva didn't take part in the shooting, nor did Jim, because he caught a cold

because of Eva jinxed it.

Hearing this, Eva felt a little sorry. After all, he caught a cold because he went to save herself. Besides,

he didn't need to follow her after she got into the ambulance. He should go to the hotel to change his

clothes. Why did he follow her in wet clothes and catch a cold?

The scum Jim was always unpredictable. No one knew what he was thinking about.

In the afternoon, she borrowed the kitchen of the hotel and made a few dessert. Then she went to the

presidential suite to visit Jim.

At this time, Neil, Jim's assistant, was reporting the investigation to him. "We have carefully checked

the ice breaking on the lake. It's not a natural break, but a sign of man-made destruction. According to

a tourist we found, yesterday afternoon, she saw a man holding an iron hammer squatting in the middle

of the lake, seeming to be digging ice. The tourists thought he wanted to go fishing, so she didn't ask



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