Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 756 An Unqualified Husband

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"It's been so long, but there's still no progress. Maybe I can't remember it all my life." Mrs. Rose sighed.

"Auntie, you have to be confident that one day all the memories will come back to your mind. I also lost

my memory, and I remember everything," Essie comforted.

"Let's talk about it after the new year. I have to clear up the accounts of the Chateau as well," Mrs.

Rose insisted.

Swallowing, Essie decided to speak a little more frankly, "Aunt, well... Are you in conflict with daddy? "

Mrs. Rose trembled slightly, and a complicated expression flashed across her face. "You... Why do you

ask that? "

"I'm worried that you will have a dispute about my mommy," Essie explained.

"No... We have no conflict. " When Mrs. Rose spoke, her eyes flashed with something unusual.

Zac keenly sensed it. It seemed that his guess was right. Something must have happened between his

daddy and aunt that night.

"Auntie, you haven't celebrated the new year in China for nearly thirty years. We really hope that you

and Irene can come to celebrate the new year with us."

"And grandma, although she is still in a coma, I believe that she will be very happy when you come

back to celebrate the new year with her," Essie persuaded after Zac finished his words.

Mrs. Rose thought for a while and said, "I... will think about it," she said hesitantly. She was thinking

about her mother. She was old and didn't know how long she could hold on. Even if she couldn't hear

or see, she still hoped to spend the most important new year with her.

Seeing that she softened her tone, Essie secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that even if Mr.

Rose had a conflict with Albert, she would not leave grandma behind.

After hanging up the phone, she sighed, "I don't know what happened between daddy and aunt that

made aunt unwilling to come to Dragon City."

Zac touched his chin deeply. He stayed up late that night and read business magazine.

At one o'clock in the morning, he heard the hurried footsteps upstairs. It should be his aunt. About an

hour later, the sound of his father entering the room came from the next door.

In this way, it was a little weird for the two of them to stay in the Chateau till midnight.

"I'll ask daddy some other time."

Essie nodded.

On the second day, when Zac went for a walk in the garden, he saw Albert sitting alone in the pavilion

smoking a cigar. He stared at an unknown corner in the depths of the garden, lost in thought.

"Daddy." He walked over and sat beside him.

Albert came to his senses and looked at him, "Have the children gone to school?"

"Yes." Zac nodded, "Essie and I talked to aunt on the phone yesterday. I hope she can come and

celebrate the new year with us."

Turning his face away, an unnatural look flashed across Albert's eyes. "Do you think a person will

become another person after losing her memory?"

"I think people who lose their memory will show their own instinct, more like themselves." Zac


"Really?" Albert raised his thick eyebrows slightly, with a very deep expression flashing.

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, Zac said, "I can recognize my wife at a glance no matter what

she has changed. Even if there are two identical women standing in front of me, I won't make a

mistake. "

The corners of Albert's mouth twitched violently, and a trace of guilt appeared on his face.

At that time, he married Mary just to heal his wounds. After marriage, he put almost all his energy on

work and did not care much about his wife.

He even often messed her up with Charlotte, resulting in such a terrible tangle.

He was not a good husband. He didn't even reach the passing line.

That night in Provence, he saw the tattoo on Mrs. Rose's secret position. He clearly remembered that it

was Mary who made it for him after marriage. It was the nickname of them two.

Why did Mrs. Rose have the same tattoo? Even if she wanted to have a tattoo, she would use her own

name. Why did she use Mary's name?

Did she imitate Mary and go crazy?

He took a drag on his cigar, and a terrible idea flashed through his mind, but it was extinguished in an

instant. It was too absurd, and he didn't dare to think about it again.

While he was silent, Zac's voice came again, "Daddy, if something really happened between you and

aunt that night, you should explain to each other. After all, we are relatives. Don't worsen the conflict."

Albert puffed out a smoke ring and said, "I'll handle it well."

In the jewelry store, Ivy was asking Essie to pick up jewelry for her. She was going to attend the spring

celebrities ball in Yang City.

"I must be the most eye-catching star in the party, so that brother Hanson will not look askance at me

and focus all his attention on me."

"Even if you don't wear jewelry, you can still shine in the hall," Essie said with a smile.

"But Hanson only loves you, not me." Ivy lowered her head dejectedly.

"Ivy." Putting her arm around her shoulder, Essie said, "I've already had a past relationship with

Hanson. You're the future one."

Ivy nodded. She couldn't be discouraged for the sake of her charming prince. She had to work harder.

In the afternoon, as soon as Mili came back from school, she began to dress up, because she was now

Hanson's exclusive dancing partner.

The beautiful lady dress she was wearing was specially designed for her by Hanson, elegant and


Zac played with the baby in his arms. This little boy was the most considerate one, only close to his


The two little bad guys, Mili and Dot, always put him and Hanson on a balanced scale. Sometimes,

they even preferred Hanson, which really made him depressed.

"Daddy Hanson is here. Auntie, let's go." Mili happily took the hand of Ivy.

Ivy followed Mili to take Hanson's car. Sitting in the back seat, Hanson wore an expensive evening

dress, as handsome as the God of Sun. Ivy was stunned for a moment.

Mili looked at her and giggled, "Aunt, are you stunned by my daddy Hanson's handsome face again?"

Blushing with shyness, Ivy said, "Little kid, don't talk nonsense."

Taking a glance at Ivy, Hanson said nothing.

Putting her little hand on Hanson's shoulder, Mili said, "Daddy Hanson, why don't you take my aunt as

your wife? Then you will be my uncle, and we're a family. You can often come to Rong Mansion and

celebrate the festivals with us. How wonderful it is! "

Ivy nodded wildly. Although she didn't want Hanson to accept her reluctantly for this reason, Hanson

was one of the most popular golden Bachelor in Yang City now. Countless women came one after

another, begging for his favor. She was under great pressure, fearing that he would be taken away if

she was not careful.

Mili's excuse was one of her advantages. She had to make full use of it.

Hanson smiled and touched Mili's head, "Do you really want daddy Hanson to have a girlfriend so


"Daddy Hanson, you need a wife anyway. Although there are many excellent women in the world, none

of them is suitable for as my aunt Ivy. My aunt Ivy is beautiful, gentle, in good shape, tolerant, generous

and considerate. Most importantly, she is my aunt. If you marry someone else, she will definitely mind

that you are too kind to us. She will also mind your past relationship with mommy. She doesn't want

you to be too close to us. But my aunt Ivy won't. We are family," Mili said seriously.

Ivy nodded like a chick pecking rice. Mili was so smart. She was just like her sweetheart.

There was a deep look on Hanson's face, as if he was thinking about her words. Perhaps, he would

never fall in love with other women in the rest of his life, but he would still choose the most suitable one

to be his wife among the beautiful women.

Ivy was indeed very suitable in all aspects. Her identity allowed him to get along with Essie and the

children without scruple. Moreover, he didn't hate her. She gave him a comfortable feeling.

Getting out of the car, Mili took the hand of Ivy and put it on the arm of Hanson. "Daddy Hanson, Auntie

and I will be your dancing partner today, okay?"

The muscles on Hanson's arm tightened a little. He looked down at Ivy. She lowered her almond eyes

and two red clouds floated on her pure and beautiful face, looking somewhat lovely.

"You are the little princess. I will listen to you," he turned to look at Mili and said in a low voice.

At first, Ivy was so nervous that her heart was in a mess. If Hanson refused, she would cry on the spot.

When Hanson said in an extremely magnetic voice, she raised her eyes in disbelief, and the

excitement were dancing in her eyes.

As soon as they entered, they attracted the attention of all the guests. The handsome and rich

President of Bella and the noble and beautiful daughter of Rong's Group were the perfect match.

In the first dance, Hanson danced with Mili, and in the second, he invited Ivy.

Ivy's heart was floating in the sky.

"Hanson, how many people are waiting in line in front of your heart now?"

"No one," Hanson said without hesitation.

"Then let me be the first one, okay?"

"Ivy, there must be a lot of people chasing you. Why did you..." Before Hanson could finish his words,

he was interrupted by Ivy, "I just like you. I only like you. I will wait at the door of your heart all the time.

As long as it opens, I will rush in and occupy it, preventing others from coming in again."

"You should know that there is someone inside," Hanson sighed sadly.

"If it were someone else, I would be very sad, but it is my sister-in-law. It doesn't matter, because she

has become a wife and a mother," Ivy said in a calm tone.

[Hanson kept silent, a hint of pain quietly flashing across his eyes.

When he was distracted, Ivy tiptoed and boldly kissed his charming thin lips.

When he touched her soft lips, Hanson trembled violently and his eyes widened.

"Ivy, there must be a lot of people chasing you. Why did you..." Before Hanson could finish his words,

he was interrupted by Ivy, "I just like you. | only like you. | will wait at the door of your heart all the time.

As long as it opens, | will rush in and occupy it, preventing others from coming in again."

"You should know that there is someone inside," Hanson sighed sadly.

"If it were someone else, | would be very sad, but it is my sister-in-law. It doesn't matter, because she

has become a wife and a mother," Ivy said in a calm tone.

[Hanson kept silent, a hint of pain quietly flashing across his eyes.

When he was distracted, Ivy tiptoed and boldly kissed his charming thin lips.

When he touched her soft lips, Hanson trembled violently and his eyes widened.


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