Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 296 The Honey Trap

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"I'm in charge of this project now. If I don't come, who else can?" Essie rolled her eyes at him and said

angrily, "don't look down upon me! You are such an idiot to do clothes design for me!".

Zac handed her a architectural design drawing. "Well, then please make a specific presentation."

Essie was dumbfounded. She was just a rookie and didn't know how to do the professional issues like

design, construction and cost.

Zac sneered, "don't tell me. You can't even understand the design drawing."

'I really can't understand it.' Essie thought in her heart. "I'm now the executive of the company and in

charge of whatever comes into view. The project team of Hengyuan has arrived in C Island two days

ago. They will report the specific development to you."

"You know nothing! Aren't you afraid that they may fool you?" Zac gazed at her with sharp eyes.

"Malcolm will check on it." She lowered her voice, lack of confidence. She had been under great

pressure since she took over the company. Now she was even less confident after being questioned

and mocked by Zac.

Zac saw her expression. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the back of the

chair. With a profound smile on his face, he said, "I have an idea about how to make things done in a

short time. But I won't teach people so easily."

"I don't know if it'll work or not yet." In a low voice, Essie continued to murmur in disdain. Though it was

a mutter, it was loud enough for Zac who sat next to her to hear it clearly.

"There is nothing useless for me." He raised his eyebrows arrogantly.

"Then what should I do to make you agree to teach me?" She unconsciously grasped her collar, fearing

that he would make a rude request.

His eyes sparkled with hostility. After a short silence, he picked up the black tea on the table, took a sip

of it and said slowly, "Rabi likes the minced pork porridge that you cook. You can make it for him when

we go back home."

"Is that all?" She asked in disbelief.

He sneered at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his big hand, and broke free from her grip on his

collar. "You're really imaginative. I'm not interested in you any more."

That would be the best.

She was supposed to be very happy, but somehow she felt a little depressed. Damn it! Was she crazy,

or masochistic? She was merely a supporting dish while Leila was the main dish. It was the same

before and now. She couldn't be upset. She worked hard to relieve herself. She needed to be happy.

She needed to laugh.

So she moved her stiff lips and said, "that's a deal. If Rabi wants to eat, I can cook for him at any time.

We'll arrive at Sea City s in two and a half hours. You can tell me now. " There was a project meeting to

be held after getting off the plane. She didn't want to sit there, listen to others but couldn't understand a


Zac opened the PPT document in his computer. It covered the words and the instructions in it. Essie

was slightly taken aback. "Is this the internal training material of the Emperor?"

Zac didn't answer. He would never let her know that he made it specially for her, this rookie.

With that thought, Essie didn't ask more questions. She took out her notebook and pen, getting ready

to listen to his lecture. Though she had a lot of questions, he answered every question she asked.

Time flew quickly. Without their knowing it, the plane landed at the airport of Sea City.

On her way to the planning area, Essie reviewed the courses that Zac had taught her and couldn't help

asking, "iceberg guy, why are you teaching me?" She started to doubt that he had been blessed by

Buddha last night, and that was why he would like to teach her today.

"This is a billion project and I don't want to suffer any loss because of your ignorance." Said Zac,

devoid of any emotion on his face.

"Okay." Essie replied in a low voice, and then turned to the laptop. The gratitude that was rising in her

heart disappeared, and was replaced by an inexplicable and hard disappointment. She didn't know why

she was so disappointed. Of course he taught her for the sake of interests. Did he teach her for the

sake of helping her? She was just a dispensable appetizer, and now that he had been tired of her, he

would not waste his time on her.

In the planning area, a temporary shed had been set up by the project team. The meeting was held in

the studio. The chief engineer submitted a schedule. The first project would last eight months. He

pulled up the construction drawing and reported some planning matters.

Even though it was only two and a half hours' class, she had learned a lot from it. When the engineer

reported the progress, she was no longer confused. As soon as the meeting was over, she ran to Zac,

"Zac... When do we have the second class? "

"When I am in a good mood." Said Zac in an indifferent tone, with an impatient expression on his face.

"Are you in a bad mood?" She blinked her eyes with confusion and looked at his handsome face

carefully. He frowned, as if it was a little bit. But no one made him annoyed. Did he have his old qualms


Zac put the watch in front of her and said, "do you know what time it is now?"

She glanced at the time, it was six o'clock and it was time to have dinner. It turned out that the

president was hungry, so he was naturally in a bad mood.

"How about we going out for dinner?" Unconsciously, she took his arm. The intimate behavior made

both of them a little embarrassed. She quickly let go of him and said, "sorry, I forgot."

"What do you forget?" He asked deliberately.

"Forget that I am just a supporting dish." She gritted her teeth and said angrily.

Seeing that she was annoyed, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. "Do you regret it?"

"No, I didn't." She replied immediately without any hesitation. He smiled angrily and said, "you'd better

not. It's too late to regret. I won't go back on my words." Only if she came back on her own initiative

and apologized to him could he consider it. But this was almost impossible. The woman was pouring

out her anger. "I won't, either." She said firmly.

So they turned their heads and said goodbye to each other. They walked in different directions.

Although they would return to the same hotel in the end, they would go back tonight.

Zac had arranged a dinner in the evening. The mayor of Sea City specially prepared a dinner to

entertain him, a distinguished guest. He lived in the presidential suite on the 22nd floor, while Essie in

the deluxe sea view room downstairs. When he came back, he pressed the 21 floor without hesitation.

Although he had decided to leave her alone for a while, he still wanted to see what she was doing.

At this moment, Essie had just made an overseas call and was looking at the photo sent by Lucy. She

missed the kids so much. In the photo, Mili and Dot made faces at each other. Mili looked more like

Essie, while Dot was the replica of Zac. His eyes, nose, and mouth looked exactly like Zac. In New

York, it was the reason why she had never forgotten about Zac.

Zac knocked at the door for a long time. He thought about it for a long time before he raised his hand.

She looked through the peephole again and found it was Zac. So she opened the door and asked,

"what's up?" She asked calmly.

"I'm free now. If you don't want to listen to the classes, I'll go upstairs." Giving her a lesson was the best

excuse, and he was sure that she would not refuse.

As he expected, her eyes were lit up and he was asked to come in at once.

At this moment, she only wore a pajamas, as if she was worried about something. She took the night

robe from the hanger and put it on.

There was a gleam shining in the eyes of Zac, "There is no need for you to do that."

On the other hand, Essie's heart sank a little, but she tried her best to keep calm. She took a look at

her watch and it was past ten o'clock. "Did you just come back?" she asked.

"What's your opinion?" Sitting on the sofa, he asked back in a cold tone, indicating that she had no

right to interfere with his affairs. She also had a clear estimation of herself. Curling her lips, she said, "I

dare not."

"You have no right." He snorted and didn't hide what he had said to hurt her feelings.

Essie didn't want to argue with him. She turned on her computer and took the pen and notebook from

the desk. "Let's go to class."

"I'm not interested in it anymore. I'll teach you next time." He leaned back on the sofa, crossing his

legs. His face was rather gloomy. Touching her forehead, Essie stood up, untied the belt of the

nightgown and took it off.

Zac was shocked by her move. He glanced at her. "Are you going to play a honey trap on me?"

He thought too much.

"Didn't you get angry because I put on a nightgown? I'm taking them off. Could you please calm down

and teach me? "

Zac was even more embarrassed.

"Put it back." He ordered, trying to resist some kind of impulse.

"Why?" She looked puzzled. He was unhappy when she dressed on a nightgown, but he was still

unhappy when she removed it. It was so unpredictable. She seemed to have never seen through him

since she met him.

"This Pajama spoiled my eyes too much." His brain was burning, so he had to make up an excuse.

"No, it looks good." She pouted. The pajama was designed by herself. It seemed that the biggest

change he had made in the past three years was that he was becoming more and more venomous, not

only attacking her, but also upsetting her design.

Seeing that Essie didn't move, Zac stood up and put on her nightgown. Then he went to the refrigerator

and took out a bottle of iced water, taking a few gulps to relieve the heat.

"Is it really that bad?" Feeling quite frustrated, and even more remorseful, Essie was quite proud of the

unique design of this Pajama, and she even was ready to hand out her pajamas for Summer 100

Degree. However, at this moment, it seemed that her pajamas had been pushed into a hole of ice,

which made her feel very heartbroken.

Degree. However, at this moment, it seemed that her pajamas had been pushed into a hole of ice,

which made her feel very heartbroken.


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