Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 492 The Secret Was Discovered

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"No, it's just an idle question." Leila hurriedly waved her hand. How could she hope that he would care

about Essie? She wished that he could break up all the relations with her and never see her again for

the rest of his life.

"That's great." A cold light flashed across his eyes like a meteor but soon disappeared. Then he stood

up, walked to her, and held her in his arms. His expression became mild. "Provence is a tourist resort.

Everyone can travel her. Let Essie be there herself. We play ours. It's none of our business. Don't poke

your nose into others business."

Leila crawled into his arms, clutched his collar and tried not to let him go. She was afraid that if she

relaxed her clutch, then he would run to the direction of Essie. She said, "Brother Zac, I'm a little

worried that she is following us. Don't go out these days, stay with me in the villa, okay?" She must

prevent them from tryst outside.

A hint of mockery flashed across the man's face. He let go of her and walked back to the desk. He took

out an bottle of hand washing liquid from the drawer and wiped his hands. "Okay. I can stay. But you

have to stay away from me. Don't let me catch a cold. I hate it the most. It is bad for my image."

Leila shivered and felt hurt. In the past two days, she had suffered a lot from her disease. She hoped

that Zac would show his consideration and care for her. She didn't expect that he not only didn't care

about her, but also treated her as a god of plague. He avoided seeing her every day for fear of being

infected by her. It was a terrible blow to her fragile heart!

But on a second thought, it made sense for a perfect man like him to care about his image. After all,

nose was red, eyes were red, and it did have bad impact on the image if he kept sneezing after he

caught a cold. Zac wouldn't want his image to be ruined.

And as long as he could stay at home and stop any chance of meeting with Essie, she was willing to do


"Take it easy, brother Zac. I will be careful and won't let you catch a cold."

"Then you may get out of here as soon as possible. You have to stay here a little longer. The air is full

of cold virus." After saying that, the man walked to the window and opened it completely to keep the air


Seeing this, Leila hurriedly stepped out for fear that he would be unhappy.

Seeing the door closed, the man's eyes flashed a malicious and cold light.

Although the man promised not to go out, Leila was still worried about him. She felt very uncomfortable

not to go to the Chateau Bordeaux in person and warn Essie.

The next day, she made up an excuse to go to a town to buy some medicine and drove to the Chateau


Essie didn't welcome the visitor. The visitor was like a dark cloud, which blocked the sunshine above

her head and destroyed her holiday. She wouldn't have let her in if she hadn't stuck in the gate.

"Essie, why are you here? Why I can always bump into you everywhere?" She sat on the sofa, staring

at her angrily.

"I should be the one asking you this question. You know where I am, are you stalking me?" Essie

asked, with a blaming attitude. She did not want to be passive and take the initiative.

"Brother Zac and I were on our honeymoon, so we didn't have the time to stalk you. A friend of mine

happened to see you and told me about that." Leila snorted. She was the wife and this woman was the

mistress. It was justified for her to blame the mistress. She would never allow herself to be

overshadowed by her.

Essie was not in a hurry to respond to her. She picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of the tea

slowly, and then said, "So you've come to say hello to me?"

"I just want to know why you came to Provence with us." Leila snorted, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"Are you a paranoid?" With a mocking smile at the corners of her mouth, Essie said, "Provence is not

your private land. Why can't I come when you come?"

"Essie Yi, don't think that I don't know what you are up to. You are not engaged to Hanson, and were

cheated by him. Thus, you turned your attention to my brother Zac, hoping to remarry him. But let me

tell you, you will never have this fantasy in your life. Brother Zac is mine, and the future hostess of the

Rong family is also mine. You will never have a chance to become his wife. If you dare to compete with

me, I will let you die a miserable death. " Leila almost roared at her. She wanted to let her know how

powerful she was.

"Leila, how could you be so unconfident to threaten me from time to time?" Essie sneered and said,

"You'd better watch over him rather than wasting your time here."

Leila's face turned blue at his words. "Don't talk nonsense. Zac loves me very much. He won't do

anything that makes me sad."

Essie burst out into laughter. "Leila, you are in your thirties, but you still talk about love like a little girl at

her teenage. Aren't you ashamed? Just be realistic. "

Leila's face turned red with anger, some purple with brown and some gold. This time, Essie touched

her most sensitive spot. In the past, she indeed thought that Zac wasn't interested in women. But after

getting married, she found that she was wrong. He was always haunted by gossip, making her fear that

she would be replaced by other women.

She had tried so hard to get the position, and she had to watch and watch. No one could take away her

'fruit of victory'.

"Don't try to alienate me from brother Zac. He treats me very well. I'm the only one he loves. He doesn't

like any other woman. As for you, as a devoiced woman, he won't look at you anymore. You'd better

figure out where you are now. If you dare to have an improper desire on him, I will kill you very soon. "

After that, she stood up and left in anger.

Looking at the disappearing figure of her, Essie turned into solemn again. She walked to the wine

cabinet and poured a glass of rose red wine. She shook the wine gently and stared at the blood red

wine inside.

She didn't expect that Leila would know her whereabouts so soon.

Wherever there was sunshine, there was a shadow. She was like a shadow, and no matter how hard

she tried, she could not get rid of it.

As soon as Leila returned to the villa, she heard a delicate scream from upstairs.

She was shocked so much that she rushed upstairs without changing her shoes.

The door of the main bedroom was locked and couldn't be opened. Needless to guess, they were

doing some sports inside.

Leila almost fainted with dark eyes. It had only been a while since she left, but Zac had brought a

woman back unexpectedly. From the voice, there were more than one woman.

"Brother Zac, what are you doing? Brother Zac!" She yelled as she slammed on the door.

Soon, it was quiet inside.

After a while, the door opened.

Zac stood at the door in his pajamas. He looked very impatient and irritated. "Didn't you go to the town

to buy some medicine? Why don't you just stroll around? Why do you come back so soon? "

"Who's with you?" She was trembling with anger, so was her voice.

"I was so bored staying with you in the villa recently, so I sent someone over to have fun," Zac said with

a careless look. His mother had ruined the show that he prepared for Leila. It was a good show. Now

he made up for her and let her enjoy it to her heart's content.

"Brother Zac, you... How could you do this to me? " Leila was so furious that she took a deep breath,

almost suffocating and falling to the ground.

"It was just a game." Zac patted her on the shoulder and went back to the room.

Looking at Leila's almost collapsed expression, he rushed to the bed and roared, "Get out! Get out


They left reluctantly after Zac said a few words in French.

Standing on the bedside, Leila clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Her face was red because of

jealousy, and finally she couldn't help screaming hysterically.

Zac poured a glass of wine and sat on the sofa, admiring her angry expression. After a long time, he

opened his mouth slowly, "Leila, have you forgotten my teachings so soon? You are such a narrow-

minded person. How can you be my wife and the hostess of the Rong family in the future? "

His voice was light like a breeze, but his tone was as heavy as a rock. He hit Leila's shoulder ruthlessly.

She shook violently, with tears flowing like the tide. "Brother Zac, isn't it enough for you to have me by

your side? Why do you have another woman?"

"Leila, do you know what kind of woman men hate the most?" Zac asked with a mocking smile.

"What kind of woman is that?" Leila raised her head and looked at him.

"Greedy and discontented woman." Every word was squeezed between his teeth.

Leila sank to the ground, as if she had been hit by a blow. She really wanted a lot. She loved him and

the richest Empire behind him. She wanted to monopolize him, to be the hostess of the Rong family,

and to let her children become the future governor of the Rong family. She made all the women in the

celebrities jealous of her.

But she wouldn't let him know.

"Brother Zac, you are wrong. I'm not greedy or unsatisfied. I'm a person who can die at any time. I just

want to have the one I love alone at the last moment of my life and leave myself a beautiful memory."

She crawled over, held his leg and said in a desperate voice, "Brother Zac, you still have a long time to

live. When I die, you can find a lot of women. At that time, I will not see or be sad any more. You can do

whatever you want. While I'm alive, you belong only to me, okay? "


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