Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 569 Wedding Night

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It was not the first time that scum Jim made fun of her. It was a great blow to her and hurt her self-

esteem! Eva wanted to jump off her feet! Was she so bad? Was she so ugly?

She clenched her teeth and waved her fist in the air. Then she turned around and walked towards the

house. 'You arrogant guy, let's wait and see. You have to pay the price for mocking me!'

Looking at her back, Jim's eyes flashed a malicious and cold light.

This Heaven pepper hadn't been worked for a few days, and he had to work with her. She owed him a

meal to show her grateful that she hadn't done it, as if she had completely forgotten it. The most hateful

thing was that she dared to contradict him openly and say that he had changed the script. If he didn't

teach this arrogant and ungrateful woman a lesson and vent his anger, he would feel aggrieved.

Therefore, he deliberately chose the same flight with her, and transferred to the position beside her.

Then he set up this 'trap', letting her jump in by herself.

He was the most evil man in Dragon City. There were many ways to punish this Heaven pepper.

"Heaven pepper, I didn't expect you to have such a bad character. You still want to go back on your

words even if you lose," he said on purpose. She was a simple minded woman with developed limbs

and strong self-esteem. It was the most effective way to stimulate her.

"Who's going back on the words? I'm just in a hurry to see Essie. Don't you care about her?"

Jim shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've already visited her. She has lost her memory and become

strange. Now she doesn't know anyone."

"Then I should go. She must need me now. I owe you two favors and one gambling debt. Keep the

account first. After the play is finished, I will pay it off in batches. What do you think? " Eva bargained.

Jim's charming eyes twinkled slightly, revealing a mischievous look. "I'm sorry, I don't accept the

bargain. From now on, you have to stay here for my orders until twelve o'clock in the evening. "

"Scum Jim, don't go too far!" Eva was so angry that his hair was even smoking.

Jim sneered and ignored her. He liked to see the furious Heaven pepper. The more she jumped, the

happier he was.

Eva took a deep breath and tried her best to control her impulse to fight with him. "Don't you always

say that I'm simple minded and can't change? It is you who won't change your mind today. You know I

won't stay at your disposal. Even if you tie me up, it's useless. You'd better change another way. "

Touching his chin, a weird smile played at the corners of his mouth. "In another way? Sure! After

returning to Hengdian, you will serve me tea, water and massage my shoulders every day. What do

you think? "

Eva couldn't stand it anymore. She clenched her fists and threw a punch at him. He grabbed her wrist

in midair and twisted it behind her back. "Heaven pepper, don't show your gentle fists and kicks in front

of me again. Now you have only two choices. What to do is up to you! " His expression became cold

and his tone became domineering.

Eva knew that she couldn't change his mind today. He out performed her on both strength and

intelligence between them. As long as she was here, she had to put up with it. She had to run away

from his devil den before she could plan anything.

With these thoughts in her mind, she gritted her teeth and said, "I choose the second one. Now let me

go and return to the Hengdian to settle it."

Jim smiled complacently like a lion who had won a battle. He released his hand and stroked her head

as if he was going to touch a pet. "Remember to be good, or you will know the consequences." Then

he walked towards the villa with a sneer.

Eva stared at his back and gnashed her teeth. Let her serve tea and water for him? She must put

croton tiglium in the tea to let him suffer from diarrhea and see if he still had the strength to get even

with her!

In D Island, the sun was shining brightly, and the sea was shining with golden waves.

On the silver beach, a red carpet made of rose petals extended all the way to the villa.

Wearing a white and beautiful wedding dress, Essie walked slowly on the carpet. She was very

nervous, as if she was stepping on an unknown and dangerous road. The tall and handsome man in

the distance was still so strange. Did she want him to be her husband, give birth to children for him,

and spend the rest of her life on this lonely island?

She was at a loss. Her mind was like a mess. It seemed that she was missing a person, but she

couldn't remember who that person was. She still felt that she had a lot of things to do, but she couldn't

remember exactly what it was.

When she walked in front of Walt, she couldn't help but shed tears. Why did she cry? She didn't know.

Looking at her, Walt's bright eyes darkened. "Cathy, why are you crying? Are you too happy? " he said

it on purpose, as if comforting himself.

Essie sniffed and lowered her eyes. Her thick eyelashes cast a sad shadow on her eyelids. "Maybe."

Her voice was as low as a mosquito's.

Walt gently wiped away the tears on her face and said, "Cathy, I will make you happy. I swear." He

firmly believed that he was more suitable for her than Zac. He was the only man who could make her


Raising her eyes, Essie looked at him silently and didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She

felt like a lamb on the chopping block, and there was no other way out except accepting his


Walt held her hand and walked to the priest. The priest was sent by Willi, so he didn't worry that he

would leak out the whereabouts of Essie.

After the two of them announced their vows, the priest looked at Walt and said, "Mr. Steven, would you

like this woman to be your wife and marry her? Love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, be

faithful to her forever until the end of your life, no matter for illness, health or any other reason? "

"I do," Walt answered seriously.

The priest turned to Essie and said, "Miss Cathy, would you like this man to be your husband and

marry him? Love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, be faithful to him forever until the end

of his life, no matter for illness, health or any other reason? "

Biting her lips, Essie felt very conflicted. But when she saw the tenderness and love on Walt's face and

the love in his eyes, she felt less nervous.

He said that they used to love each other very much. He said that they had been together for eight

years and had sex. She had long been his woman, but she had forgotten it. Therefore, the shadow in

her mind might be him, not anyone else. It was because her mind was in a mess that she was


Besides, he had taken good care of her these days. So she should learn to accept him and love him.

She shouldn't make him sad, shouldn't she?

Thinking of this, she nodded.

In her silence, Walt's heart was entangled. Seeing her nod, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The priest smiled, "I declare you to be a couple in the name of the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the

holy being. God will unite you and no one can separate you. Now you can exchange rings. "

Walt put the huge pink dove egg on her ring finger and lowered his head to kiss her on the cheek.

Standing next to them, Eve was more jealous than the waves.

When she saw Essie, she knew why Walt kept her by his side and treated her better than others.

Because she was somewhat similar to Essie, and he regarded her as a substitute of Essie. Now that

the real one was here, her substitute would naturally be kicked away and would no longer be of any


But she was not reconciled. She did not want to be abandoned like this. Even if she could not be his

partner, she also wanted to become his woman.

As she thought of this, an extremely malicious light quietly swept over her eyes.

After the wedding, Walt took Essie to the sea. He was going to spend the wedding night with her on the

yacht. As well as Eve and the maids, they got on the yacht and served them.

In the evening, Eve entered the new couple's room with two glasses of wine.

"Master, this is the wine I specially prepared for you. May you grow old together."

"Eve, you are so considerate," Walt said with a smile.

Eve gave the left one to Walt and the right one to Essie.

When she saw the two arms intertwined and drank up the wine in their hands, an imperceptible weird

smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

Then, Essie went to take a shower. After coming out of the bathroom, she didn't go back to her room

immediately. She was a little nervous at the thought of what was going to happen. She wanted to take

a breath of wind to calm herself down.

Eve came over with a glass of milk on her plate. Recently, Essie had a bad sleep, so she would drink a

glass of milk before going to bed, which was good for her sleep.

"Thank you." With a slight smile, Essie picked up the cup on the plate and drank slowly, completely

unaware of the strange expression in Eve's eyes.

After drinking the milk, she put the cup on the plate and was about to go back to her room. After two

steps, her vision became blurred and she felt dizzy. She held her forehead and tried to grab the railing

beside her, but she failed. Everything went black and she fell down.

With a sneer, she held her up and said, "Mrs. Rong let me take your place for the wedding tonight."

She looked a little like Essie. She looked more like her when she put on her clothes, combed her hair

and put on makeup.

Thinking of this, she smiled sinisterly, stood up and went to the motor room on the yacht. As soon as

the electric brake was turned on, the light on the yacht was completely extinguished.

Walt was waiting for Essie in his room. She took a longer bath than he expected. Seeing that the light

was off and worrying that she was afraid, he quickly stood up and rushed out.

"Cathy -" he shouted, and then a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. "Steven, I'm



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