Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 391 The Baby Is Gone (Part Two)

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Leila snorted and said, "She hasn't been forgotten Zac. She has been pestering him all day long and

wants to get back together with him. Unfortunately, Zac had never had any feelings for her. Now when

he heard her name, he felt annoyed to see her. Now that you are pregnant, it will also become a

stumbling block to the reunion of her and Zac. Of course, she will try her best to eliminate your child."

Anger was rising on Landis's face. She seemed to believe her words. She smiled imperceptibly.

In the Jade Mountain, Zac also knew about it.

Someone's action was faster than he had expected.

Essie sat beside him and sipped at the black tea, as if deep in thought. Then she said, "It is so strange

that Landis's child was gone. They were quite well when filming, and after the celebration party, she

was bleeding. If it is a natural miscarriage, there will be signs before it happens. "

As she spoke, she peeked at Zac from the corner of her eye. She remembered that he had told her to

wait for the good play to begin. Was it only to watch such a bloody scene?

She had the same experience. She almost had a miscarriage back then. If she hadn't hidden the truth

and hid in the United States, she really didn't know if her children could be born safely.

Therefore, she could understand how painful it was for a mother to lose her child, especially someone

who had placed all her hopes on her child would definitely feel very depressed. She must feel falling

from the sky to a bottomless abyss, which would be indescribable miserable.

"She is lucky to lose this baby," Zac said coldly without any pity in his tone. He never had a tender

heart for women. Except for Essie, he was cold-blooded and heartless to other women.

"You should go to the hospital to see her tomorrow. Women are most vulnerable at this time and need

men's comfort." Essie sighed.

"Do you know what is your biggest weakness?" Zac said, flicking her forehead.

"Isn't it muddled-headed?" She felt wronged and pouted. When he flicked her forehead, it meant that

she had said something wrong which had displeased him.

"This is just one of them. The other is because of the flooding of sympathy. Don't you know that the

pathetic man certainly have something to be despised?" Zac looked at her with disappointment.

"The law of the jungle is the rule of this society. Good people will always get bullied. Only such kind of

people who are very cunning and scheming will live a good life," Essie said seriously.

"What kind of people do you and me belong to?" Zac asked with a forced smile. Essie curled her lips

and said, "We are not the same person." According to his personality, he should belong to the ogre, but

she was a pure human, and did not belong to the same species at all.

"Honey." "We are not the same kind of person. We are complementary. People of the same type can be

triggered at any time they meet together, but the complementary type of people is different. They are

born to fit each other, so there will be no mutually exclusive phenomenon."

"We are complementary to each other?" She glanced at him shyly.

"For example, I am always saying and acting as I think. You say yes and mean No. I am cold outside

and hot inside, you are hot outside and cold inside. I am wise and you are muddled..." He ridiculed her

and listed a series of evidence.

Essie's face darkened. Were they complementary to each other in this way? Those were clearly a

bunch of antonyms. And he used the positive words to describe himself and the words he used to

describe her were all negative.

She was not that bad in Chinese. Couldn't she understand the meaning behind it?

"Why don't you say you're overbearing, I'm gentle and kind. You're domineering and I'm generous. You

think highly of yourself, and I'm humble and low-key..." She tried her best to fight back.

"That's why we are complementary. What I lack is what you have, but what you lack is what I have." He

smiled wickedly.

Well, she had nothing to say. Anyway, her IQ was lower than his, and his colloquial was better than her.

She would never win in a battle of words.

"To be honest, if I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have returned to the Xu family, and my life would have

been on another direction," she said thoughtfully. Perhaps she would always be an ordinary designer,

working hard on her own design, earning her living by running the Taobao shop. Maybe she would

marry to an ordinary guy and worked hard to earn their paycheck...

"But you met me. You are destined to meet me," he said with confidence.

"Inexorable doom." She wrinkled her nose at him. There was no way to escape when irritated him, just

like monkey king was controlled by the Golden Hoop.

"Whether it's a good thing or not, there's no escaping from it. Just accept your destiny and follow my

orders." With a smile, Zac held her in his arms and began to speak of his rights...

For the next two days, he didn't go to the Jade Mountain. She didn't know whether he went to comfort

Landis or stayed at the villa by the lakeside with Leila. Essie tried her best not to think about him, so

she left the company as soon as she got off work. She planned to go to the supermarket to buy some

fruit for the children before she went home.

On the opposite side of the HENGyuan building, there was a Walmart supermarket. When she was

about to pass the lane, she heard the sound of car engine from not far away and a Maserati was

rushing to her at a crazy speed...

rushing to her at a crazy speed...


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