Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 429 Am I Dead

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She was so frightened that her mind went blank. Without thinking, she dashed into the water as fast as

she could. She completely forgot that she could not swim at all.

"Zac Rong! Zac Rong!" She yelled as she ran. Suddenly, a wave came and pulled her into the water.

She tried to rise with her legs and hands waving wildly. But the more she tried, the faster she fell. The

sea water kept flowing into her throat, making her almost suffocate.

Zac Rong, where are you?

Her consciousness began to blur. Through the cold sea water, she seemed to see a shadow swimming

quickly towards her and then she went black and lost consciousness.

The sea water was cool and the wind was strong. The waves were turbulent. Zac swam ashore with

the person in his arms. He began to give her artificial respiration and CPR.

He was so restless and anxious. He had been diving in the sea and thought it was his illusion when he

heard her voice. But when he came out of the water, he saw her rushing wildly into the sea and was

instantly swallowed by the large wave. She had disappeared.

"You little fool, open your eyes. You must be okay. I don't allow anything to happen to you!" All his

nerves were on edge. His face was pale, and even his lips were pale.

But she didn't make any response. Her face was as pale as paper under the moonlight.

His whole body was trembling, and he felt that his heart was about to stop beating. "Essie Yi, , did you

hear that? No matter what happens, you can't get rid of me. " He exerted all his strength to massage

her heart and gave her artificial respiration. His forehead was covered by cold sweat and his limbs

were in extreme tension and numb.

No one could take away his little fool, not even God. There were so many angles in the heaven, and

they didn't need his little fool. But he was different, he only had his little fool. She would be his only

lover all his life. God couldn't compete with him, he wouldn't let her go, absolutely not.

For a long time, Essie did not have any respond. He still didn't give up, but he kept giving her

emergency treatment. Maybe it was because his determination moved God.

Suddenly Essie coughed twice and vomit some water. Then she opened her eyes slowly.

She could see the man clearly. Tears streamed down her face.

"Zac, you are dead too. We are in heaven, aren't we?"

Comforted her pale face, it was true that he had just died. Seeing her lying still without any reaction, he

really felt the meaningless to live on.

This woman didn't deserve his care at all. He had made up his mind not to be influenced by her. But

when he thought of losing her, all his concerns were thrown far away. As long as she was alive, he was

willing to exchange his life for hers.

"If you can't swim, why do you run into the sea without a lifering?" he answered coldly while hiding his


'I saw you drowning. I wanted to save you!' She sniffed and said to herself in grievance. She didn't

expect herself to be killed in this way. This man was her disaster. She was doomed to die for him. Even

if she didn't get drowned this time, she would die out of excessive sadness.

But she didn't say it out. She rolled her eyes and found an excuse. "My stuff fell into the sea and

wanted to pick it up. I didn't expect it to be swept into the waves."

"Did you forget that you can't swim?" Zac shook his head and sighed. He worried so much for this little


"I was in a hurry, so I forgot." Essie wiped her tears. As soon as she saw him drowning, there was only

one thought in her mind - save him at any cost.

"I didn't expect to see you again even if we were dead. Are we in heaven or hell now?" She was a kind

and nice person who had never done any bad things. She must be in heaven?

"What do you think?" Zac gently flicked her forehead.

"I thought I was in heaven, but I changed my mind when I saw you." Essie pouted.

Zac's face darkened. "What do you mean?"

"You are the incarnation of Lucifer, the demon king. How can you go to heaven?" Essie made a face

and stuck out her tongue at him.

Zac didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. He lowered his body and put his thin lips close to her ear.

"Do you know what I'm coming to heaven for?"

"What?" Essie raised her eyebrows, wondering why the great angel would allow the demon king to

come in?

"Arrest you." Zac said in a low and deep voice. "I said that nobody would take you away from me, so I

want to catch you here and go to hell with me."

Holding her arms, Essie stuttered, "I... I don't want to go to hell. I want to be an angel in heaven. "

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. God has sent you to me," Zac said, who smiled imperceptibly.

"You..." Hearing that, Essie wanted to cry again. How could it be possible that such a man even didn't

let her off when she was dead?

She sniffed as the picture of him making out with Leila popped into her head. He didn't care about her

at all. Why would she jump into the sea to save him and even risk her life? It wasn't worth it.

She pushed him with all her strength, "We have divorced in the mortal world. We are no longer

husband and wife. You should go to find Leila and let her go to hell with you. I want to be an angel.

Don't bother me from now on. "

"You little fool, why are you so moody? Are you jealous?" Zac gazed at her with deep and sharp eyes.

She sneered, "Jealousy should be put in the premise of love. I don't love you. What's the point of being


Zac's face darkened, as if it was a speck of dark. "It's good that you're not. You don't have the


"I know." A bitter smile was plastered on Essie's face. He only cared about Leila and had never cared

about her. It was her own wishful thinking to love him.

She sniffed, sat up and looked around.

Oh, how come the heaven was just like C Island? There was the same beach, the same jungle, the

same sea and the same reef!

"Zac Rong, is this really heaven?" she scratched her head in confusion.

"What do you think?" Zac said while flicking her forehead. Her brain had already been confused. Since

she had been in the sea for so long, the water in it had been drained a lot. She must have had a brain

fart again.

With the moonlight, Essie looked around. She touched her body and patted her head, then cried and

laughed. "Zac Rong, you are a liar. I'm not dead. This place is not a heaven, but C Island."

"You are a fool and not adorable. God is not interested in you." Zac snorted.

Essie walked up to him and looked at him up and down with her eyes wide open. She remembered

clearly that he had drowned. How could he save her?

"Why are you here?" She pretended not to see him.

Zac glanced at her with a meaningful look. This question was odd. He had heard her calling his name,

how could she not know he was here?

Without revealing his mood, he said casually, "I was swimming, but a fool rushed into the sea and

swam over. I didn't expect it to be you."

"Okay." She nodded slightly, not daring to ask him if he had drowned. Otherwise, the lie would have

been revealed. It was good as long as he was fine.

"I'm going back to change my clothes," she said and turned to the construction base. She didn't want to

stay with him any longer. Since she had made up her mind to end the relationship with him, she'd

better not get along with him alone in case of unnecessary misunderstandings.

With a gloomy look, Zac looked at her hasty back and quickly followed her. "Don't forget to ask the

bodyguards when you go out next time."

"Okay," she replied in a low voice.

Silence fell. A wicked light flashed across Zac's eyes. "You little fool. Why did you call me by the

seaside just now?" His voice was like a breeze at night, and she was like a blown leaf, quivering

slightly. "You must have misheard it, I didn't see you, how could I call you?" She hid her face in the

shadow of the moon.

"Unlike you, I can hear your words clearly," Zac said in an affirmative tone.

"Then it must be your illusion. The sound of the sea waves is so loud, it's normal for you to have an

illusion," Essie explained seriously.

Did he hear it wrong? Zac frowned. A note of disappointment flashed across his mind. "What do you

mean to send a cuckold to my wedding ceremony with Leila?" He quietly changed the topic and

stopped thinking about it. He didn't expect that Essie would go to all lengths to save him.

Essie pressed her lips and tried her best to keep her tone calm. "The cuckold is the bird of love. I wish

the love between you forever."

"Really?" Zac's thick eyebrows slightly. "The cuckoo was a kind of birds who would laid eggs to other

birds' nest. So there is a saying 'A turtledove takes over the nest of a magpie' to describe their


Hearing that, the corners of Essie's mouth quivered slightly. She was discovered by him in a short time.

As expected, she could not conceal anything from him. "I... I didn't think that much. You are just

overthinking. It has nothing to do with me. " She acted shamelessly.

"You are too stubborn." Zac snorted, "Essie Yi, it seems that you don't want to take your own nest back,

and you're going to give it to others?"

"I have a new nest. I will leave that old nest to whoever is interested in it." Essie was so sad in her

heart. How could she take it back since what had been done was done?

"Yes, that is not yours anymore. Even if you want to come back, you can only be shut out." Anger rose

in Zac's eyes.

"Then I will wish my old nest and the cuckoo to have a great time together." Essie quickened her pace.

The words 'flash marriage and flash divorce' kept repeating in her heart. She wasn't the holy woman.

She couldn't give a blessing to a man who abandoned her and a mistress who ruined her marriage.

After he had shielded a bullet for her, she had made up her mind to marry him under the pressure of

her mother for a lifetime. He had saved her life after all, and her mother could have forgiven him for

that. But now, there was no room for negotiation at all. There was no turning back for them.

Staring at her back, blankness flitted over his eyes. He had decided that he would never give her

another chance unless this woman came back and begged him to be together again.


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