Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 503 Be A Match Maker (Part Two)

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He had promised him this morning to take care of Essie, but he hadn't prepared for this. Now suddenly

he made a big move. How could he resolve it?

"Recently, he has suffered some setbacks. His mood fluctuates constantly. You need to get used to it.

He won't come. Let's eat here. It's so late. If we go out, we have to find another restaurant to eat. Why

don't we just eat here and have a companion? " He tried to ease the embarrassment with an awkward


Essie knew that she had no appetite. But she couldn't refuse him, so she sat down again.

"Brother Jim, if you have time, take a look at Zac. He needs the care and encouragement of friends

very much now," she said in a low voice.

"Don't worry. He is the most cold-blooded man in Dragon City. He is not that vulnerable," Jim comforted

her. He was a man who would never blink his eyes when the mountain collapsed. How could he feel

depressed because of an accident? She was the only person that could make him worried and


However, Essie didn't understand what was on Zac's mind. She thought that he was really tired of her

and didn't want her anymore. She felt terrible.

"But he is not in a good mood now," she muttered in a very low voice. She almost collapsed at the

thought of his indifference and disgust in his eyes when he looked at her.

Perhaps he was blaming her. After all, she was the indirectly chief culprit in this car accident. If she

hadn't been willful, he wouldn't have encountered such a disaster. So he couldn't forgive her and didn't

want to see her again.

"Don't worry. He will be fine after a while." After he finished ordering, he handed the menu to the waiter.

Taking another sip of the juice, she tried to shift the subject. She was afraid that she couldn't stop

crying if they continued to talk about it.

"Brother Jim, have you been preparing for the new play recently?"

Jim blinked his charming eyes and said, "I don't have a female companion for the award ceremony in

MTV awarding ceremony this Friday. If you have time, you can go with me. What do you think?"

Feeling he was joking, she smiled and said, "You're the most attractive man I've ever seen. Why do you

need a date? If you are really lack of one, just post the news on microblog, it is sure that all women in

the country will rush over and scramble to be your female companion. "

"I'm not interested in those anthomaniac." He looked at her with a meaningful smile on his face and

said, "Miss Yi, do you always think that I'm a playboy?"

Hearing that, Essie was dazed for a second. Although she knew that the answer was yes, it was not

appropriate to say it out loud. She smiled and said, "Brother Jim, you're so excellent that women

always chase after you. I don't think it's difficult for you not to have a romantic relationship."

Jim sighed. "Although this is a euphemistic answer, there is still the meaning behind it. So, for the sake

of my future marriage, I need to be nursed from women. "

Essie was choked. Vinton decided to ditch his bad habit for Eva. Now King Jim wanted to do the same.

Was it a trend as the saying went 'A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold'?

"You have a girl that you want to marry to?" She was a little curious. He and Zac were both very picky,

with eyes looking up at their heads. What kind of magical woman could win his heart?

Taking a small sip of the red wine, he drew a charming smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "I

didn't have. But recently, Zac has been the matchmaker for me. I found the beauty he suggested was

pretty good, so I agreed to take her."

Essie's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she had heard. "Do you mean that Zac introduced a

woman to you?"

"Yes." Jim nodded.

Essie was choke at the news. She covered her mouth and coughed to clean up the air.

'Oh my God! It's impossible for Zac to be a matchmaker.' She could not believe it, as if someone had

told her that the sun rose from the West today. It was very weird.

"How could Zac do such a thing?" she raised her eyebrows and inquired.

Jim poured a glass of frozen juice for her to calm her down. What he was going to say was the real

reason that made her panic and even collapse.

"Don't you want to know what kind of woman he introduced to me?" he said slowly.

As she took another sip of her juice, the curiosity in her eyes got stronger. She asked, "Then can you

tell me which family she is from?"

After keeping silent for a while, he then opened his mouth slowly, "Your family."

These simple words were like a gust of wind in a storm, stirring great waves in her heart. "Are you

kidding me?"

How could Zac introduce a woman to him from Xu family? Her cousins had not reached the year

eighteen. Her sister, Alice had engaged with Fell. There was no one else except Valery.

It was impossible for Zac to introduce Valery to him. Even if he couldn't work it out in a short time, he,

the king of the world, wouldn't listen to him.

"Do you think I'm kidding?" said Jim seriously.

Shocked by what she just heard, she asked, "Are you going to marry Valery?"

"Is there only one daughter, Valery in your Xu family?" Jim was choked by her question.

"My cousin is still a kid. They are not suitable for you," Essie said, curling her lips.

"How about you?" Jim asked.


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