Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 550 I Won't Forgive You

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Mary went to the United States when she was five years old. She was brought up by herself. Naturally,

she would prefer Mary a little. However, she was guilty for Charlotte more or less, especially after her

accident. So as soon as she got the news, she rushed over with Laves. Seeing that she was fine, she

felt better.

When they were ashore, Albert came back. He held up his precious grandson and granddaughter and

kissed them for a while. Then he greeted his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

When he knew that Lady Rose was really Charlotte, he was a little surprised, because she seemed to

be different from the previous Charlotte. But on second thought, maybe it was because she had lost

her memory, her personality and preferences might be different from before. Moreover, after so many

years, she had been living in France, and it was impossible for her not to change.

After that, the elders gathered together to talk about the old days. Essie took the children to the koi

pond to feed them, ignoring Zac.

Zac was a little annoyed and went to the garden alone to relax. Irene followed him quietly. When he

walked to the jasmine field, she quickened her pace and followed him. "Cousin!"

Zac turned around and glanced at her. "Why are you here?"

"The jasmines here are so beautiful. I come here to have a look." She smiled slightly and then changed

her tone. "I found that you and Essie haven't talked since you entered the house. Did you have a


Shrugging, Zac said in a calm tone, "it's normal for a couple to quarrel."

"I thought you would never quarrel with each other." Irene pouted.

A faint smile played at the corners of Zac's mouth. The reason why he kept a strong attitude this time

was that he felt that this stupid woman didn't care about him too much. In her heart, he was always at

the back of the line, even inferior to Alice.

And in his heart, she was always the first, better than himself and everything.

The huge difference in status made him very depressed and jealous.

This heartless fool didn't take him seriously at all. Maybe she hadn't really fallen in love with him until

now. How could he not be angry?

When he was silent, Irene's voice came again, "my cousin is so excellent. There must be many girls

want to be with you, right?"

"Those people have nothing to do with me." Zac replied indifferently. He had always been a woman's

isolation. He would only accept Essie in his life, and the other women would be excluded.

"Maybe I can't find a second good man like you in the world." A hint of admiration flashed through

Irene's eyes. Zac was so excellent, perfect and faithful. It would be better if she could meet him first,

but unfortunately...

By the side of the koi pond, Mili threw a few pieces of goldfish food into the pond. Then she turned to

look at Essie and asked, "Mommy, when will the cold war between you and daddy last?"

Stroking her head, Essie said, "baby, don't get me wrong. We don't have a cold war."

"Yes, you haven't talked to each other for two days." Mili pursed her lips and looked worried.

"My throat hurt, so I didn't say anything." Essie smiled awkwardly.

"Mommy, stop making excuses. I can tell at a glance whether you have reconciled or not." Mili tilted her

head and looked at her seriously.

"Baby, we can deal with the adult's business by ourselves. Don't worry about us." said Essie.

"What if you still want to divorce or run away like before?" Mili asked with a worried look on her face. In

her eyes, daddy and mommy were both muddled. Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't have been in

and out all the time.

Sweat broke out on Essie's forehead. She suddenly realized that she didn't set a good example for her

children, which disappointed them. "Baby, it's inevitable for two people to get into trouble when they live

together. Your father and I just had a small conflict. It's not a serious matter. We won't be separated."

"But from grandma's attitude, she haven't accepted daddy yet. And you especially listen to grandma's

words. What if you get angry with daddy because of a trifle and be forced by grandma? What if you

want to divorce daddy?" Mili's serious analysis made her more and more confused.

When Essie was about to answer, a low voice came from not far away, "it's impossible. Your mommy

will never escape from me for the rest of her life."

Hearing that, Essie was a little stunned. When she turned her head, she saw Zac walking towards her.

Stretching out his arms, he pulled her into his arms and said, "even if I'm very angry with your stupid

mommy one day, she can't escape. She must serve me obediently beside me."

"Can't you keep a low profile with the kids around?" Raising her hand, Essie tried to move his fingers,

but he didn't relax and didn't give her a chance to break free.

She could do nothing but let him hold her.

Mili covered her mouth and giggled, "Daddy is really a devil." But his strong method seemed to be

particularly effective on her mother.

Dot had been feeding the fish beside, without making any sound. He glanced at the two of them from

the corner of his eyes, and then said casually, "this is Yu Chou's trick. One is willing to beat the other."

Zac pretended to blame him, "boy, can't you use a better metaphor?"

Dot shrugged and said, "I have no choice. My tongue is inherited from my father."

Seeing that Zac didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Essie burst into laughter. Her son was the best,

which made the big devil speechless.

Zac grabbed a handful of fish food and threw it into the pool. Then he asked the nanny to take the

children away. He wanted to stay alone with his wife for a while. It was too inconvenient for two kids to

stay here.

As soon as the children left, the smile on Essie's face disappeared. She stepped hard on Zac and

asked him to let go of her. She hadn't forgiven him yet.

A shadow passed over Zac's handsome face. He pushed her to the trunk of a tree nearby, grabbed her

hands with both hands and forcibly pressed them behind the trunk.

"Stupid woman, have you forgotten what I said the night before yesterday?"

"Cold-blooded beast, I won't yield to you." She stared at him ferociously, summoned up the remaining

courage, and provoked him.

"I'm your master. You have to accept it!" He snorted and looked domineering as if the slave master was

threatening the slave.

"Zac, I just want to calm down. If your family is hurt, can you pretend nothing has happened?" She

angrily kicked his leg to force him to let her go.

However, this kind of trick didn't work on him at all. "No matter who he is, as long as he does the same

thing as Alice did, I won't forgive him."

His deep eyes looked particularly cold under the tree, like the cold stars in the North Pole. He had been

searching for three years and finally found out that it was Alice who helped her escape. At that time, he

even wanted to kill Alice. Besides, Alice kept her identity a secret. Even if he tried both hard and soft

tactics, she refused to tell him her whereabouts, which annoyed him even more. How could he help


"She is my sister. She did this to protect me." There was a wave of tears in Essie's hoarse voice.

"That's your fault. You should have confessed your identity earlier." The hot breath of Zac was like a

slap on her face, which made her feel burning pain.

"So what? If I told you my identity, can Elizabeth and Valery let me go and can your mommy accept

me? " She sneered. After discovering her identity, they had to go even further to deal with her.

Zac grabbed her chin and stared at her with his sharp eyes. "Essie, these are the past. I can't go back

to the past, and I can't change the decision of the past. Even if you are entangled with it until your heart

is broken, it's useless."

His words hit the nail on the head. In fact, Essie knew clearly that the past was the past, and it was

irreparable. It was useless to complain anymore, but when she thought of it, it was difficult for her to

calm down. After all, because of this matter, Alice had changed. She had become a completely

different person, unpredictable, and made her feel that she had lost her sister.

That was why she hated him. How much she hoped that the former Alice could come back, and how

much she hoped that they could be as intimate as before without suspicion, gaps, and intrigues.

Although Zac was not the one to blame, he was like an accomplice. Even if he only stretched out a

finger, her sister could survive.

"So what? I won't forgive you unless my sister can become what she used to be." She said through

gritted teeth.

"I don't need your forgiveness." Zac's eyebrows twisted fiercely into a straight line. He didn't do

anything wrong. He didn't need to beg her forgiveness. He was born with cold-blooded. Even if he

knew that Alice was her sister, he would still not help her if she refused to tell him her whereabouts.

Anyone who wanted to get something from him must pay and accept his conditions obediently.

The cold air around him froze. She felt cold. Her limbs were cold, and even the sunlight through the

leaves made her unable to feel warm.

"Let me go!" She twisted her body, trying to escape to the warm area of the sunlight.

"No way!" A cold light flashed in his eyes and he lowered his head to kiss her.

His action was almost violent. He was not kiss her, but to vent his anger. A faint pain came from her

lips. She was ashamed and angry, and bit his lips hard.

Soon, a smell of blood rushed into her mouth. It was the blood on his lips. A trace of cruelty rose in his

eyes. He bit her lips back, and with a little bit force of his teeth, the blood of the two mixed together.

In the shadow not far away, there was a long black shadow. He stared at them without a blink, with a

bloodthirsty and fierce light, and a strong sense of jealousy.

"You have to remember that I'm your ally. I can let you get the woman you want and the position of the

leader of the Rong family. Only I can..." A hoarse voice rang in his ears. He clenched his fists, and

contradictions and struggles were like waves rolling in his eyes.


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