Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 286 Fair Well, Dragon City

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With a sad and bitter smile on his face, Zac said, "Am I so bad in your heart?"

"If I can make the choice again, I will definitely choose not to know you forever." She said the sentence

word by word, cruel and cold. Her eyes were as desperate as death. She seemed to have given up on

him and their marriage.

His heart was torn into pieces. There was an unprecedented fear rising from the back, spreading slowly

to the limbs and bones. He couldn't help shivering. He held her hand tightly for fear that she would

leave once he loosened it. She didn't withdraw her hand, allowing him to hold it. Her hand was cold and

her expression was even colder, as if he was invisible, and she didn't want to care anymore.

After that, there was only silence in the room.

She closed her eyes and didn't want to look at him.

He stayed at her bedside the whole night, but she didn't open her eyes again.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, as if to sweep away the haze of the previous day.

Essie woke up very early. Lying on the edge of her bed, Zac frowned and closed his eyes, as if taking

the troubles into his dream. She looked at him quietly, a drop of tear rolling down from the corner of her


He seemed to be stirred and opened his eyes. She hurriedly turned away and wiped off the tears from

her eyes.

When his eyes met hers, he straightened his body and asked, "Are you awake?"

She nodded her head and pressed the button of the adjustment of the bed. Then she sat up and said,

"Yesterday, I had a dream. In my dream, you were still a hobo. We live in the Legendary of Yang City. I

open an Internet store and you play the computer with nothing to do. We have no worries or

annoyance. That's really good."

"After you check out the hospital, let's go back to the Legendary and live the life you want, okay?" He

gently stroked her pale face. She shook her head. "We can't go back. Since we came to Dragon City,

we can't go back." Her eyes were dark, like a bottomless abyss where she had lost hope, making him

afraid. He held her hands and placed them on her face. "When you recover, we will have a child, and I

will protect him."

"It has been six months since the first time we met in the bar. It's like a dream. If it is a dream, I will

wake up one day. When you lose me and I lose you, everything will be back to the starting point." She

looked out of the window and said slowly.

"Don't leave me, you little fool." He stood up and held her in his arms. He was very uneasy. "It's all my

fault. No matter what kind of punishment you want, please don't leave me, okay?" His tone was full of


She kept silent for a while. 'Frozen guy, I'm leaving. This time, our relationship was truly over.'

"I'm hungry. I want to eat the rice noodle of the Fifth Fragrance Restaurant. Can you buy it for me?"

"Okay." He nodded and stood up.

It was an hour drive from the nearest branch of the Fifth Fragrance Restaurant to the Dragon City

hospital. She wanted to send him away because she had made an appointment with someone.

Not long after he left, Alice came.

"Essie. Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, sister." Alice was a little surprised at her sudden change of address. She took out a photo

from her handbag, which was a photo of her and her sister. Alice's eyes turned red the moment she

saw the photo. "I know it's you. The moment I saw you the first time, I knew you are Cathy. "

"Sister." Throwing herself into her arms, Essie cried, "I'm sorry, sis. I want to tell you who I am, but I

don't want to let Valery know who I am."

"I know you are in a pickle." "This time, it's their trick, right?" Alice asked, stroking her head.

"They are the only ones who want to kill my child." Anger flashed through Essie's eyes. "I shouldn't

have come to Dragon City. It's not belongs to me."

"Essie." Alice held her shoulder, her face became serious. "At the first meeting of us, I overheard what

you and Leila said at the party. Can you tell me the truth? Is it true that Zac wanted to marry you just to

chase away Valery?"

Feeling a bit shocked, Essie nodded and said, "Yes, he just took me as a cannon fodder in his heart.

Now that Valery has given birth to a baby, I should also leave now." She paused and looked at her. "I

called you here today not only because I want to tell you who I am, but also because I want you to do

me a favor."

"What is it?" Alice asked.

Essie closed the door and put her mouth close to her ear...

Two days later, William came to the villa. He had found the man who had hurt Essie, but he died in his

rental house.

Zac leaped into a rage. "Chop him to pieces and feed the dogs." If anyone killed his child, he wouldn't

have a chance to live peacefully. Even if he was dead, he should not die in peace! He took a sip of ice

water to ease his anger and asked, "Do you know who's behind the scene?"

"The person who gave him money was called Edgar. He might have received the news and ran away

before we went to the hotel. But I found that he had a secret interaction with Valery," William said.

"Give out a hunting order. One million dollars for a pair of eyes, two million dollars for ears, five million

dollars for someone who chops his hands and feet, and ten million dollars if someone feeds him for

pigs," Zac said in a tough tone.

After William left, he asked the maids to take care of Essie and then returned to the Rong Mansion.

By then, Valery had already been informed that Essie had a miscarriage.

If she couldn't bear a baby for Zac, this bitch couldn't be included.

The door was kicked open when she lay in bed, humming a song.

Zac ran over, grabbed her hair and pulled her out of bed. Throwing her hard against the wall, she hit

her forehead with a big red bump.

She covered her head and screamed.

Sage was frightened at the door and ran to look for Mary.

"Don't think that bastard was dead. I don't know who did it. I have warned you not to make trouble. You

think I was just kidding?" Zac slapped her in the face twice. Her nose was crooked and some of her

teeth had fallen off.

"Help, help, someone is killing..." she was scared out of her wits, screaming like a pig being killed.

Mary ran over tremblingly. Seeing that Valery's face was black, blue and swollen, he was frightened.

"Zac, what are you doing? She is still sit the month."

Zac ignored Mary. He grasped Valery shoulders and walked out of the room.

"Mommy, help --" Valery screamed.

"Zac, where are you taking her?" Mary grabbed him by the arm.

"Go to the hospital for blood transfusion." Zac shook off Mary and strode downstairs.

"She is still sit the month for childbirth, so her blood drawing is forbidden. Or her life is in danger," Mary

rushed behind as she shouted.

"If she died, that can just mourn my child," Zac said, gnashing his teeth and throwing Valery into the


By the time Mary and Elizabeth arrived, Valery had been pressed on the bed by force and was drained

of blood.

Elizabeth was frightened by her daughter's look. Last night, she received a call from Edgar, who told

her that Valery asked him to look for a man to get rid of the child of Essie. Now, Zac wanted to kill him

and he wanted money to run away. She had thought that it would be all right after she gave money for

Edgar to run away. But now, it seemed that Zac was still suspecting her.

"Zac Rong, Valery just gave birth to a baby for you. She hasn't finished sitting the month just yet, but

you hit her like this. What did she do wrong?" She pretended to know nothing.

"You know exactly what you did, don't you?" Zac pinched Valery's dislocated chin. It was so painful that

she cried out with all her strength. Elizabeth's face turned pale with fear. "Zac, let go of Valery first. We

have something to talk about."

"At that time, for the sake of her pregnancy, I gave up on her. But I didn't expect her to be so bold as to

hurt my child!" A little more force from Zac was enough to break her chin. She screamed in pain and

passed out.

"You must have misunderstood Valery. She won't do that. She is still in her confinement in childbirth

and she even never comes out," said Elizabeth, trembling with fear.

"Don't think that I can't find out anything even if you have killed him. If I don't want to spare her life for

further use, you will have to collect her body here today." Zac sneered as he threw her to Elizabeth,

"Take her back to have a good rest. I'll take her blood whenever I need. If she dares to run away, I'll

chop her off her feet."

In a hurry, Elizabeth called the doctor to take Valery to the emergency room. "Even if she made a

mistake, she is still your child's mother. Can't you just forgive her for once for the sake of your child?"

Zac pulled out the paternity test from his pocket and threw it on her face. "Have a look."

When Elizabeth opened the testing report, she was shocked. "You two are not related by blood, how

can it be possible?"

Mary was shocked too. The boy wasn't her grandson. "Was there a mistake?"

Zac sneered, "I haven't touched her before. How could she give birth to my child?"

"You knew it?" Now, Mary understood why he wasn't willing to marry Valery.

Elizabeth collapsed to the ground at once. She racked her brain and didn't expect that she would make

a big mistake. It was a double whammy.

After leaving the Noah Hospital, Zac directly drove to the Dragon City hospital. He wanted to retrieve

the marriage that was about to be broken, and he hoped that Essie could forgive him after she saw the

paternity test.

He pushed the door open and found no one in the ward. Where was Essie? The maid was searching

for her with bodyguards.

Suddenly, Zac had a bad feeling. He called William in a hurry and asked him to gather all people to

look for Essie.

But one day, two days, three days... It was as if Essie had vanished from the world. Railway station,

airport, bus station and ferry... They had found all the transportation tools that they could think of. There

was no record of her trip, nor record of using her ID card and consumption record of her credit card.

Zac was crazy. He looked for her everywhere in the day and night, from Yang City, Jiang City,

Hengdian... He had searched all the possible places she might go to, and he had asked all the people

she knew, but still didn't find her.

"Essie, you come back..." he roared, spitting out blood from his chest and fell down...


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