Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 476 You Have Gone Too Far

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"One day, I will make you understand." His throat was badly hurt by sadness and his voice became


"Well, just let it be." Essie waved her hands, with a look of depression on her face. It was just her

destiny. If he was destined not to belong to her, all her hopes would eventually be shattered. It was

better not to have hope.

Zac didn't like her negative behavior, and felt very annoyed. The woman was obviously tough, the

typical soft outside and the strong inside. However, as long as it came to him, she would become soft.

She would compromise and give in all kinds of things, as if he was dispensable, even if she lost him,

she didn't care.

"I really want to squeeze my head into your brain and see what is in it."

"I also want to know what's in your heart," she curled her lips and said that while drinking.

"It's empty." He shrugged. His tone sounded like joking, but there was no smile on his face. 'Even if I

had this little fool inside, I wouldn't have told her since she has always been under the shadow of


"It's impossible!" She shook her head, with a look of doubt. 'Isn't Leila in his heart?'

"Do you want to see it?" He abruptly pulled open his collar, revealing his solid chest muscles.

She looked at him with an anthomaniac look and swallowed hard. Although she had countless times of

intimation, she was almost forced by him every time. She had no time and mind to enjoy his charming


"I can't see." She sighed softly. Even if she saw it, she could not understand. This heart was too

complicated and unpredictable. A dull person like her could not understand it.

"It means you are stupid!" He flicked her forehead and suddenly reached out his hand to hold her

forehead. He pulled her close to his chest and said, "If you can't see, then you should hear."

Her ears were wide open. His heartbeat was fierce and powerful, like a rhythmic and beautiful music,

but she didn't understand at all what it meant.

"It is thumping all the time, just like mime, there is nothing special." She waved her hand and smiled.

She had already drunk several glasses of wine, and her eyes were full of drunkenness. "I'll let you

listen to mine," she said while unbuttoning her shirt.

When his eyes swept across her open collars, they were set on fire. "I'm not interested now. I'll hear as

much as I want later."

"Hey, what's on my mind? Don't you care about me?" She was a little angry, a little annoyed. This guy

had never taken her seriously.

"I don't care," he said indifferently. He didn't care about that at all since she did not think about him.

"Cold blood." She was so angry that she pushed him away, sat down on the sofa, grabbed the glass on

the table and drank to give vent to her depression.

"It's not until today that you know it." He snorted and put his two hands on the back of the sofa, in a

posture of encircling her. "Don't forget that the fate of you and the Xu group is now in my hands. You

must not annoy me again." He threatened word by word.

She hissed and held her arms. Suddenly she felt the sunshine was cold.

"You... Don't go too far. I... I have my bottom line. "

With a slight smile at the corners of his charming lips, he said, "You have a bottom line, but it is

bottomless. I can keep refreshing it."

Petrified, she opened her small mouth for a moment before saying, "Shameless."

His dark eyes were shining in the sun. "I like being shameless in front of you." Then he ripped her shirt.

Essie's face became pale. She stood up and was about to run away. However, he grabbed her back

and wrapped her in his arms. "There is a vast sea. Where are you going to hide?" he asked.

She shivered and pushed him away. He was so powerful that she could hardly breathe. "I... I'm in a bad

mood today. Can you be considerate and let me go for once? "

His eyes flashed with anger or desire. "When you don't have the strength to think about it, you will be in

a good mood."

"Icy guy, can't you be less brutal?" She felt a little dizzy. The hormones emitted from his body kept

flowing into her blood with the rhythm of his breathing, which enhanced the effect of alcohol, making

her dizzy.

"I'm not an brutal. Can you be obedient to me?" He smiled evilly, picked her up and walked to the


The sea was quiet at midnight, and Essie was hungry, gobbling up the steak in front of her.

"Eat slowly. Don't get choked." Stroke her head tenderly, Zac handed her a glass of water.

"My mom called me so many times. My phone is blowing up," she said inarticulately as chewing.

"She is afraid that you might take things too hard." Zac shrugged.

"I called her back and said I wanted to be alone." She sighed slightly. "If she knows that I'm with you,

I'm afraid it is her who takes things too hard."

"Your mother was trying to force us apart with her death." Zac grinned bitterly.

"Isn't your mommy the same?" "So, let's follow the elder's wish," Essie sneered.

Zac flicked her forehead. "We live for ourselves, not for them." No one could interfere with his life,

including his biological mother.

But Essie was different. She cared about Lucy and didn't want to hurt her feelings. "If we were in a

different position, your mother was the one who got hurt. Then your feelings would be different."

"I will have a talk with your mother when all the troubles are solved," Zac said seriously.

Essie shrugged. She didn't know what he was referring to, but she wasn't confident at all. At this point,

it seemed that they couldn't go back.

"Well, it's not bad to be alone. I'm very satisfied to have Mili and Dot with me," she said faintly.

A light flashed in the eyes of Zac, "If you want to be my girlfriend for the rest of your life, I can satisfy


"What do you mean?" She was slightly stunned.

"Didn't you say that being alone was good? Then you don't want to be a wife," Zac said slowly. A gust

of wind from the sea disturbed her peace of mind.

"No way." She gave him a ferocious look. She knew he wanted to have two girls at the same time.

"I don't have to think about it. But you have to make a good plan for yourself. You make the choice." His

dark eyes shone with a threatening light. He had a way to deal with this perplexed woman who said yes

while meant no.

Essie stopped talking and went on eating her steak to give vent to her anger as she couldn't beat the

demon in the battle.

The next day, as soon as she got home, Lucy ran out and grabbed her, "Essie, are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry," Essie said and gave her a casual smile.

Bob also took the children to come over. "How was your talk with Hanson yesterday?" he asked.

"I've decided to break up. It's good for everyone," Essie said seriously.

"The women in the Qin family are all shameless." Lucy spat on the ground. She would have slapped

that woman over and over if it weren't for Bob's pulling yesterday.

"Nobody wants them so they have to be mistresses because they are ugly," Mili said angrily with her

arms around her chest.

Dot nodded and said, "Daddy Hanson doesn't like her at all."

"Now, Fell is going to marry Alice. After all, the Xu family and the Qin family are relatives. What their

daughter did is too unkind." Bob thumped the table in anger, Essie's husbands were robbed by the two

sisters one after another. No one could put up with this idea.

"It's been discussed on Weibo, BBS and online forum today. However, most netizens are on my sister's

side. Those who have the nerve to say ill about my sister, I and the organization have sent virus to care

about them, they are now hacking into their computers. " Holy clenched his little fists. He thought highly

of Hanson at first, but he didn't expect that he would be so dull to be trapped by the daughter of the Qin

family like his former brother-in-law. It was really weird.

"I don't think the two sisters of the Qin family match me in every aspect," with a self-mockery smile, she


Lucy hugged his daughter, overwhelmed by sadness. She didn't want her daughter to repeat her own

fate, but the result seemed to be even worse than her own. After all, she had been with Bob all the

time, and she was alone now.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm fine." Essie comforted her mother instead.

She heaved a sigh and blinked. Something seemed to have occurred to her, so she said quickly, "By

the way, Alice made a call in the early morning, saying that she would come with Fell in the afternoon.

Perhaps she came here because of her, too."

Essie nodding slightly. If she guessed it right, they were worrying about the relationship between the

two families might be affected by the sisters of the Qin family, so they came here to ease the conflicts.

After lunch, she asked her father and Pana to take the kids out for fun. She didn't want Alice to see


Alice and Fell bought many gifts, one for visiting his mother-in-law and the other for making an apology

to Essie on behalf of Christina.

"My brother-in-law, you are too kind." Essie smiled.

"It's my honor." Fell smiled.

Lucy prepared the tea and served some fruits and snacks. "Fell, come and visit us with Alice

more often when you are free. It's a family matter. Remember to be friendly with each other."

"Okay, mom." Fell nodded, and then turned to look at Essie and said, "Sister Cathy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Essie smiled at him. She was now the object of pity and care.

"My uncle has really spoiled his daughters so much that they are all acting at their will." Alice sighed. It

would be more likely for Essie to make up with Zac if she and Hanson broke up, which was extremely

disadvantageous to Qin family and her.

"I didn't expect that Christina and Hanson would..." Fell stopped and didn't say anything else. If he had

known that Hanson would break up with Cathy, he wouldn't have been in a hurry to get engaged to

Alice. Both Zac and Hanson had decided to quit. So it meant that Cathy was bound to be his?

"Essie, if we can persuade Christina to have an abortion, will you ever have a chance to start over with

Hanson?" Alice asked.


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