Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 496 I Won't See You Again (Part One)

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"You idiot, I won't leave you. Even if I go to the ground, I'll become a big ogre, and come back to you,"

he said in a teasing tone, trying to calm her down.

But she wasn't comforted at all. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Taking a look at the rear-view mirror, Zac said on the walkie-talkie, "Here is a brake failure. Use GPS to

check if there is any place around that can slow down the speed."

"Check it now," The bodyguards broke out in a cold sweat at his words. The vehicle was installed with a

real-time map. They soon found a construction site with a large sand pit in the front. The car might be

able to stop if it was driven into the sand pit.

Worrying that Essie might not be able to handle it, Zac quickly crossed the gear and controlled the

steering wheel for her.

The sports car turned a corner and rushed into the construction site like the wind.

The moment it rushed into the sand pit, Zac pounced on Essie and protected her again with his body.

He used his strong and broad body to make a safe space for her.

The sports car moved too fast, raising yellow sand all over the sky, as if the dust was rolling and

attacked, swallowing the whole car in an instant.

Although the car slowed down greatly, it did not stop because of the strong impact force. With a 'bang',

it hit the guardrail. The hood of the car was sunken first. The window was bulletproof, but it didn't break

into pieces, but a lot of cracking was made.

Zac had completely forgotten his own safety and tried his best to protect the people under him. He

grabbed the handle of the door, but the violent shaking caused by the car caused him to punch his

head and arm hard on the steering wheel.

A drop of warm liquid dripped on her face. She wiped the blood off. When she saw the terrifying red on

her face, she raised her head suddenly.

Head leaned against the steering wheel, Zac was still holding her tightly in his arms. His face was as

pale as a piece of paper, and even his lips lost color. He squinted at her and tried his best to keep her

in his sight.

Blood kept flowing down from his forehead, and drops of blood fell on her face, making her tremble with


"Zac! Zac! " she shouted hoarsely.

"You... Are you okay? " He spit out the words weakly and painfully, and his voice was as weak as his


"I'm fine," she cried.

"That's good." A slight smile crept on his face. He was trying to keep his consciousness and prevent

himself from fainting, waiting for her answer. As long as she was fine, he was relieved.

When she saw the gap between his eyelids disappear, her internal organs were twisted. "Zac -- Zac --"

she cried out hysterically. She was surrounded by intense fear.

The bodyguards rushed over, followed by the sound of police cars and ambulances.

Essie didn't get hurt, but she could no longer feel her soul...

In the hospital, William came over as soon as he received the phone.

Holding her arms, Essie was sitting on the cold bench. This was the second time that she had waited

outside the emergency room anxiously and helplessly. The first time was because Zac had taken a

bullet for her.

Her face was pale and tears came out of her eyes like a stream.

The picture before the accident kept flashing in her mind. He threw himself at her without hesitation and

covered her with his own body, just like the last time when he protected her.

Every time she was in danger, he would appear by her side, protect her, and protect her like her

guardian angel.

Why? He didn't love her. Why did he still save her regardless of his own life?

She couldn't figure it out.

"Mrs. Rong..." Looking at her, William moved his lips and wanted to say something. But he stopped and

just sighed heavily.

After a long time, the door of the emergency room was finally opened.

Zac was pushed out. His head was bandaged, arm in cast, eyes closed, and he remained unconscious.

Then there came the orthopedics, surgical experts and Dean Wang of the hospital.

"Mr. Rong's head was hit and he has a slight concussion. His back and waist are all damaged to

varying degrees, but they are all minor injuries. What's more, his right arm and muscle nerves are

severely damaged, which may affect his future operation." The president of the hospital truthfully

reported the situation of Zac. He then comforted them, "But don't worry too much. We will do our best

to help him recover."

And then Essie fell backwards as if she had been hit by a blow. William held her immediately.

"William, what does that mean? What's wrong with his arm? " she said tremblingly.

"Let's go inside first." William patted her on the shoulder, trying to hide his worries from her.

Zac was admitted to a VVIP intensive care unit. After talking with the Dean of the hospital and the

doctor, he came in.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Essie covered her head with her hands painfully. It was all her fault. If he

had an accident with his arm, she wouldn't forgive herself. She wouldn't forgive herself forever.

"Maybe it's not as bad as we thought," William comforted.

"In Yang City, he said that I was his lucky star and brought good luck to him. But now I know that I am a

disaster. I am a disaster. As long as I am with him, he will suffer. Maybe I should stay away from him,

so that he'll be fine. " She bit her lips with her teeth, tears hanging on her long eyelashes. Her eyes

were full of sadness and self blame. There was a deep hatred in her heart. She hated herself, and also

the enemy who wanted to kill her.

"Madam, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault," William said with a sigh.

"Let's go inside first." William patted her on the shoulder, trying to hide his worries from her.

Zac was admitted to a VVIP intensive care unit. After talking with the Dean of the hospital and the

doctor, he came in.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Essie covered her head with her hands painfully. It was all her fault. If he

had an accident with his arm, she wouldn't forgive herself. She wouldn't forgive herself forever.

"Maybe it's not as bad as we thought," William comforted.

"In Yang City, he said that | was his lucky star and brought good luck to him. But now | know that | ama

disaster. | am a disaster. As long as | am with him, he will suffer. Maybe | should stay away from him,

so that he'll be fine. " She bit her lips with her teeth, tears hanging on her long eyelashes. Her eyes

were full of sadness and self blame. There was a deep hatred in her heart. She hated herself, and also

the enemy who wanted to kill her.

"Madam, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault," William said with a sigh.


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