Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 339 Daddy Is A Bad Guy

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Leila felt a little nervous with her pale face. "Do you really think you can be the granddaughter-in-law as

long as you are Cathy? His heart is not with you. What you get is just a body. There is nothing useful. "

Her words were like a knife cutting through Essie's heart.

Essie had never understood his feelings, and had no idea whether he loved her or not. It was because

he had taken a bullet for her regardless of his own life that she had got the hope in her heart, feeling

that he had her in his heart.

But it couldn't be rule out that she was just being sentimental and wishful thinking. He had never loved

her from beginning to end.

But now, he had completely forgotten her. Even if he had once had feelings for her, it all turned into


There was really nothing between them.

"It doesn't matter. Perhaps love is a luxury for me and it is beyond my reach." She looked down and a

bitter smile appeared on her face.

"You didn't win." Leila said insidiously. Until now, she still believed that the person Zac loved was her.

"It's true that I didn't win." Essie said calmly, "he's a fire. You and I are moths. No matter who wins or

who loses, the result will be the same." She said with sadness.

"I'm not like you. I can do anything for him as long as he loves me." Leila snorted, with an expression of

indifference on her face. She loved Zac. She would do anything to get what she wanted.

A dash of admiration flashed through Essie's eyes. She admired Leila's courage. In love, Essie was a

coward. What happened to her mother left her no courage to gamble. Once being frustrated, she would

want to retreat, run away, and dare not go forward. Just like what she was doing now, she didn't know

whether she should give up or get back to him. Should she maintain the marriage, wait for him to

regain his memory, or take this opportunity to get rid of him in time and break up with him?

While she was in a trance, Zac and Mary walked down the stairs.

She didn't want to stay here for too long. When they left, she picked up her handbag.

"Where are you going?" Asked Zac.

"Go home." Essie said in a low voice. The moment he appeared, the air seemed to be depressing.

"Did I let you go?" He frowned and looked very unhappy.

"Since Holy is going to finish the final exam of the semester, I have to tutor him." As she spoke, she

walked outside without waiting for his reply. A suffocating feeling swept over her. She didn't want to

stay here any longer.

When he watched her walking away, a feeling of loneliness came over him. It was an irresistible

feeling, which was generated subconsciously and completely out of control.

Some memories were exist in the seagulls, and some were imprinted in the depths of souls. The

memories in the seagulls could be cancelled, and the ones in the soul could be preserved for a lifetime

and could not be forgotten.

He sat in front of the computer to kill his boring time by working. The room was so quiet that he was not

used to it. That stupid woman was always twittering like a sparrow. She either asked him to watch TV

drama or talked about strange news with him, which made him fidgety. He seldom had the peace of

mind without her by his side. But this kind of peace made him feel unhappy.

When he was thinking about it, a Wechat message came, "are you sleeping?"

'it's Holy again. He is such a trouble maker!' Zac thought.

"It's still early. Has your sister go back?" He replied.

"She's back. She's taking a shower."

Take a shower?

At this moment, a message was sent, "may I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Will you divorce my sister?"

"Do you want us to divorce or not?" Asked Zac in reply.

"I like Hanson very much. If you don't divorce my sister, he will leave. I don't want him to leave."

"So you want me to divorce your sister?" Zac flew into a rage. 'this little bastard! How dare he help


"Anyway, you have forgotten my sister. You are a demon now, which will only make my sister sad.

Today, as soon as she came back, she had hidden in her room crying for a long time. It must be

because of you."

'Did the stupid woman cry?'

Zac was shocked. Was it because of him?

Every time he mocked her, she always wore a cheeky grin on her face as if she didn't care at all. He

thought she was used to it. Did she pretend to be good?

While he was thinking about that, another message was sent. "Hans is much better than you. He has

never let my sister cry. He is good to me and my sister. You big devil, you can't compare with him at


What the hell! He had seen the little guy was coming to fight for his sister. And the most hateful thing

was that he compared Hanson with him and even belittled him. What a naughty boy.

"No more chatting. I am going to sleep." He was so angry that he threw the phone aside. He was sure

that he would be irritated if they continued to chat.

On the other side of the Wechat, Mili also closed the Wechat. She crossed her arms and lay on the

sofa like a little adult. "Daddy is really becoming a devil. Daddy Hanson is better than him. Mommy

should divorce him as soon as possible and marry daddy Hanson."

"It's not his fault that he has amnesia." Dot said.

"Before he lost his memory, he must often make mommy sad. If not, why did mommy have to go to

America alone and want to divorce him?" Mili pouted.

"You are right." Dot nodded.

Mili held her chin with one hand and said, "I miss daddy Hanson so much. He hasn't come to see us for

a long time. Last time mommy told him that she wanted to come back to daddy, he left sadly. He might

not come to see us anymore."

"We have to figure out a way to make mom and daddy Hanson reconcile." Dot sighed.

Mili's big black eyes twinkled. "I have a way. I can pretend to be mommy and talk to daddy Hanson on

Wechat. Daddy Hanson maybe forgive mommy as long as he is happy."

"Yes." Dot gave Mili thumbs up and said, "you're so smart."

"Of course." Mili smirked with her mouth wide open.

Seeing that Hanson hadn't come for many days, Lucy felt something was wrong. She insinuated to her

granddaughter and found that it was Essie who had said something inappropriate to him. She was so

angry that she almost fainted. As soon as Essie came back from the company, Lucy took her to the

front for questioning.

"Are you planning to be with Zac forever?"

"Mom, I..." Essie lowered her head, not knowing how to answer.

"Essie, let me make it clear to you, my son-in-law can only be Hanson, not Zac. I can turn a blind eye

to your relationship with him before Baron wakes up. But after he wakes up, you must divorce him and

marry to Hanson. If you want to live with Zac, I will break all relations with you. And you will not be my

daughter! " Her tone was very determined, like the granite that had been buried under the ground for a

thousand years. It was not possible to shake.

"Mom, all I did was for Mili and Dot. They wanted to see Zac and tell him the truth. If I divorce Zac, he

will definitely fight against me for the custody of the children. He is so powerful, how can I compete with

him? "

"As long as your father wakes up, you don't have to worry about it. The Xu family has never been afraid

of the Rong family. If Zac insists, we will fight against him to the end." Lucy said casually.

"Even if we have a fight, I can't get the custody of both of my children. Dot was the eldest grandson of

the Rong family. The Rong family wouldn't let Dot go. Mr. Baron was also a businessman, so he agreed

to let Dot to be the heir to the Rong family. It is good for Xu family too. So he would certainly

compromise. The final result is that Mili would be with me and Dot would be with Zac. " Tears fell down

from Essie's eyes. "Alice and I have been apart for more than ten years because of your divorce. I don't

want Mili and Dot to be like this."

Hearing her mentioning Alice, Lucy began to cry. Until now, there had been no news about her, and no

one knew whether she was alive or dead. In the past few days, Lucy had been trying her best to force

herself not to think about it. First, she had to deal with the matters between Essie and Zac. However,

once she thought about it, she would be worried about Alice. She wouldn't be able to eat or sleep for

several days.

Mili and Dot ran over to them. "Mommy, grandma, don't cry. We don't see daddy. We like daddy

Hanson and we want to live with daddy Hanson and mommy. " Mili stretched out her small hand to

wipe the tears on her mother's face. "Mommy, make it up with daddy Hanson. Don't break up with

daddy Hanson. If he leaves, he won't be our daddy Hanson anymore."

"You see, the children are just curious about Zac. The person they really like is Hanson." Lucy came

over to hug her granddaughter, thinking she was so sweet.

It was out of her expectation that the kids would say something like that, and Essie didn't know what to

say for a moment. The blood was determined when they were born, but the relationship was cultivated.

It was Hanson who gave the children the first sight when they were born, so they would naturally be

more close to him. If it was allowed for them to choose between Zac and Hanson, they would definitely

choose Hanson.

"All right. I'm going to call Hanson and ask him to come home for dinner this afternoon." Lucy wiped her

tears, stood up and went to the side hall. She had to get her good son-in-law back as soon as possible.

Essie was in a mess. She didn't know how to get along with Zac, not to mention how to face Hanson.

What Hanson needed was a woman who really loved him, not someone like her who made her life a



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