Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 353 The Attack

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Essie seemed to have kicked by him into the ocean of ice. Instantly, all her internal organs and even

pores turned cold.

He had never liked her before?

Her heart began to convulse violently in the cold. "You ward off the bullet for me," she muttered softly,

with her voice as low as a mosquito's and no confidence in this matter.

"Does shielding off a bullet for you mean that she likes you? You are thinking too much! " He coldly

curled his lips and gave a mocking smile. "It's just an instinct. After all, you are my wife. If you're dying,

then wouldn't I become a widower? I don't like this word! "


The explanation was so cruel that it was like a raging fire, burning up all the hopes and vitality in her

heart, leaving only the desolate and barren plain in despair, lifeless and hopeless.

His intelligence, his tricks, and even his affection, all overwhelmed her. She was always a loser in front

of him, a loser.

However, she still wanted to keep a good image so as to restore her dignity. Therefore, she decided to

stop loving him. She didn't love him any more.

She struggled to sit up, put on her clothes and walked outside. She didn't want to stay here anymore.

She didn't want to see the man who had broken her heart again.

The instant the door was closed, Zac's eyes deepened, like the dark night outside the window.

It was late at night. Essie drove alone on the quiet road. This was the first time she had driven outside

alone. She had bodyguards around her all the time. Only when she was with Zac would she remove


The road was quite remote with no pedestrians and vehicles. An inexplicable fear arose in her heart.

The South Ring Road was the only way to Alice's villa, and when the car stopped at the first crossing, a

man in a black windbreaker rushed out from nowhere. 'Bang!' the man hit the head of the car and fell

down to the ground.

She was frightened and slammed on the brake. But she didn't get off the car. Her first reaction was that

someone had pretended to get hurt to blackmail her.

But when she saw the man did not move for a long time, she was afraid. What if she really hit


After hesitating for a while, she opened the car door.

"Sir, are you okay?" She walked to the man's side and patted him gently. She would call the ambulance

if he was seriously injured.

The man suddenly jumped up with something in his hand and suddenly stabbed at her arm.

She felt a sharp pain and kicked him in the crotch instinctively. When he covered the crotch, she ran

into the car in a panic.

She locked the window of the car, fearing that the man would run to attack her. But when she looked

outside again, the man had disappeared, like a ghost.

Without thinking too much, she stepped hard on the accelerator, and the car sped away...

The bell rang at midnight. The low and hoarse sound echoed in the quiet night. Zac sat up from the bed

as if waking up from a dream. He put on his robe and went downstairs.

He thought Essie was downstairs, but it was empty.

He called Ann in, "Where is Mrs. Rong?"

"Lady has left for a long time. Don't you know that?" Ann looked at him in confusion.

Zac was shocked. He had always thought that she was in the hall. It was so late. He didn't expect that

she would leave again.

"Damn it!" He swore to himself, 'What a silly woman! Didn't she know that she was in danger at any

time?' She didn't even bring a bodyguard with her. Wasn't she afraid of danger if she drove outside in

the middle of the night?

He rushed out like a hurricane without even changing his clothes.

At this time, there were very few cars on the road. He drove so fast that he didn't even care about the

traffic lights.

At the exit of the South Ring Road, a Porsche was driving in a tortuous way. As if the driver was drunk,

but only a few seconds later, the front of the car crashed into the guardrail.

Zac stepped on the gas suddenly. When the car was coming closer, he recognized it was the car of


Damn it! Suddenly, his heart sank. He came to a halt, jumped out of the car and rushed to the Porsche.

Leaning against the steering wheel, Essie closed her eyes, and her forehead was bleeding. She was in

a coma.

"Essie!" He opened the door with trembling hands and took her out of the car. His insides were twisting

into a ball. He felt annoyed, self-reproach, anxiety... All sorts of emotions gathered together into a

torrent, making him want to give himself a good beating.

In the hospital, Essie did another check-up for her. It was just a bruise, and there was no severe impact

on her head. However, she did not wake up. She was getting weaker and weaker.

Zac's heart was burning with anxiety. "You little fool. Wake up right now. As long as you wake up, I will

return the old Zac to you."

At the moment he saw her injured and fainted, the knot in his heart was untied, and all the memories

that were forced to forget surged up.

He was relieved that he didn't care even if she had a child with Hanson.

'To err is human, and nobody likes a perfect person.' What's more, she was a muddleheaded person. It

was normal for her to be muddled sometimes. He forgave her.

Now all he wanted was her to be happy, lively in front of him, laugh with him, play with him, and lose

temper with him as before.

"You little fool, if you wake up, we'll start over, okay? I will seriously propose you once and give you the

most grand wedding, and then we will spend our honeymoon around the world..."

"Mr. Rong." The doctor came in.

Zac rubbed his swollen eyes and stood up. "Have you found the reason?"

"We made a detailed blood analysis for Mrs. Rong, and we found that there was an unknown virus in

her blood," the doctor said.

Zac was shocked and brought the inspection report in a hurry.

"Was her coma and frailty caused by virus?"

"I suppose so."

Clenching his fists, Zac was sure that his little fool wouldn't have virus in her body, there must be

someone trying to implant it in her body.

William arrived at the police station, he had already dug out the surveillance video of the whole process

of the accident from the villa by the lakeside.

"According to the surveillance video, this man in black suddenly rushed out of the intersection, pounced

on madam's car and then fell onto the ground. It was obvious that he hit madam's car pretending to get


Blue veins rolled on Zac's forehead.

In the video, they saw Essie get off the car again. She must have thought that she hit someone. Seeing

her approach, the person who fell on the ground suddenly raised his hand and stabbed her with


Zac zoomed in on the picture and found it was a syringe. "Bastard." He was in a rage. He now

understood that the virus in the body of his little fool must be injected by this damn bastard.

"Find out who this bastard is!" He ordered. Whoever dared to touch his woman, he would cut him into

pieces and threw him to feed dogs.

On the third day after Essie was in a coma, Leila came to the hospital. She knew a famous virologist

who might be able to help Essie.

"Thank you, Leila." Zac's voice was deep and hoarse, and his face was full of anxiety and worry. There

were already several most authoritative virus research centers to study how to deal with this virus, but

he was too worried that his little fool could not wait till that day.

The doctor, according to the instruction of Zac, collected the blood samples of Essie and asked Leila to

take them to the virologist.

The next day she brought good news. That virologist happened to study this type of virus and

developed a detoxification to destroy it.

"Great! Where are the antidotes?" There was finally a gleam in the eyes of Zac who had been

depressed for many days.

"I have it with me. I can save her, but on one condition." Something weird passed through Leila's face.

"What condition?" Zac's black eyes widened.

"I want you to divorce her and marry me," Leila said slowly and clearly.

A rage burned in his eyes which turned all his gratitude into ashes, but he didn't show it. He remained

calm and said, "Leila, you should know that I have always treated you as my friend."

"But I love you. As long as I can be your wife, I can do anything. I don't care even if I will die." She

rushed over and hugged him. She believed that as long as they were together for a long time, he would

fall in love with her again.

A sudden gust of nausea swept over Zac. He had an urge to throw her out of the window. But he

clenched his teeth, gritted his teeth, and suppressed his impulse. In the end, he only slowly loosened

her grip on him.

She felt disappointed, but she was not in a hurry, because he would promise her.

She walked up to Essie and said, "My friend said that the virus in her body was from a guenon monkey

from the Amazon jungle. It is called Matias Virus. If the person who is poisoned doesn't have the

antidote injection within a week, the organs of the whole body will collapse. At that time, even God can't

do anything helpful."

Clenching his fists, Zac was almost out of rage. The friendship between them had been trampled on by

her. From now on, they were no longer friends!

"How do I know your antidote is effective?" he said through gritted teeth.

Leila took out a glass tube from her pocket and said, "I have a small bottle of sample here. You just

need to go to the laboratory in the hospital and have a test, then you will know whether it works or not."

Zac called William and asked him to send the sample to the lab at once. A call came in quickly, saying

that the sample was effective for the virus.

An indescribable deep look flashed across his face. "Okay, I promise you. But don't play tricks on me. If

you dare to leave her with any sequela, I won't let you go."

Leila shouted, trembling violently. "Is she so important to you?"

'Yes, she was important to me, more important than anyone or anything!'

Zac said to himself determinedly. But he didn't say anything. The life of Essie was in her hands now. He

couldn't piss her off, making her hateful towards Essie.

antidote injection within a week, the organs of the whole body will collapse. At that time, even God can't

do anything helpful."

Clenching his fists, Zac was almost out of rage. The friendship between them had been trampled on by

her. From now on, they were no longer friends!

"How do | know your antidote is effective?" he said through gritted teeth.

Leila took out a glass tube from her pocket and said, "| have a small bottle of sample here. You just

need to go to the laboratory in the hospital and have a test, then you will know whether it works or not."

Zac called William and asked him to send the sample to the lab at once. A call came in quickly, saying

that the sample was effective for the virus.

An indescribable deep look flashed across his face. "Okay, | promise you. But don't play tricks on me. If

you dare to leave her with any sequela, | won't let you go."

Leila shouted, trembling violently. "Is she so important to you?"

"Yes, she was important to me, more important than anyone or anything!’

Zac said to himself determinedly. But he didn't say anything. The life of Essie was in her hands now. He

couldn't piss her off, making her hateful towards Essie.


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