Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 367 The Return Of A Home Wrecker

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"The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." Jim took a sip of wine and said with a low

voice, pretending to be annoyed, "Even if I stay put, Fell and his men won't leave her alone. It is said

that they send the flowers to Hengyuan Co., Ltd on time every day." He said these words on purpose to

remind him, making him feel a sense of crisis.

The only rival in love for Zac was Hanson. He had always been more important than him in the heart of

his little fool. Most importantly, they had two kids. The kids were definitely the most important chips. As

long as the three people worked together, he would be killed instantly.

If he hadn't tied her up with the marriage chain, she would have left him and become the wife of


"They are all digging their own grave. My wife wouldn't like them."

"Your wife? You are supposed to switch it to ex-wife, aren't you?" Jim curled his lips and gave a faint


"That is a piece of paper. With or without it, she is my wife." Zac said in a firm tone. No one knew about

his fake divorce and sham marriage except for William. He couldn't tell this secret to others, including

to Jim, until Essie was recovered.

Jim shook his head and sighed. He knew that Zac didn't want to tell him something. As a close friend of

him who even share the same pants when they were kids, he knew very well that Zac wouldn't tell him

anything if he didn't want to. He must have a reason to hide it.

"Alright. Tell me the truth. Did your hidden disease really recover?" He changed the topic, which was

also of great concern to him.

"Sometimes good, sometimes bad." Zac didn't give her a definite answer.

A sharp light flashed through Jim's eyes as he listened to him, "Landis admitted to her agent

personally that she had sex with you in the hotel. Did you do it when you are good?"

Zac shrugged. Yes, they did have sex. It was not him but his double body. Since they were going to

have a scandal, the more real the matter should be, the better it was.

"Well, Landis is not simple. In order to be a female leading actress, she has been slept all her way up

from assistant director to the film producer," Jim reminded him. People like him who was obsessed with

cleanliness would never touch such a woman.

"It doesn't matter. It was just a game," Zac said in a calm tone. If she were that simple, he would never

lay eyes on her.

"It seems that you don't like Leila." A strange smile appeared on Jim's face.

Zac knew what he meant. He just raised his eyebrows without saying anything. He didn't care whether

it was Leila or other women, because neither of them would satisfy his appetite. He had no interest in

them, all he wanted was to keep away from them. All he wanted was his little fool who made him happy

and sad at the same time.

He took a sip of wine and said slowly, "You are right. There is indeed not pure friendship between men

and women. There is always someone who can ruin all the friendship and cross the line."

"In the past, she thought she was a daughter of the Qin family, so she tried her best to hide her

feelings. Now her identity is exposed, so she naturally has expectations." Jim patted on his shoulder

and said, "I don't know why you married her, but I'm sure it's not your intention. If you don't want to tell,

I won't ask. I believe you'll tell me when you can."

Zac picked up his glass and clinked it with his. "You are always the one who knows me best."

"As the saying goes, keep the goodies within the family. If you really want to give up Essie, I'll never let

go of her now." A playful smile appeared on Jim's face.

"Don't have any plan on my wife." Zac snapped. He was clear that only the one who could have his

little fool was him. Anyone

else was not allowed to get involved in.

Jim sighed. "Whatever you want to do, don't be too hard on Essie. It hurts her feelings. You'd better

make an explanation before it's too late. Don't ruin the feelings," he said with sincerity.

Zac nodded. Indeed, he had to give a few more preparations for his little fool in case she would be too

angry to have a fever in her brain and do something wrong.

The next day, before Essie got off work, she called up Walt to confirm that he was in the villa. Then she

asked the bodyguard to drive her there to change the medicine for him.

"Brother, is your wound still painful today?" she asked while taking out disinfectant, iodine and gauze

from the medical kit.

"Much better." Taking off his T-shirt and lying on the sofa.

"You can take a rest if you are not busy at work. In case your wound reopens during the movement,"

Essie said.

"It's only a small wound. It doesn't matter," Walt said dismissively.

"Well, I bought a black fish at the supermarket on my way here. I will make you black fish soup later. It's

the best way for your wounds to heal." She smiled, disinfected the wound and applied iodine.

"You are graceful in the drawing room and skillful in the kitchen. I'm afraid that there will not be a

second woman in this world who can be as good as you," Walt said with a smile.

"If I were such a good woman, your brother would not divorce me and marry someone else." With a self

mockery smile, she felt bitter in her heart.

"Probably it was because of his first love complex. After all, Leila was his first girlfriend. If it weren't for

the relationship between his family and Qin family, they would have been married long ago, and the

accident of Valery wouldn't have happened,"

Walt said with understatement. But every word was like a thorn stabbing into the unhealed wound of

Essie. Sharp pain came from her chest, making her difficult to breathe. She gritted her teeth and tried

her best to get through the pain. Her face turned a little pale. Fortunately, Walt was lying on the sofa

face down and he could not see her expression.

After the iodine was dried, she applied the anti-inflammatory ointment on the gauze and said nothing

during the whole process.

Walt sat up, took up his T-shirt from the sofa and was about to put it on when the door was suddenly

pushed open. Mary walked in. She had the key to Walt's apartment. Every time she came here, she

would come directly without telling him in advance.

When she saw Essie, she was surprised. When she saw her son, he was naked, which was even more

shocking. Besides, he was very angry. She didn't have to guess what they were doing!

However, she didn't show her true feelings immediately. Instead, she stared at Essie and coldly asked,

"What are you doing here in Walt's apartment?"

"Brother is injured. I came over to help him change the medicine," Essie explained at once. She could

tell from Mary's eyes that she had misunderstood them.

Mary put down her emotions and put down the things she bought on the table. Then she walked in front

of Walt and said, "Where did you get hurt? Let me have a look."

"It's okay, Mommy. It was just an accident," Walt said dismissively, putting on his T-shirt.

Essie collected the medicinal materials on the tea table, and then picked up the black fish on the table

and said, "Brother, you can have a chat with aunt. I go to the kitchen to make fish soup." She didn't

want to talk to Mary because she could tell from her gloomy face that she wouldn't say anything nice.

"Thank you, Essie." Walt nodded.

Seeing that Essie went into the kitchen, Mary pulled her son to the room upstairs and closed the door.

"Walt, tell me the truth. Are you dating with this woman?"

"Mommy, what are you talking about? She just came to change the gauze for me," Walt said.

"Change the gauze?" Mary sneered, "I think she just wants to get close to you and hook up with you on

purpose? She was kicked out by Zac, so she wanted to take advantage of you."

Suddenly, Walt's face darkened. "Mommy, anyway Essie has been your daughter-in-law. Your slander

is not only hurting her, but also me."

"I'm warning you, that woman is not a good thing. It's rare that Zac sobers up and divorces her. Don't

bring her back to pissed me off again," Mary said angrily.

"Mommy, why do you have such a prejudice against Essie? She has never done anything against you.

Instead, you always find fault with her and bully her." Walt was confused. He didn't understand why her

mother did that. He would listen to her, no matter what her decision was. But things about Essie

couldn't go with her. It was not easy for Zac to quit the competition. So he wouldn't miss this excellent


"I know you've also been muddled by this tramp. When she was in the Rong Mansion, she often

seduced you. I didn't say it because I was afraid that it would affect your relationship with Zac. Now, I

have to put rules in this matter. I can't let this woman destroy you." Mary rushed to the door, opened it

and was about to go out. But she was stopped by Walt. "What are you doing?"

"I am going to warn that tramp not to attempt to get close to you. She will never be a member of the

Rong family for the rest of her life," Mary said angrily.

"That's enough, Mommy." Walt roared, "Let me tell you the truth. She didn't seduce me. It's me. I have

fallen in love with her since seven years ago."

"What did you say?" Mary was shocked by his words and said, "She hasn't married into the Rong

family seven years ago. How can you like her?"

"Do you remember my little sun? She is my little sun! " Walt said firmly, "Seven years ago, I met her in

Maldives. I've never seen such a pure and smart girl like her. I fell in love with her at first sight. When I

was about to tell her how much I loved her, she left without a word. I've been looking for her

everywhere for four years. I didn't expect that she would show up in my house and become the wife of


Mary opened her mouth wide in shock. She couldn't believe that her two sons had been fall into this

tramp. Is this the retribution? Was it God's punishment to her?

"Do you know how painful I was when I faced this cruel fact? I had been searching for the one I loved

most all the time. The woman I loved finally married my brother and became my sister-in-law. I thought

I would have no chance and have to live alone all my life, but I didn't expect that she divorced Zac. This

is a very rare opportunity for me. I don't want to miss it. Could you please do me a favor?" He held

Mary's hands and looked at her, heartbroken.

This was a heavy blow to her. She felt a little dizzy and asked, "there are so many women in the world.

Why do you only like this tramp?"


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