Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 868 What About You If I Am Married

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"You were drunk early in the morning. I had no choice but to stay." Jim shrugged.

"I... Did you change my clothes?" Eva held her arm and her face began to warm up.

"You vomited a lot. What can I do if you don't change it?" Jim said casually.

The temperature on Eva's face rose sharply and was about to burn, which made her look like a mature

Washington apple.

"You... Did you close your eyes?"

"If I close your eyes, I have to touch you? Do you like this way?" An evil smile appeared on Jim's face.

"Bastard!" Eva was so ashamed and indignant that she couldn't believe that she was seen naked by

scum Jim!

"Heaven pepper, women need moisturizing. After you successfully become a real woman one day, your

figure will definitely become better." Jim's eyes were full of banter.

"What do you mean?" Eva was slightly stunned. She seriously suspected that she had said something

wrong after drinking.

"It's a pity that you haven't upgraded successfully. I hope you will be luckier next time." Jim threw up his


"Scum Jim, if you dare to say a word about it, I will end our friendship." Eva really wanted to find some

noodles to hang on. Wine could ease people's pain, and could also cause trouble. It made people do

something they shouldn't do and say something they shouldn't say.

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in whether you have become a real woman of others. I will keep this

secret for you. Until you become a real woman of others." Jim's words were like a flirtation.

Eva rolled her eyes at him and said, "There's no such day. I'll stay with Vinton for the rest of my life."

"Heaven pepper, don't forget that God has torn you and Vinton apart and taken him away. If you don't

want to upgrade, you have to give your virginity to God in the end. Are you willing to do that?"

Before Jim finished his words, Eva shook her head hard and said, "No, I don't want to give myself to

God. The universe is unconscious, it regards everyone as insignificant. I don't want to give myself to


"Then find an opportunity to upgrade yourself as soon as possible," Jim teased.

"There's no such a chance, unless my Vinton can come back to live." Eva lowered her eyes sadly.

"How about this? If you haven't found a chance to upgrade when you are forty. As much as I don't feel

like it, I'll help you then, okay?" Jim smiled evilly.

"Bastard!" Eva stamped her feet and felt ashamed that she really wanted to find a hole in the ground to


"Sex is the most primitive, natural and sacred thing in the world. How could it become a dirty thing in

your mouth?" With his arms crossed over his chest, Jim looked like an evil spirit. "And it is your first

time, and also my first time. We are both very clean, and no one has desecrated each other."

"When I am forty years old, it will be strange that you still have your first time." Eva rolled her eyes at


"If you want, I can keep it for you all the time." Jim threw up his hands, as if he wanted to keep his

integrity for her.

Eva was shocked by his words.

"No, please don't. I can't afford it. You are the young master of the Jing family. The responsibility of

giving birth to children for the family is still on you. Get married and have your own children as soon as

possible, or I will be hunted down by your fans and the Jing family."

"Stupid woman, you are so stupid!" Jim was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.

"I'm a trilobite. How can I be intelligent?" Eva pouted.

"From tomorrow on, I'll have a bowl of pig brain soup every day to nourish your brain. I don't believe

that you can't be smarter even after you nourish it so much." Jim tweaked her ear.

Eva was petrified.

Speaking of food, she was indeed hungry.

She touched her belly and looked at the kitchen.

Jim knew what was on her mind. She must be hungry after a whole day's sleep.

He went into the kitchen and brought out the delicious Curry Beef with coconut powder, spicy tuna,

chicken wings with Pandan, Shrimp wrapped by Pandan leaf, and Seafood Soup.

Eva kept drooling. Before Jim could say anything, she grabbed her chopsticks.

When she was about to pick up a piece of Curry Beef with coconut powder, her chopsticks were

stopped by Jim in midair.

"Heaven pepper, you are neither relative nor friend to me. Is it appropriate for you to eat the food I cook

without any scruple?"

Eva swallowed hard and said, "You have cooked so much that you can't eat them all by yourself. Let

me help you."

"No need. I'll drink slowly and eat slowly. I can finish it." Jim smiled.

Eva was so greedy and uncomfortable that her chopsticks were caught by Jim, so he picked up a piece

of beef with her hand and put it into her mouth.

God, it's delicious, fresh and tender. It's so delicious.

She was so excited that she wanted to scream!

He was indeed the Nine Heaven Mysterious Gods. The food he cooked was more delicious than that of

the mortals.

"Scum Jim, as you said, you are going to cook Chinese, French, Italy, South Eastern Asia, German

dishes... for me. You can't break your promise."

Eva was furious. She stared at him with her hands on her hips. How dare he not let her eat? Go to hell!

"Yes, I did. But now I think about it. Who are you to me? You are neither my wife nor my girlfriend. Why

should I cook for you?" Jim said slowly.

It sounded reasonable.

She had no reason to stay at Jim's house to eat his food for free.

"I'm your appetizer. I'll continue to be your companion. Is that okay? I still owe you. Although you wrote

off it, I feel uncomfortable. I don't like to owe anyone anything."

With a pleading look on her face, Eva thought, 'It's the first time that the oppressor has taken the

initiative to ask for repaying a debt. No, I begged that I can repay for the debt. It's really rare.'

"Since you are so active, if I don't agree, I will be too pretentious. From now on, you continue to pay the

rest of your debts. You not only have to accompany me, but also have to serve me with food." Jim

looked like a young master.

Eva almost spat out blood, slightly leaned over, and stared at him with her two big eyes. "Scum Jim, I

know you don't like me. You just created an illusion, making others misunderstand that you like me,


Before she finished her words, Jim gave her a hard flick on the forehead. "You are such an idiot.

Whoever likes you will be unlucky."

His words seemed to have hit the nail on the head of Eva. She immediately lowered her head and her

expression became gloomy. "You are right. Maybe I am a disaster. If Vinton is not with me, he must live

well now and be a playful young master as he used to be."

"Don't talk nonsense. It has nothing to do with you. Even if he isn't in Country M with you, he might

come to Country M for something else." Jim stopped making fun of her, in case she would be sad


"Hurry up and eat. The food won't taste good if it's cold." Then he picked up a shrimp and put it to her


She was stunned and slowly opened her mouth to eat.


Then, she began to turn grief into appetite.

She felt much better now after she was full.

"Scum Jim, can't you really think about the matter that Janice wants to do an embryo separation test?"

she asked casually.

"I'm not interested," Jim uttered three words coldly. Could his descendants be at the disposal of others

to do experiments at will?

"Why? Don't you want to have a healthy baby with Janice?" Eva curled her lips.

"Do you really want me to have a baby with another woman?" Jim looked fierce and discontented.

"It has nothing to do with me. I just asked casually. Because Janice want Jade and Janet to do the

experiment. Janet is afraid of doing experiments and has psychological resistance, so I want to ask

your opinion," Eva said.

"I don't know how long it will take for this experiment to succeed. Don't hold too much hope. If you don't

want to do it, then don't do it," Jim said straightforwardly.

"But it seems that Janice really want them to do it. After all, Janet has lost her baby." Eva sighed.

Taking a sip of soup, Jim asked in a casual tone, "Why did Janet have a miscarriage all of a sudden?"

"I don't know. She said she had a stomachache after she came back from Janice's home and had an

abortion when she was sent to the hospital. The doctor said it was caused by medicine. Both Jade and

I are worried that she might have taken some medicine in Janice's house by accident, and Janice didn't

know it. That was why Janet lost her baby," Eva said with great regret.

"Why is this medicine in Janice's home?" Jim frowned.

"I don't think it's possible. There won't be such kind of medicine in Janice's house. It might be

something that used to strengthen her body or strengthen her immunity. Maybe some of these

medicine are forbidden for pregnant women," Eva analyzed.

"Although Janet has mental disease, she is not a fool. She is much smarter than normal people when

she is not sick. How could she take medicine casually?" Jim was confused.

"I don't know. Because of this matter, Jade has some problem with Janice. He thinks that she didn't

take good care of Janet, which caused her miscarriage. Therefore, when Janice proposed to do

experiments, he was quite resistant." Eva sighed with worry.

"Maybe it was because Janet had intermittent relapses that she ate something carelessly and then

forgot it," Jim said thoughtfully.

"I guess so. The doctor said it was a boy. It is a pity if it was a healthy child," Eva said sadly. It was

known to all that it was difficult for Janet's genes to give birth to a healthy child. Losing one meant

losing half of the chance.

"They are still so young. They will have other child," Jim comforted.

"In fact, I still hope that they can donate the embryo and have a try. After all, in this way, the disease

genes in their descendants can be eliminated, and there is no need to worry about the atavistic

heredity." Eva glanced at him and said, "You and Janice should have a try."

Jim nodded her head and said, "If I want a child, I have to consider getting married first. I'm not going to

get married yet." He looked coldly.

"You're not young anymore. Look at Zac and Essie. Their children can run errands for them now. Dot is

counting on you to make a wife for him as soon as possible. Hurry up and don't dawdle," Eva said


Jim looked at her and asked, "What about you if I'm getting married?"


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