Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 706 Explosion

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The tall bodyguard's face slowly became pale with her words, as pale as a piece of paper, and even his

lips lost color.

Taking the opportunity, Essie said, "Boss, shoot at my heart. I'd rather die under your gun than this

bastard's gun!"

"Close your eyes." Zac pointed his gun at her.

"You..." The tall bodyguard was so frightened that his eyes were as wide as dead fish. Once the

hostage in his hand died, he would be burned to ashes.

"Clap!" A loud sound shook the walls, tearing apart the frozen air.

"Ah --" the tall bodyguard screamed and dropped the gun in his hand, completely out of place.

Zac raised the gun in his hand slightly, and a bullet flew out silently, like lightning, through the air. It hit

the middle of the tall bodyguard's eyebrows. He fell straight down without saying a word.

Zac rushed up like a hurricane, pulled Essie into his arms and held her tightly.

In fact, the sound of 'bang' just now came from the mouth of Zac. He didn't pull the trigger at all. His

gun was equipped with a silencer, and there was no sound when the bullets came out.

The tall bodyguard's psychological defense line had already broken down in their conversation. How

could he tell whether it was a real gunshot or not?

Jay immediately took his men to search the corridor and every room.

Zac didn't let go of the woman in his arms for a long time, as if he was holding a treasure that he had

lost and found. He didn't dare to let her go again.

It was not until now that Essie came to her senses. She grabbed the hem of his cloth and burst into

tears. "Icy guy, I'm too stupid. I almost tore off that bastard's mask, but it's still too late. Woo..."

"You little fool, I don't need you to take such a risk, as long as you are fine." Zac caressed her injured

cheek and felt heartbroken.

But Essie was not reconciled. She blamed herself to death. It was really uncomfortable to fall short of

success, especially because of her mistake.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't sprain my ankle, May would have done better than me."

"My little fool, the only thing you need to do is to protect yourself." Zac wiped the blood from the corner

of her mouth. He was so angry that he kicked the corpse beside him hard. He dared to hurt his wife, it

would be too easy for him to be killed by a shot. The idea of burning him on the iron plate was not bad.

That bastard deserved that.

Essie didn't dare to look at the corpse. She felt sick at the thought of the bloody and ferocious


"I don't want to stay here anymore. Let's go," she buried her head in his arms and said in a low voice.

Zac lifted her up and walked outside.

Jay and the men in black searched the entire villa, but they didn't find Steven.

It was not until then that Essie remembered the tall bodyguard's words. "There is a secret passage in

that room. I heard that they wanted to escape through it. How can I forget that?"

The villa was provided by Willi. He was quite cunning. He had secretly repaired the secret passage for

escape in all his properties.

Just as Jay was about to lead his men into the villa to search again, there was a violent explosion from

the villa.

"Run!" Jay roared loudly, everyone rushed out of the villa.

Zac threw Essie to the ground, covered her ears with his hands and protected her.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Several violent explosions were deafening, and the villa fell down with a loud

bang, turning into ruins. Fragments and dust scattered from the sky like snow, almost covering Zac and

the men in black.

"Son of a bitch! When I catch him, I'll burn him to ashes!" Jay stood up and spat a mouthful of dust on

the ground.

"Are you okay?" Zac looked at the girl under him.

Shaking her head, Essie was scared. She didn't expect that Steven was so vicious that he even placed

a remote control bomb in the villa. Fortunately, Jay and his men didn't go in, or the consequences

would be unimaginable.

"Where is the baby?" Only then did she think of her little baby, fearing that he would be frightened by

the explosion.

"I have asked someone to send him back. Don't worry," Zac said.

Essie breathed a sigh of relief. As long as her baby was safe, it would be fine.

"Boss, I'll take someone down the mountain to chase him," Jay said through gritted teeth.

"No need," Zac said in a low voice. Since the enemy had been prepared, they must have escaped. It

was useless to chase them anymore.

"Let him go so easily?" Jay was not reconciled.

"They can't run away. When we catch Willi, we can grill them on the iron plate, and let them eat each

other by then," Zac said coldly. He held up Essie horizontally and walked down the mountain.

The secret passage in the villa led to the dock. After getting on the ship, Walt regained his

consciousness. Knowing that his subordinate had blown up the villa, he punched him in the face and

asked, "Who let you detonate the bomb?"

What if Essie was inside? Although she 'betrayed' him, he still loved her and didn't want her to be hurt.

"Boss, if I don't detonate the bomb, how can we escape successfully? I hope Zac is inside. If we blow

him up, our task will be completed!" The bodyguard covered his face in grievance.

"Do you think Zac is a rabbit? Is he so easy to deal with. He is a cat. He has nine lives. How can he die

so easily?" He snorted.

"Let's hurry up, in case they catch up," the bodyguard said and pressed the engine button.

The yacht flew through the water like a sharp arrow, splashing water and quickly disappearing in the

vast sea.

When the baby came back safely, the whole family was relieved. Lucy had recovered.

Noticing that Walt and Leila were not there, Essie asked casually. The servant told her that they were

on vacation.

"When did you go there?" Taking a sip of tea, Essie said in a casual tone.

"It seems to be the day you disappeared," the servant replied.

Essie was slightly shocked, and a sharp light flashed across her eyes like a meteor. She gently patted

the baby in her arms and coaxed him to sleep. Anyway, since the child was back, she and Zac won the


Knowing that her bestie was fine, Eva breathed a sigh of relief. When she returned to her nest and was

about to make a snail spa, she found that her little snail was sick and there were cracks on its shell.

In a panic, she put the two sick snail into the small suitcases and drove to the pet hospital.

When the pet doctor saw the snail, he broke out in a sweat! He could only cure animals, not worms!

Depressed, Eva had no choice but to call Jim.

At this moment, Jim was leaning against the sofa and watching TV idly. When he saw the caller ID, his

eyes suddenly lit up. How could this heaven pepper call him voluntarily? Did the sun rise in the west?

"What's the matter?" he asked lazily.

"Scum Jim, are you at home?" The voice on the phone was a little sobbing, and his heart almost

trembled subconsciously. "Yes," he said in a hurry.

"My little snail is sick." Eva sniffed.

"It's just a snail. Threw it away if it was sick." Jim was in a mess. He had thought that she had a fight

with Vinton, or that she had been bullied by Elizabeth. He didn't expect that it was for a bug. Was this

the mentality of a tough woman? Why did she sounded like a kind-hearted innocent girl? In the past,

Zac said that Essie was a woman who was tough inside and gentle on the appearance, while Eva was

a woman tough on the appearance and gentle in her heart. It seemed that he was right.

"No, I have to be responsible for them since I have raised them. I will come to you right away. You have

raised so many snails, you must know how to cure them, right?" Then she hung up the phone and went

straight to his villa.

Jim was speechless. But now he was just bored, so it was not bad to have her accompany.

Eva arrived soon, holding the small box with a snail in her hand as if holding a treasure.

"Scum Jim, where is your snail feeder? Let him check it for me quickly."

Jim came over, touched his chin, stared at the bugs in the box, shook his head and sighed.

"Have you found anything wrong?" Eva asked nervously.

Jim nodded slightly and slowly spit out two words, "Suicide!"

Sweat broke out on Eva's forehead, and a rage rose from his face. "Jim Jing, I'm serious with you.

Don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"Am I talking nonsense?" Jim pursed his lips and pretended to be serious, "Humans commit suicide.

Can't animals? It was not often reported on TV that birds committed suicide or whales committed

suicide, which meant that animals were also rebellious. You must put them on your face every day and

let them clean up the garbage and chemical residue for you. They can't bear it and commit suicide. "

Eva was dumbfounded. She did have a spa every day after removing her makeup. Were they unhappy

because she use them to do the spa too frequently?

"Then what should I do? I'll play music for them and help them relax, okay? "

Jim was speechless. He didn't expect that this heaven pepper would believe it so easily. It was really

silly and childish!

He slightly narrowed his beautiful eyes and an evil and attractive smile appeared at the corners of his

mouth. "The music will have some effect. It would be better if you sing it yourself. You can sing a song

to them every morning to comfort their small and fragile hearts. "

"That's good. I'll sing for them when we get back." Eva smiled, revealing two cute dimples.

Such an innocent expression made Jim feel a little guilty. "And..." He couldn't help but add, "Pulverize

the eggshell into powder and sprinkle it on the vegetable leaves. It can help repair its broken shell."

"Okay." Eva nodded and looked at him gratefully, "Thank you, scum Jim."

A faint smile played at the corners of Jim's mouth. How could he find another stupid woman in the


Eva picked up the small box and was about to leave, but was stopped by him. "Are you leaving now?

Do you think my help is in vain?"

Eva turned around and asked, "Do you want me to make dessert for you?"

"No, I just finished my meal." An unnoticeable weird smile appeared on Jim's thin lips. He had come up

with a better 'method of playing the game'. He wanted to play with the heaven pepper slowly.


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