Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 331 Who Was Playing Tricks

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It was extreme noisy in Dragon City today. A piece of shocking news spread in the entertainment and

financial field: the daughter of Xu family returned and she remarried with the crown prince of Rong's

Group. It was an official marriage between the two families.

Essie didn't send her parents and children back to Jiang City, but took them to Dragon City and live

with them in Alice's villa. Since the children had been exposed, it was not safe to hide them in Jiang

City. It was better to stay in Dragon City. The villa of Alice had an advanced security system, which was

much safer than their house in Jiang City.

Pana and bodyguards were responsible for their safety and stayed with them and Holy 24 / 7.

Seeing the news on the newspaper, Lucy was quite unhappy. How could they get back together when

they are discussing divorce?

Bob patted her on the shoulder, "it doesn't matter now. What matters most is Essie's safety. Last time, if

it was not because of Zac who had taken a gunshot for Essie, it would be Essie who was lying in the

hospital. "

"But what if they are back together?" Lucy's eyes were full of worry. She was sure that she would never

accept Mary's son as her son-in-law.

"Don't worry. Did you hear the doctor? The blood has been basically cleared out of Baron's head. He is

likely to wake up at any time. Once he wakes up, we will take Essie back to America and let her marry

Hanson. As for now, God bless us. Since Mary has done so many bad things, her son was sent to us to

help Essie and atone for her. "

Hearing his words, Lucy felt much better. Since Mary owed her so much, her son was obliged to atone

for his mother, or it was too easy for Mary to live.

"I have to call Hanson and explain this matter to him in case he misunderstood." Then she went


Essie left the company and went to the hospital. At that moment, Leila was in the ward. As soon as she

saw the news on the newspaper, she went straight to the hospital. Since Zac had lost his memory, he

must have forgotten that Essie and Hanson had children. She should let him know again.

However, the moment she spoke, she was stopped by Zac, "I'm not interested in what happened in the

past. Even if she went to space, it had nothing to do with me."

Leila confused. It sounds that he doesn't want to have any relationship with Essie. But why did the

news that they would get remarried came out?

"Zac, is the news on the newspaper true?"

"Yes." Said Zac.

"You don't remember her. Why did you remarry her?" She couldn't understand.

"Leila, when did you become inquisitive?" Zac frowned and seemed to be a little impatient. Lowering

her head, Leila's eyelashes quivered slightly. She felt frustrated and said, "I just care about you."

His eyes softened. He reached out his hand and gently stroked her head, as if to comfort her. "I know.

You should pay more attention to yourself now. Find a right boyfriend, and have a good relationship."

"Zac, you must have forgotten what happened to me." With red eyes, Leila looked up at him and said,

"I am not a member of Qin family. There is no need for us to worry about rules. I can freely get married

and have a child."

Zac was slightly surprised, but he quickly regained his composure. "Fool, I've already married. How can

I get along with you?"

"I'm the one you love, not her. You married her just to drive Valery away." Said Leila.

Zac glanced at her and said nothing. There was an unreadable look on his face.

At this time, Essie came in. She heard what Leila said at that time. A gloomy look streaked across her

eyes. She opened her mouth and smiled at Zac, "is your wound painful today?" She ignored the

existence of someone on purpose.

"No, it doesn't hurt. But as soon as you arrive, my eyes start to ache." Said Zac slowly. What he meant

was that she was an eyesore.

She wrinkled her nose, walked to the mirror and looked at herself. There was no dark circles under his

eyes. It was obvious that there was something wrong with his eyes. "I bought some fresh black grapes.

Do you want to eat them?" Since Leila was here, she didn't talk back to him and immediately changed

the topic.

"Wash them and feed me." He gave an order as if she were a maid.

"Okay." She obediently nodded and took the plastic bag to the sink. Leila threw a sinister and cold light

at her. This woman's fighting power was really strong. She could even resurrect when she betrayed


Essie put the dried grapes on the fruit tray and placed them on the table, saying, "Miss Leila, please

have these grapes." Essie said politely, picked up a piece of grape and handed it to Zac.

Leila realized that Essie's aim was to treat her as a guest. Leila thought that Zac had lost his memory. It

was the best time for Leila to fight back. She wouldn't miss it.

"Zac, I will stay here tonight to take care of you, OK?"

Zac didn't nod or shake his head. Leila was glad that he agreed. "Miss Leila, there is a rule in the

hospital that only one person can be with us tonight. I will take care of my husband. You don't have to

worry about that," said Essie.

Before Essie finished her words, a neither too warm nor too cold voice came from the door of the room,

"tonight, let Leila take care of Zac. You have been here for so many days. You must be tired. Go back

and have a rest."

Hearing that voice, Essie said, "Mommy, don't worry. I won't allow anyone to take care of my husband.

Moreover, Miss Leila has been brought up in a wealthy family, so she is always made up to be taken

care of by others. It's impossible for her to know how to take care of others."

Mary's face turned blue. "Leila is not an outsider. She has been with Zac for more than ten years. If it

were not for the feud between the Rong family and the Qin family, they would have been married long


Essie sneered in her mind. In the eyes of her mother-in-law, Valery was not an outsider, so was Leila.

Essie, the true daughter-in-law in this family, was the outsider.

"Mommy, you are wrong. Zac is my fiance at the age of twelve. Don't say that I disagree him to marry

anyone else, even the God doesn't agree. You see, after so much deliberation, God still arranged him

to marry me." She said slowly.

Hearing that, Mary's mouth twitched. So what? As long as she did not accept her, she would not have a

good relationship with Zac.

Upon hearing this, Leila was infuriated. "Miss Essie, you have grown up in an ordinary family and

accumulated a lot of experience in heavy work, but it doesn't mean that you can take care of people

better than I do. Please rest assured. I will take good care of him tonight. "

"Miss Leila, please call me Mrs. Essie." Essie thought, 'from now on, I will never be a substitute for you.

Instead, I will replace you thoroughly.'

Leila gritted her teeth. She was on the verge of bursting out. She would never ask her to be the Mrs.

Essie. This position should belong to her. It was her turn to take it. Leila did not express her anger in

her heart. She was a scheming person unlike Valery who was arrogant and domineering and was

afraid that others would not know how arrogant she was.

"Miss Essie, if you don't have anything else to do, you can go back first. I can handle everything here."

Leila tried her best to speak in a calm tone, but her smile was shadowed by a defiant look.

Hearing that, a faint smile played at the corners of Essie's mouth. She picked up a black grape and

said, "Miss Leila, it's not that I don't trust you. I just worry that a three-year-old child like Rabi can't be

taken good care of. I'm really worried that if you can take good care of Zac. The wounds on his back

haven't been healed yet. He can't be careless at all."

Leila's face changed dramatically. "That was an accident."

Zac glanced at them. After finishing the grapes, he looked at Essie and said, "Well, of course Essie has

to stay. My wife stayed here just to serve me as a servant. Otherwise, what's the point of her coming

here?" His tone was extremely impatient and rude, allowing no one to object.

Leila didn't know what to do. It seemed that what Zac said was to deliberately make fun of Essie. Then,

did she win or lose?

Mary couldn't read her son's mind now. Judging from his attitude, he was obviously disgusted with

Essie. Then why did he keep her by his side instead of directly driving her away?

Essie fetched a stool and sat beside Zac. She fed him carefully and paid no attention to others.

Mary didn't stay long. She didn't want to stay with Essie any longer. Leila was in the ward. It seemed

that she was competing against Essie. Leila didn't leave until the nurse came to inform her that the

visiting time was up.

With another sigh, Essie stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lying in bed, Zac turned on the TV. Just when he wanted to watch a program that might show his

interest, his phone suddenly rang. It was a wechat message. He picked it up and glanced at it. In

shock, it was from Essie.

'Isn't she taking a shower now? Does she have time to send message to him through wechat?'

He didn't reply, so another message was sent in. "Are you asleep?"

He raised his beautiful and bushy eyebrows slightly, a sharp light flashed through his eyes, and he

replied shortly, "No."

"Neither do I. I don't want to sleep."

"What are you doing?" Zac deliberately asked. He wanted to know who was teasing him.

"I'm reading." It answered quickly.

At the same time, Essie walked out from the bathroom and sat on the sofa beside the bed. "Zac, today

is Friday. Let's watch 'venture with Bear Grylls', okay?"

"Whatever." Zac threw the remote control to her side. At this moment, he was not interested in

watching TV at all. He was only interested in the person who had sent messages to him. "Where is

your cellphone?" He asked casually.

Then she took out a black phone from her handbag and asked, "here."

"You have another cellphone, don't you?" He asked, as he saw it yesterday.

She rummaged through the bag again, but she couldn't find it. "Oh, no, I left it at home this morning." It

was a common thing for her to lose something. She was always in a confused state of mind.


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