Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 337 They Are Not My Children

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After a drizzle, the weather was particularly sunny. The sun shone on the grassland in the park, warm

and bright.

The kids were having fun in the park with Bob and Pana.

Dot kicked the football on the ground, and the football rolled to the side of an old lady. Mili ran with him

to pick up the ball. The old lady picked up the ball and gave it to them.

"Thank you, grandma." Mili said politely.

"Good kids. What's your names?" The old lady asked with a smile.

"My name is Mili, and my brother is Dot." Mili said in a sweet voice. Although mommy had told her not

to talk to strangers, this old lady was amiable and definitely not a bad person.

"Are you twins?" The old lady smiled and looked at the two children with her loving eyes.

"Yes." Mili nodded, grinning broadly and revealing a row of white teeth.

"You are so good." The old lady beamed. "I have a grandson. You two look exactly like him when he

was a child."

"I look like mommy and Dot likes like daddy." Mili said seriously.

"Isn't your daddy with you?" The old lady stroke Mili's head.

"We didn't see daddy. We only saw his picture. We live with mommy and daddy Hanson. Daddy has his

own home. " Mili lowered her head, depressed.

The old lady's mouth twitched slightly, and her eyes flashed a mist like light. "Do you want to see


Mili nodded and then shook her head. "Mommy said, we can't see daddy."

"Why?" The old lady was a little shocked.

"Daddy got hurt and he became a fiend. He forgot mommy. Mommy wants to help daddy get his

memory back. And only when daddy turn into a kind prince can mommy take us to see him. Otherwise,

daddy will take us away from mommy and we will never see mommy, daddy Hanson, uncle Holy and

grandparents again. " Mili said sadly.

"So it is." With a smile on her face, the old lady continued, "when I go back home, I'll help you find a

way to help your daddy turn into a kind prince."

Mili tilted her head and winked. "Grandma, do you know our daddy?"

"Yes, I know him. I have known him since he was a child," The old lady said with a smile.

"Really?" Mili's eyes widened, her face glowing with excitement.

Dot didn't talk much. As long as they were strangers, he remained vigilant. "Granny, you said you knew

our father. What's our father's name?"

The old lady smiled and thought, 'he is as cunning as his grandson. He has always been a cool boy

since he was a child. He doesn't like to talk to others.' Then she said, "your daddy has a surname of

Rong, right?"

"No, our father isn't. You don't know him, grandma!" Dot was afraid that Mili might say something

wrong, so he answered quickly. His mommy had told him that there were many bad guys here. They

must be careful. They couldn't tell the strangers who they were.

"What a clever boy!" The old lady smiled instead of getting angry.

At this time, Bob and Pana came over. "Mili, Dot, it's time to go home."

"Okay." Mili took hold of her brother and waved goodbye to the old lady. Then she left with them.

The old lady's smile grew brighter as she watched them leaving.

When the four people went back to the villa, Essie was already back from the company. "Where did you

go?" She smiled and kissed the twins on their cheek.

"I went to the park and play football." Dot wiped off the sweat on his forehead and went upstairs to get


Mili sat on the sofa and took out her iPad. She had already registered a Wechat account with the

phone number of Essie so that she didn't need to use Essie's phone anymore.

"Do you still want to chat with daddy on Wechat?" Dot frowned and said, "Your lie has been exposed.

He must have found that you are not mommy last time, so he just bluffed you that he wanted to hit a


"I know, but I've registered a new number and he don't talk to me. He won't talk to strangers on

Wechat." Mili sighed bitterly. She clicked and sent smiling emoji.

The reply came soon, "Holy, I know it's you. Don't make trouble again, or I'll fly over and kick your ass."

Today, Zac was too busy to play with him.

"He thought it was uncle Holy." Mili was startled, but then she said with a sly smile, "then I will be uncle


"Wow, you got me. You are awesome!" She replied.

"You're trying to make fun of me, but you're too naive." Zac sent a smug smile.

"If you are willing to chat with me, I will tell you what my sister is doing in the future secretly." Mili

giggled and covered her mouth.

In the office, a faint light flashed through the deep and cold eyes of Zac. This little guy had learned to

negotiate with him, but the chip was not bad. It was worth considering.

So he sent her a handshake emoji. "What is she doing now?"

"She is cooking with aunt Pana." Mili replied.

Zac raised his beautiful eyebrows slightly. Without his stupid woman by his side, he was quiet and

admired the view in front of him, but... She felt a little bored.

"What is she cooking? Stewed beef brisket with radish?" Zac couldn't help but lick his lips. Although he

didn't want to admit that Essie was so good at cooking, the chef at home couldn't make such good


"We don't have the stewed beef brisket with radish today. We have broth, fried eggs with tomato,

braised fish in brown sauce, sweet and sour pork, sauted Chinese cabbage with vinegar, and kung pao

chicken." Mili trotted in the kitchen and then reported to Zac.

"How many people in your family with so much dishes?" Zac replied with a sweat emoji.

Mili rolled her watery eyes. Her daddy didn't know that grandpa and grandma took her and her brother

to live in the villa, so he thought that there were only three people living here. He sent an awkward

smile and said, "my sister said I was growing up and she said I should eat more."

"Control your appetite. Be careful of getting fat." Zac thought the stupid woman didn't raise a child at

all. It was obvious that she was raising a little pig.

Mili sent a funny face emoji and continued, "my sister said that you got injured and lost your memory.

Now you have become a demon. Can you get your memory back and change back to a kind prince?"

Zac snorted and there was a hint of anger between his eyebrows. A demon? He hadn't fully shown his

demonic power. From now on, he would definitely let her see his demonic power.

"No, I would always be a demon."

"Don't worry. My sister will be an angel to save you."

Zac sneered. If she were an angel, she would run into the plane unwittingly, fall off a straight line and

transformed into a frog.

Essie asked the kids to have lunch downstairs. Mili quickly ended the conversation and deleted the

record in case that her mommy would find it again.

In the middle of the meal, Essie had just received a message from the demon. It said that Zac wanted

to have stewed beef brisket with radish. He asked her to go there as soon as she got off work. She

knew that the man would get mad when he was hungry, so she left the company and went to the villa

by the lakeside at 5 p.m.

The Butler Ann came out to greet her before she entered. "You are back. Mrs. Mary and Miss Leila just

came here. They said they would wait for Mr. Zac here and have dinner together."

"Okay, I know." Essie nodded, and an imperceptible darkness crept over her face.

Entering the door, Mary and Leila were sitting in the hall, talking and laughing. They were on good


Actually, Mary made great efforts to destroy her marriage with Zac. Since Valery became a weakling,

she had pinned her hope on Leila.

When Mary saw Essie, the smile on her face immediately disappeared. A large dark cloud covered her


"Why are you here?" She said indifferently.

"Mommy, I'm going home." Essie smiled. These simple words were like an invisible slap in Leila's face.

Leila said with jealousy and anger. "You have children with someone else, but why do you still badger

with Zac? Don't you have any sense of shame?" Leila dared not even mention a word about the

children in front of Zac. Now that he was not here, she could say it out fearlessly.

"According to our family rules, it's unforgivable to cheat on your husband and you must be expelled

from our family. Therefore, you are no longer the granddaughter-in-law of our family." Mary said. They

echoed each other.

Essie was not in a hurry to retort. She took a bottle of juice from the refrigerator, opened it and took a

sip slowly. "To catch a thief, we need to get the stolen goods, and to catch a traitor, we need to get the

evidence. If you want to accuse me of cheating on Zac and having children with another man, please

show me your evidence."

"The paparazzi have taken pictures of you, but you still dare to defend yourself. If it weren't because

Zac covered it, the whole Dragon City would have known your scandal." Said Leila angrily.

"No need to take photos. I went out with my friends and two kids. Does that mean that I have children

with someone else? What about the birth certificate? What about the paternity test? " "Luckily, the

piblisher didn't press it out. They would be forced to close because they made up some rumors." She


"Do you dare to say that the two children are not yours?" Leila asked. It would not be easy for her to be


"Of course it's mine! But do they have to come from my belly? Can't I adopt them? "You were adopted,

weren't you? And everyone else, including you, thought you were the child of Qin family if your parents

didn't mention it."

"You..." Leila's face changed dramatically.

"Were the two children really adopted by you?" Mary was shocked.

"What do you think?" Essie contradicted her deliberately. She kept silent as if she had given tacit

consent. Now that there were someone who wanted to take her life, she could prevent them from

finding out the truth about the children. She intended to shift their attention from the children and make

them believe that the children were not her own children, and that was also a way to protect the



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