Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 375 The Little Girl Was Worried

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The whole thing was out of his expectation.

His double body Fred stood in front of the desk, trembling with fear that he would get angry. He drew

lots with Jay, Marlon, Ford and Peter. At last, he got Landis and Ford got Leila. He should have learned

from Ford to make that woman drink a glass of red wine with contraception beforehand, so that he

could make sure everything was all right.

"Boss, this time it was an accident, the condom broke." He scratched his head and said awkwardly, "I

was going to buy her the medicine, but she said she could deal with it by herself. It turned out we got

trapped eventually."

"She did not deal with it at all because she left your child here on purpose," William said, slapping on

the back of his head. He was too careless to be deceived by Landis.

"Boss, it's okay as long as you don't admit it. Anyway, it's not yours. That woman was sleeping with

many people many times. Even if she was pregnant, who knows whose kid it is?" Fred scratched his

head. He didn't want to be a father, nor did he want to make his boss a father. He couldn't bear such a


"She thought she had hooked up with boss. How could she possibly have another man?" William said,

giving him a warning look.

"Let her have an abortion," Zac said in a cold tone, with a killing intent on his face. He wouldn't bother

about the baby's identity in case that the matter of his double body would be exposed.

A weird cold light streaked across William's face. "In fact, we don't need to do anything. Someone will

take care of it for us."

Zac didn't say anything. His eyes became deep.

Not long after William and Fred left, Leila came to the office and blamed him angrily.

"Zac, is it true that Landis is pregnant?" She was on the verge of death. This month, she was normal

with no signs of pregnancy. Her period came as usual. Landis, the tramp, finally got the news. Wasn't

this a huge irony?

Holding his forehead, Zac said in a helpless tone, "It was an accident."

It was so dark in Leila's eyes that as if she had been hit by a heavy blow. She must have fainted if she

hadn't held the corner of the table in time. Why did this kind of accident happen to the mistress? She

looked forward to have this kind of accident, but it was all gone.

"What are you going to do with it?" Her voice trembled with anger.

"If she doesn't want to have an abortion. I don't care. Let her made the decision herself." Zac sighed.

He stood up, walked to her side and put his arm around her. "Don't worry. The bastard doesn't count in

our family. Unless you can't have the baby, it will never threaten your position."

Leila didn't feel relieved but angry and resentful. She wished she could fly to Landis right now and kick

her belly, kicking away the bastard in it.

"Brother Zac, we can't let her keep this baby. Ask her to have an abortion right now." She was so

excited that she almost screamed.

"Why not?" It sounded like he was talking about something unimportant.

"What if she threatened you with the baby?" Leila's eyes were full of worry. Of course, what worried her

most was that Landis would threaten her as the wife of Zac.

"She wants nothing but money and fame. I'll satisfy her," Zac shrugged and said indifferently.

"Woman, as greedy as her, has endless desires. Once she has your child, she will threaten you for a

lifetime." Leila could not control her tongue and emotion at all. Now, there was only one thought in her

mind, that was, she would never let Landis give birth to the baby.

"Leila, you should know that polygamy is allowed in our family. If it comes to the worst, we can let her in

as the second wife of me and get along with you like sisters. We are happy together, isn't it good?" Zac

said slowly.

Leila was so angry that she almost suffocated to death. "It's impossible. I will never allow you to have a

mistress," she screamed.

Zac's eyes became sharp, and his face became extremely fierce. "Tolerance and friendly are the basic

moral qualities of a daughter-in-law of the Rong family. When Valery and Essie lived in the Rong

Mansion together in the past, Essie cared about her a lot. But she didn't know what was good for her,

and that was why she ended up like this. You have to prove to the elders of the Rong family that you

are more suitable to be a daughter-in-law of the Rong family than Essie. If you can't even tolerate a

mistress, you will never be qualified to be the hostess."

Leila trembled with anger. 'It's true that to fend off one danger only to fall prey to another." It was not

easy for her to win the game and get him back after driving Essie away. After only a few days of peace,

there was a mistress appearing and she was pregnant. Until now, the Rong family refused to accept

her as their mistress. If they had a son, they would help the mistress and kick her out. She couldn't let

such a terrible thing happen. She couldn't keep the child, definitely not.

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Brother Zac, it is all my fault. I was too emotional just

now. Don't worry. I will be a tolerant and generous wife. I will go to visit Landis in the afternoon and let

her have a good rest." She tried her best to force a smile through her stiff mouth.

"Good." Zac patted her on the shoulder. "I knew you would be better than Essie."

"Yes." Leila nodded meekly, a malicious and cold light flashed through her eyes.

On the other side of the Dragon City, Mili rushed to the study when she heard that Landis was

pregnant. "Mommy, there is something wrong. There is no brother in aunt Leila's belly. There is a

brother in Landis's belly." After her mother taught her, she actively corrected herself, not to call Leila

'the bad mistress', but 'aunt Leila'.

She then took the iPad and read it. The iPad was on her hand, and she looked calm on her face, but

she was actually a little surprised when she read the news.

What was going on with icy guy? Was he enjoying to play the role of father?

"Mommy, what should we do? If Landis has a younger brother, will you and daddy not be able to

reconcile?" Mili was as anxious as a cat on a hot pan.

"Baby." "Your daddy is a powerful man. He was sure to handle it well," Essie added, patting her head.

Handle? What should he do with the baby since the baby was in the belly?

She pouted, crossed her arms over her chest, and said angrily, "I think you and Daddy are too muddled

to deal with things at all, or you won't be like this!"

Essie was sweating.

The words of her daughter hit the nail on the head!

It seemed that the relationship between her and Zac was in a mess. The more unreasonable it was, the

more chaotic it was.

"Baby, after our family teacher comes here to finish her class, I will take you and Dot to the park to play,

OK?" She tried to change the topic.

"I don't want to go to the park. I want to go to sworn mommy's shooting site. I haven't seen her for a

long time. I miss her very much," Mili said in a childish voice. In fact, she had another plan in her mind.

Landis was the second heroine of the movie that Eva was filming. She wanted to meet this despicable

woman, and knew her enemy as well as herself. A hundred battles would be no threat to her.

But Essie didn't know what her daughter was thinking about. She touched her nose with love and said,

"Okay, then let's go to the film set and visit mommy Eva."

As a matter of fact, the movie that was going to take place in the afternoon was about to be filmed by

the opponent acting of Eva and Landis. Landis was now a hot topic in the entertainment circle, being

very popular, and because of her baby in the belly of a big boss, she did not take any Eva seriously.

She was complaining that the dressing room was not as spacious as Eva's

"The makeup room is so small and it is stuffy and hot. If you don't change another one for me, I won't


The director was at a loss for words. On the whole crew, only she and Eva owned an independent

makeup room, and her makeup room was only second to Eva's, so if she wanted to change, she had to

cope with Eva.

Eva was a good actress know to all. Yet, she was a newcomer who had just cut a striking figure. Since

she had been involved in a scandal with their big boss, she thought it was possible for her to be a tie as

Eva. How was that possible? Besides, Evan had a close relationship with the big boss and with Mr.

Xu's support. How could Landis be so arrogant with her temporary fame?

When the assistant director tried to communicate with Landis, Essie brought Mili here.

"Mommy Eva..." Mili ran to Eva and held her in her arms.

"Mili baby!" Eva held her up and kissed her pink face lovingly.

"mommy Eva, I miss you so much. You haven't come to see me and Dot this week." Mili rubbed her

face with her chubby little hand.

"Mommy Eva have some work to do, and I'll go to see you and Dot after I finish," Eva said with a smile.

"Mommy and I will stay here to watch you film. Let's eat pizza after you finish, shall we?" Mili said.

"Okay." Eva nodded.

Essie touched her little head and said, "You have to stay on the side later. You can't run around or

make trouble. Otherwise, I'll take you home."

"Don't worry, Mommy. I am a good girl." Mili promised seriously. She looked around and soon fell on

Landis who was not far away from them.

As expected, the fourth mistress was here.

Landis also saw them. It was the first time she saw Essie, but she had heard a lot about her. His ex-

wife was just like outdated food. No matter how beautiful and shiny the appearance was, it was not

fresh inside, so she was not a threat to her.

Mili ran towards her, jumping up and down. "Auntie, you're so beautiful. You're prettier than aunt Leila.

No wonder my dad likes you."

Landis was slightly shocked. "Your daddy?"

Mili covered her mouth with her hand and lowered her voice. "He's my mommy's ex-husband, and he's

your gossiping boyfriend."

"Okay." Landis nodded. It was said that Essie had two kids with the CEO of Bella in America. They

were not Zac's. However, they had been a couple before. It was natural that the children called Zac


The aunt Leila she was talking about should be Leila Qin, the current wife of Zac. Hearing that she said

she was more beautiful than Leila, Landis was very happy. Anyhow, Essie was the ex-wife, so she

didn't have to keep her in mind. Her current enemy was Leila Qin.

"Little girl, do you have a good relationship with your daddy?"


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