Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 463 Be Honest (Part Two)

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Seeing that Essie was walking towards them, Rabi waved happily. "Mommy, come and have a look.

The fish is eating something we fed them."

Essie walked up to him, caressed his head and said, "We've been playing for a long time. Let's go to

the Pavilion there to have some afternoon tea."

Rabi nodded. She took his sister's hand and walked to the pavilion in front of the house, followed by Ivy

and Daisy.

The servants had prepared the tea and fruits.

Essie peeled one black grape for Rabi. Daisy smiled as she said, "We haven't sat together like this to

have afternoon tea for a long time."

"Yeah, I really miss the old days, and now I feel that everything has changed." Holding her chin in her

hand, Ivy sighed. Now that she was an officially employee of Elsa, but Hanson always avoided meeting

her, which frustrated her.

How could Essie know what she was thinking about? With a slight smile, she said, "Come to my place

if you have time. Even if your brother and I get divorced, there is no need for us to break up. What do

you think? "

"Yes." Daisy nodded with a smile.

Taking a sip of black tea, Ivy asked, "Sister in law, are you really going to marry brother Hanson?"

Essie glimpsed at her and asked, "Ivy, do you still like brother Hanson?"

A slight blush appeared on Ivy's face. She took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth.

"Sister in law, to tell you the truth, I am going to compete with you fairly. I'm an honest girl. I don't like to

do anything stealthy or stab the knife in the back of others. You and Hanson won't get married in three

months. You can't treat me as the other woman during this three month if I compete with you. If I lost

and you got married, I would let you go and I would never see Hanson again."

"Ivy, are you crazy? What are you talking about?" Daisy was freaked out.

"It doesn't matter." With a wave of her hand, Essie continued, "Everyone has the right to pursue his or

her own happiness. And it's understandable for Ivy to do so."

In fact, she always thought that she didn't deserve to be with Hanson. She had been trying hard to

withdraw her heart from Zac, but she failed. After all, giving her something was not supposed to be

hers anymore.

Hanson was a good man. He should have a wife who loved him with all her heart and soul, not a

woman who didn't have an intact body or mind. If the man was touched by Ivy, she would do anything

for him.

"Sister in law, do you agree?" Ivy said and blinked her eyes.

"Let's compete fairly," Essie said with a smile.

Mili was unhappy aside. She pouted her lips. She was surprised that aunt had a crush on her daddy

Hanson. What did aunt want? Did aunt want to fight against mommy for daddy Hanson? This was

going too far!

"Aunt, have you been infected by that bad mistress, Leila?"

"Don't compare me with her, kid. I'm not interested in a married man." Ivy put out her tongue. She

hated Leila so much now. If it weren't for her grabbing her cousin and causing her cousin to divorce her

sister in law, Hanson would be hers.

"But daddy Hanson and Mommy will be engaged next month. He's my mommy's fiance, and kind of

married," Mili said seriously. She still had to move to the Mosuo clan with her daddy and daddy

Hanson. She couldn't let her aunt destroy it.

Only after getting the marriage certificate can we be considered as real marriage, not engagement," Ivy

explained in a serious tone.

Mili didn't listen to her at all. Leila had already taken her father away. She couldn't let her aunt take

away her daddy Hanson too. Then her mother would be left alone.

"Auntie, daddy has hurt my mommy. Do you want to hurt her again?"

"Yes, Ivy, I don't support you. It's not right for you to do this," Daisy added.

"Don't you think it will be worse if I did not make it frankly and do it in a stealthy way?" Ivy puckered up

her lips.

"It's okay, Mili. Just let auntie fight for her own happiness this time," Essie said, patting Mili's head.

"Daddy Hanson loves Mommy, he won't like aunt," Mili said affirmatively. She believed that her daddy

Hanson would never hurt her Mommy like her daddy did.

"I know your mommy is a good girl, but I'm not a bad girl, either," said Ivy, frustrated.

"In a relationship, the first come, the larger the chance is. If you're late, you won't have a chance. You

are late," Mili crossed her arms in front of her chest and said in a serious tone. She really hoped that

aunt would give up the idea of competing with her for daddy Hanson.

But Ivy wouldn't give up. She had to work hard for herself before Hanson got married.

In the study, Mary secretly called Leila and told her that Essie took the children to visit the Rong


She urged her to take actions as soon as possible. If she dawdled on, she would be expelled by Essie

sooner or later.

However, what she didn't expect was that Leila ran to the gate of Rong Mansion as soon as she hung

up the phone. She wanted to take Zac back. She didn't want him to get along with Essie.

A sense of disgust came over Zac as soon as he saw her, "Do you plan to do something stupid like

what you did last time?"

His cold eyes made Leila less aggressive, "I just want you to go back with me."

"I'll stay here for a while. I have a lot to discuss with the elders," Zac said flatly.

"Is it about what happened between you and Essie?" Leila asked. She was about to lose her temper.


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