Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 748 Fight Or Play Games

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"I think of one thing that is most likely to happen," she said in a voice that was almost like lip language.

"What is it?" Dot said calmly. He had already been used to the fuss about Mili. It was obvious that she

hadn't been selected when she inherited mommy's genes.

"It has something to do with a mistress." Mili said word by word seriously, "Maybe they quarreled with

each other because of a mistress."

Dot was choked. He really admired his sister's imagination. "Who wants a mistress, daddy?" he asked


"There are so many women around him. If all those bad mistresses who wants to hook up

with daddy held hands together, they may be able to circle the equator. It was easy for a mistress to

take advantage of the chance when mommy and daddy quarreled. It was said on the Internet that there

was no such a man that a mistress cannot win over. There was only a mistress that did not work hard

enough. In the past, uncle Vinton's bad Mommy took advantage of grandma and grandpa Xu's quarrel

to get involved in their marriage and made them divorce," Mili crossed her arms and said seriously.

Dot rubbed his chin. To be honest, the mistress was a tenacious creature that was difficult to destroy.

That was the natural enemy of marriage. In their family, not only did daddy have a great charm of

attracting mistress, but also, their

mommy was the same. Daddy was not the only man who liked her, but daddy Hanson was an

exception. Daddy Hanson was mommy's first love, and he knew mommy before daddy, he could not be

regarded as a home wrecker. Steven is the real bad guy. He always wants to take Mommy away.

"Adults are too troublesome." He sighed.

Holding her chin with one hand, Mili said thoughtfully, "According to my observation in the past two

days, it should be mommy who is angry. If daddy is angry, he won't come to see Mommy voluntarily. So

I have to find out the real situation."

After arriving at the top of the mountain, Zac took Rabi and Dot to pick up dead branches in the forest

to make a bonfire.

Mili walk to the side of Essie. "Mommy, when are you going to make up with daddy?"

Stroking her head, Essie said, "Baby, it's adults' business. You kids should not meddle in it." What

happened to Alice was like a thorn in her heart. A slight move would make her painful, and it was not

easy to get rid of it.

"Mommy, is daddy looking for a mistress outside, so you can't forgive him?" Mili asked in a very low


Hearing that, Essie choked hard, covered her mouth and coughed. "Baby, Daddy won't find a mistress


"It's hard to say. Barry, our classmate, his father is having a mistress outside. His mommy found out.

His parent quarreled at home every day and even wanted to divorce," Mili pouted and said.

With a smile, Essie said, "Don't worry. I'm sure about that. Even if men all over the world find

mistresses, your father won't."

Her indifferent expression didn't dispel Mili's worries, but made her more worried.

Did Mommy overestimate herself, or did she overestimate daddy?

A mistress was difficult to guard against!

This kind of thing must be prevented in advance.

Mommy was confused. Even the mistress was beside her, she wouldn't know.

"Mommy, don't take it lightly. Jimmy's father also has a mistress, his secretary. He even has an

illegitimate child." Mili couldn't be more serious.

Hearing that, Essie sighed in a low voice. As far as she knew, Mili and Dot were in the talent class of

the elite school of the Ivy Aristocratic School. All the students in the class were with intelligent and were

more sensitive to their parents' affairs than other children. If someone talked about their parents' matter

in class, it would definitely affect other children and make them worry about their own family.

"Baby, mommy and daddy just have different opinions on some issues, not the mistress. Don't think too


"Well, I believe you for the time being." Mili blinked her eyes and changed her tone. "But even if you

don't have a mistress now, it's easy for the mistress to take advantage of the cold war between you

two. Flies will not flock at an seamless egg. Grandma and grandpa are good examples. You must

remember that. " She was lecturing her mother, Essie.

With a little sweat on her forehead, Essie quickly pulled her little shoulder and let her play by herself.

Seeing that Zac came back with two children, she planned to go into the tent and have a rest.

Unexpectedly, the phone came in. It was from Eva, who told her the identity of the psycho was clear.

But Jim kept her in suspense and refused to tell her who it was, so she had to investigate by herself.

It was not a difficult thing for Essie, because Zac must know everything about Jim. But now she was in

a cold war with him. She didn't want to talk to him voluntarily. It was a little difficult to find out the truth.

Zac taught the children to drill wood to make fire, and lit a bonfire. The nannies began to cook.

Essie was doing a few sit ups in the tent, her heart struggling in the sea of contradiction.

She didn't want to talk to Zac, but she couldn't turn a blind eye about her bestie's matter. High IQ

psycho was very dangerous, and there was no legal responsibility for killing people.

After thinking it over, she surrendered. The matter of her bestie was more important, and the account

between her and Zac would be settled later.

"Zac!" She called out in the tent. Seeing that Zac turned around, she waved to him.

"You finally figured it out?" Zac breathed a sigh of relief. He walked into the tent with a relieved smile on

his face.

Instead of answering, Essie went straight to the point and told him what Eva had just told her on the


Zac saw through her at a glance. "You want to ask me who that woman is, right?"

Essie nodded.

A mischievous look flashed across Zac's face. "Honey, as long as you serve me well tonight, I will tell

you everything I know!"

With his words, the cheeks of Essie turned red. "Zac, you are so shameless!"

"For you, I have never been the most shameless, only more shameless." With an evil and attractive

smile, Zac turned around and walked out.

Clenching her teeth, Essie stamped her feet in shame and anger. This was simply racketeering. Damn

it! Damn it!

After dark, the kids played for a while and then went to bed in the tent.

Essie had planned to sleep with the children. But after being blackmailed by Zac, she had no choice

but to bite the bullet and enter his tent obediently.

"Honey, you're really admirable. You can do anything for your friend." Zac sneered.

"Cut the crap. Let's begin." Essie rolled her eyes at him, lay down and was ready.

Raising his thick eyebrows slightly, Zac said, "Did you hear it wrong? It's you who serve me, not me

who serve you!"

Essie spat out blood and punched him on the shoulder. "Zac, don't push your luck!"

"Honey, it's not a pleading attitude." Zac pinched the tip of her chin, his eyes shining like a lion, as if

she was a small antelope for him to play with, and he would swallow it after playing enough.

Essie took three deep breaths in a row. She couldn't stand it, but she had to stand it under the


She sat up straight, lifted her leg and stepped on the man...

In the middle of the night, Mili woke up and went to the bathroom. She followed the nanny out of the

temporary bathroom. When she passed by Zac's tent, she vaguely heard a whining sound, as if her

mother was crying.

The nanny heard it as well and felt a little embarrassed. She quickly took her hand and said, "Miss Mili,

go back to sleep."

"Miss Li, did you hear the cry?"

"No, you must have misheard." The nanny waved her hand and quickly took her back to her tent.

Mili pursed her lips. She didn't believe that she had heard it wrong. She pretended to be asleep after

lying down, but her ears were pricked up.

The nanny fell asleep soon.

She sneaked out of the tent and hid behind the tents of Zac and Essie. Vaguely, another voice came. It

was mommy's voice. Yes.

Did they quarrel in the tent at midnight?

Her heart was in her throat all of a sudden.

A ray of moonlight cast down through the clouds, and two hazy figures could be seen faintly shaking in

the tent.

Oh my God! Mili was frightened. They didn't sleep at all. They were not only quarreling, but also


The baby was so scared.

She hurried back to her tent, pulled the quilt over her head and trembled.

She knew that their situation was abnormal this time. It must be that daddy had a mistress outside.

He was so tall and strong, and his mother was so weak. Would he beat her to death?

No, she had to save her Mommy. Thinking of this, she sat up.

Miss Li was awakened and thought she was in a dream. She quickly asked, "Miss Mili, did you have a


"Miss Li, my parents seem to be quarreling. I'm going to persuade them."

Miss Li broke out in a sweat and came to her senses in a hurry. "Miss Mili, you misheard. They are not

quarreling, but playing games. If adults can't fall asleep at night, they will play games together. If they

are tired, they will fall asleep. "

"Really?" Mili looked at her, confused.

Miss Li knew that Mili was a smart child, so she couldn't deceive her as she did to Rabi. She continued,

"Didn't you say that 'lovers' quarrels are soon mended' last time? The so-called harmony at the end of

the bed meant to play games at night. You can't disturb them. They will make up when they have fun. If

you disturb them, they can't make up. "

"Really?" Mili tilted her head.

"Of course it's true. Go to sleep now. When you get up tomorrow morning, you will see daddy and

Mommy talking and laughing as before. " Miss Li patted her on the back.

Mili Lay down again and felt a little relieved.

Miss Li breathed a sigh of relief and patted her gently. She didn't dare to close her eyes until she fell

asleep, fearing that she would cause trouble to Zac.

The second day, as soon as Mili opened her eyes, she went to find Zac and Essie. She wanted to

make sure whether they were fighting or playing games.

As soon as she arrived at the tent, she saw Zac coming out.

"Daddy, where is mommy?" She stood on tiptoe, stretched out her neck and looked inside hard.


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