Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 281 The Truth Was Brought To Light (Part One)

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Essie was curled up by the bed head with pillow in her arms. She still could not recover from the horror.

When she heard the door being pushed open, she couldn't help but shudder.

"Do you need me to explain to you about what happened in the office?" Zac said in a cold voice. There

was no trace of guilt.

Her heart was cold, "No need." She was clear about the relationship between Leila and him, so he

didn't need to say more to strike her.

"Then tell me, why did you kill my child?" He said word by word through his teeth.

She lowered her head and tightened her arms, "I..." She was too embarrassed to speak it out.

"Is it because of Hanson?" He held her head with his hands, with a malicious expression in his eyes. It

seemed that he wanted to find out the shadow that had been haunting in her mind.

"No, it has nothing to do with him." She shook her head immediately.

"Then why?" He didn't intend to let her go.

A frightened expression surfaced on her face. She cried as her shoulder shivered.

He raised her head with force, not letting her escape, "It is because... You hate me so you want to kill

my child?" His expression became ferocious, mixed with unspeakable sadness.

"No, it's not like that." She shook her head desperately, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid he's not yours. " She

cried out loud. These words cost all of her courage and strength.

"What did you say?" Zac shuddered with fear. "How could it be not mine?"

Essie covered her face, "You weren't the one in the hotel on that day. You were afraid that I would

commit suicide again, so you lied to me, weren't you?"

Zac was shocked. A deep light flashed across his eyes. "What a little fool!" He took her hands and

removed them from her face to make her look at him. "Now I am telling you seriously that I was the one

who stayed with you that night. The child is one hundred percent mine."

Hearing that, Essie stopped crying all of a sudden. She widened her eyes and looked at him in

confusion. "But Mandy told me that she saw me being..." She stopped and bit her lips.

"Have you met Mandy?"

It seemed that Zac understood everything now.

Essie nodded and held the hemline of his cloth with her little hand. "Zac, please don't lie to me. Don't

lie to me. I'm really scared. I'm really afraid that the child isn't yours."

He hugged her into his arms. His little fool was deceived by that damn bitch Mandy. She almost killed

their baby.

In order to erase the shadow in her heart, he had already asked William to go to the hotel and get the

surveillance video for that night.

"It was brother who first found you and saved you, and then I went there in time to cure you." He

whispered in her ear, "Honey, you were too active that night. You didn't allow me to stop the whole


"You're annoying." She lovingly patted him on the shoulder. She finally felt relieved. Fortunately, her

child was safe and sound. Otherwise, she might not forgive herself all her life.

"Mandy, why did she lie to me?"

"Then, you should asked her." Zac snorted, with a murderous look in his eyes. Anyone who dared to

hurt his baby must have wanted to die.

Before long, William took Mandy here.

When the plot was brought to light, she suddenly knelt down in front of Essie and begged for mercy,

"Essie, I didn't mean to hurt you. Someone forced me to do so. If I didn't do it, I would be in jail. I can't

be in jail."

"Why did you have to go to jail?" Hearing that, Essie was dazed for a second.

Mandy lowered her head and didn't dare to say anything more. Right next to her, Zac said, "It was

because she crashed into Todd."

"What?" Essie was scared.

"He deserved it." Mandy clenched her teeth.

"Since he failed, you should just call the police. Why did you hit him? Murder is against the law." Essie

sighed again.

Mandy clenched her fists and her eyes were full of hatred.

Looking at her, Zac sneered, "Todd has succeeded. In fact, she was the person whom he harmed that


Mandy violently twitched and cried.

Essie walked to her and tried to comfort her. She was stopped by Zac. She didn't deserve her

sympathy at all as she betrayed her best friend. "Mandy Lu, who's threatening you?"

"I don't know. It's a woman. She called and told me she had evidence of my hitting down and killing

Todd. If I don't lie to Essie as her request, she will hand the evidence to the police and put me in jail."

Mandy didn't dare to tell the truth. She would have been dead if Zac had known that she had involved

in the plot of framing Essie. But she didn't know that she had indirectly revealed the truth of the hotel

incident, and that the mastermind was not Todd. There was someone else.

"Mandy Lu, if I find out that you have been involved in this matter, I will let you die a miserable life in

prison." Zac warned. His sharp eyes seemed to be able to tear the woman in front of him to pieces at

any time.

Mandy hissed and grabbed the corner of Essie's clothes. "Essie, please forgive me. I was too scared

just now. I have been insulted by that fat pig. If I were to be put in jail again, my life would be over."

"Mandy." Essie held her up and said, "I don't blame you. You are also a victim. Let's not talk about it

anymore." After saying that, she turned her eyes to Zac and asked, "Is there any way to solve this case

of Todd for Mandy and make her not be threatened anymore?"

"Let her solve her own problem," Zac said coldly. It was kind of mercy that he didn't punish her.

"It doesn't matter. I can handle it," Mandy said in a low voice. As long as she could get through them,

she would not be worried any more.

After discussion, Zac and Essie decided that they would never hide the news of pregnancy. When they

came back to the Rong Mansion, they would announce the news to their family in a high profile.


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