Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 342 The Reshuffle

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Picking up the coffee on the table and taking a sip of it slowly, Eva opened her mouth and said, "Not

really. The key is to see how he is changing."

With a sigh, Essie said, "Actually, your Vinton is a good boy. He is just spoiled by Elizabeth."

"What's wrong with her mother? She is totally ruining him, not spoiled him." Eva pouted, "I had talked to

Vinton before. He said that his mother taught him how to enjoy and play when he was young. She also

said that he didn't need to study hard and didn't need to work hard. His father had money, enough to

allow him to play with for a lifetime. What kind of mother in the world is educating her son like this,

unless the child is not her biological son?"

"Not her biological son?" Essie smiled as she asked in a careless tone, "Why do you say that?"

"Last year, I shoot an imperial-harem competing play in which an Imperial Noble Consort secretly took

the son of an commoner into the palace so that she could change her princess into

a prince. She did that in order to fight with the Empress. She told a lie that she had got a princess.

Later, that princess was appointed as the crown prince, and became the emperor, and the Imperial

Noble Concubine became the Empress. In order to take over the state and control the little emperor,

she cultivated him into an ignorant and incompetent leader who only knew eating and playing, fooling

around with concubines all day long." Eva said as if it were real.

Then, an indescribable deep look appeared on Essie face. She continued, "I think the content suits

quite well on your little Vinton." She said half jokingly.

Lucy, who was standing not far away from them, waved her hand and said, "Vinton is indeed the child

of the Xu family. When Elizabeth brought the two children into the house, she had a paternity test.

Besides, Vinton resembles his father very much, so I can tell at first sight that he is his son."

"That's so strange." Eva shrugged.

"Perhaps it was because at that time Vinton was the only child of Baron. She might think that no matter

how they indulged him, Baron would hand over the assets of the Xu family to him sooner or later. He

thought there was no need for them to discipline him." Lucy sneered.

Eva nodded and thought what she said was reasonable.

Essie smiled and said, "Eva, it seems that Vinton trusts you very much. He even told you what

happened when he was a child."

"Vinton and I get along with each other like brothers. In fact, it is good for us to get along with each

other like brothers even if we can't be lovers." Eva grinned.

"He changed so much for you. It is not easy. Just give him a chance." Essie said, patting her on the


Eva pretended to be angry and glance at her, "You are really my little sister and brother! How could you

put in a good word for him like this?"

"If you became my sister-in-law, we could be even closer." Essie smiled again.

The Little New Year was coming soon. Essie took Holy to the hospital to visit Baron first, and then they

went to the Xu family's manor.

In the eyes of Elizabeth and her daughter, they were the most unwelcome guests. When she heard the

news that Essie was also Cathy, which really sent a chill down her spine. Valery almost fainted. No

wonder she always oppose her, no wonder she couldn't defeat her. It turned out that she was her

natural enemy, Cathy!

It had been eighteen years since Essie's last time here.

Although it had been eighteen years, it became the home of someone else. The decoration of this

house still didn't change much. It was the same as when she left. It seemed that the owner here

wanted to keep something, but what was lost would never come back.

"Grandma." Holy jumped into his grandmother's arms.

"Good boy." Vicki stroked his head. She looked much older than before after a series of unforeseen


"Mrs. Xu, please take care of yourself," Essie said.

Vicki let out a heavy sigh and went on, "Your father hasn't woken up yet. We don't know where Alice is

now. The Xu family is going to have a difficult new year this year."

"We went to see Mr. Xu this morning. He is in good condition. You don't have to worry too much. Two

days later, uncle Eric and uncle Calvin will come back. Then the manor will be full of excitement," Essie

tried to comfort her.

Vicki nodded her head. She turned to look at Holy and smiled, "My baby grandson is getting taller. You

will soon surpass grandma."

"Mother and uncle are really good at cooking. I eat a lot every day, so I'm taller," Holy said with a smile.

The smile on Vicki's face froze. Knowing that the person he referred to was Luce, she sighed in her

heart inevitably. "It will be great if she doesn't take revenge." She muttered to herself in a low voice as if

she was just talking to herself.

Essie did not respond as she pretended not to hear what she just said.

Elizabeth and Valery walked downstairs, with malicious and insidious expression on their faces. In this

period of time, Elizabeth and her mother were not staying in idle. They had been planning how to kill

Essie. However, nobody could predict. Their schemes always failed. After all, Essie was protected by

someone as strong and powerful as Zac. What could they do?

"Why are you so free to have the time to visit the Xu family's Manor today?" Elizabeth said with


"It is the Little New Year today. I take Holy here to greet the old lady," Essie said lightly.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're a weasel in paying your respects to the hen - not well intentioned."

Valery fiercely spat on the ground and really wanted to jump up at once to strangle her, peel off her skin

and pull out her tendons, only in this way could the hatred in her heart be relieved.

"What are you talking about? Are you insane again?" Vicki glared at her. She was obviously accusing

her too.

Valery's mouth twitched, but she didn't speak anymore. She changed her mind and glared at Essie,

with a livid face.

Vicki called the Butler over and asked him to make some more dishes. All those extra dishes

she added was Holy's favorites. The Butler didn't answer, but took a peep at Elizabeth and waited for

her instructions.

With a sneer, Essie took the chance to say, "Mrs. Xu only asked you to add a few dishes. This is just an

easy task. Do you still have to wait for Elizabeth's instruction to move? Who is Mrs. Xu in your eyes?"

The butler was shocked by Essie's words, but he soon calmed himself down and answered, "Mrs. Xu is

too old to administer the manor. Now, Elizabeth is in charge of everything in the manor. It is natural that

I ask for her permission for everything."

Essie glared at him coldly. She really remembered this man very well. He was just a handyman in the

manor at the beginning. After he was bribe by Elizabeth, he helped Elizabeth stir up troubles

everywhere. Because of the former housekeeper, who was honest and loyal to Luce, was driven away

by them. After that, he became the housekeeper. He was in collusion with Sage and Elizabeth. In the

manor, he set Luce up, alienated her relationship with Vicki, and even set her up with mental illness.

She was almost sent to the mental hospital.

She would get this even with them today.

"Even though she is free from affairs, she is a Goddess in this family. Everyone in this house must obey

her. If anyone dares to disrespect her, get out of here immediately!" Her voice was not loud, but every

word was as sharp as a knife.

"Essie Yi!" Elizabeth chided, "This is the Xu family's manor. I am the hostess here. I will discipline the

servants and teach them what they should do if they did anything wrong. It's none of your business."

"I don't agree with you, little mother." Essie shook her finger as she continued, "Now I'm the acting

president of the Xu family. I'm in charge of all the affairs of the Xu family, including the affairs of the

manor and its gardens. Today, I'm here to pay my respect to Mrs. Xu and wish her a happy new year.

And by the way to reorganize the house of the Xu family."

Before she finished her words, Valery jumped up in fury and yelled, "Essie, you bitch! Get out of my

home now!"

Elizabeth turned to the old lady for help. She knew very well that Essie had the letter of authorization of

Baron, so she could only get rid of her in the dark. But she was not completely passive, and she had a

submachine gun. That was Vicki. "Mom, she is obviously avenging for Luce. You must come out and

stop her from doing anything stupid."

Vicki glanced at Essie and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Essie, who said, "Mrs.

Xu, what I did is for your safety. My dad and my sister were both murdered one after another. Now, my

greatest concern is your safety. If everyone in this manor acted against your will and obeys others'

instructions, then nobody outside will know if something happened to you."

"There are so many guards in the manor. How could something happen?" Elizabeth stared at her


"Someone should be vigilant day and night. It's hard to guard against home evils. Little mother, you can

forged Chairman Xu's Commission and my death certificate, but not Mrs. Xu's will?" Essie said in a low


"That is right." Holy took the chance to chime in, "Grandma, you must be careful. Evil witch has always

wanted to get the ten percent shares in your hand. They might mess it up with you, she might try to

frame you in secret and forge your will."

"Nonsense! You are slinging mud at me and sow the seed of dissension between my mother-in-law and

me!" Elizabeth was so angry that her face turned livid and pale.

"Never harm others, never guard against their harm. Grandma, fire all those disobedient and evil men

who have been against you. This is only good and not harmful," Holy said.

Vicki, "Okay, okay. Just a few servants." Her own safety was the most important.

The Butler broke into a cold sweat on his forehead the moment he heard he words. He knew very well

that Essie came here to get even with him. Every dog has its day. Time waits for no man. No one would

think that he would be driven away by that bastard.

Elizabeth was so angry that she gritted her teeth. Essie had just finished reshuffling the Hengyuan Co.,

Ltd, and then she went to the manor to reorganize the personnel here. She wanted to make her empty.

She had got a big trouble because she didn't get rid of this woman earlier.

When she was boiling with rage, Essie threw a file on the butler and said, "This is the evidence of fraud

and bribery when you were in the manor as the butler. You're just a butler and how dare you cheat

others in the name of our Xu family. Who gave you the right?"

The butler wiped the sweat on his forehead with his shivering hand and looked at Elizabeth.


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