Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 317 Fire In The Backyard (Part One)

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The light went out all of a sudden, and the darkness poured down like a thick black waterfall. Five

fingers could not be seen in the narrow space.

The extreme fear came, and the muscles of Essie were all tightened. She curled up in the corner, her

hands and feet were cold, and her body kept trembling. She wanted to ask for help, but the phone fell

to the ground in fear and couldn't be found. Remembering that there was a satellite phone in her

handbag, she quickly found it out in shiver. This was given to her by Zac when she was in Sea City. It

was the previous one, which was for his exclusive use. Whenever she called, he would be right there.

Her head was so short of oxygen that she couldn't figure out who she was going to call. She just

subconsciously pressed the dial button. There was only one number in it, and the phone was

automatically connected.

At this time, Zac was spending a boring and irritable night in the office. When he saw the caller ID on

his phone, his dark and cold eyes suddenly lit up. This woman actually took the initiative to call him. Did

she come round and want to make up with him?

The corner of his mouth, which had been drooping for many days, finally raised a slight arc. He

pressed the answer key, suppressed his voice and made a deep 'hello' sound.

"I was locked in the elevator of Hengyuan Co., Ltd... It is so dark... Help me... " Essie's throat was

convulsed violently, and her voice was weak and trembling. Zac's nerves suddenly tightened and his

face turned pale. "Don't be afraid, you little fool. Take a deep breath. I'll be right there." He rushed

downstairs, jumped into the car, and ordered his men with another mobile phone to take tools to the

Hengyuan building.

"I'll be there soon. Turn on the flashlight and hold on." While driving, he talked to her via Bluetooth to

relieve her claustrophobia.

"Icy guy... You sing to me... " She said intermittently.

"Okay." He began to sing, and she said she was not afraid when she heard it.

The men in black and Zac arrived at the same time. When they used tools to pry the elevator, Zac kept

singing to Essie.

Essie held the phone tightly, and his magnetic song drifted in the narrow space, making her convulsion

slightly relieved. But the phone was running out of power. After breaking up with him, she didn't charge


Just as the last glimmer of light went out, the elevator door opened. The elevator stopped in the middle

of the floor. Without thinking, Zac jumped down and held her in his arms. "It is all right. It is all right, you

little fool."

Essie buried her head in his arms and held the hem of his cloth tightly. When she returned to the villa

by the lake, she slowly loosened her grip.

The man in black called Zac to report the situation. It was not an accident. The circuit of the elevator

was cut off by someone.

After drinking a cup of warm tea, Essie slowly regained her composure.

"Thank you this time. It's time for me to go." She stood up with a frozen expression on her face. She

had been disheartened and no longer had any hope for them.

Zac reached out his hand and held her slender waist, forcing her into his arms. "Are you really angry?"

"Let go of me." She turned her head and took an angry bite on his arm. When he let go with a groan,

she quickly escaped, then grabbed the fruit knife on the tea table and put it on her neck. "I'm Hanson's

fiancee now. If you dare to touch me again, I'll die in front of you."

"You hate me so much?" A touch of pain flashed across his handsome face.

"I'm not your plaything. If you want to play, go to find Leila," she was almost roaring. At the thought of

his intimate with Leila, she was furious and couldn't control her emotions at all.

"How many times on earth do I have to tell you to believe my innocence?" he roared, feeling that he

was going to be driven mad by her.

"I only believe what my eyes see. Even if you say it one thousand times or ten thousand times, I don't

believe it!" Her tone was colder and more determined than the cold wind in Siberia. She had seen

through his mind for a long time and could not expect to use her as a substitute.

Zac sat on the sofa dispiritedly, with despair on his face. "Are you really going to marry Hanson?" He

asked in a low and powerless voice.

"Yes, in this world, only Hanson really loves me," she said without hesitation.

"Only him?" There was a sad smile on the corner of his mouth. "Am I that bad?"

"Don't be too greedy. You already have Leila Qin." When she said this, she almost gritted her teeth and

felt as if tens of thousands of claws were scratching in her heart, which made her feel so uncomfortable

that she was about to go crazy.

Zac held his head. She not only convicted him of the crime, but also got into the dead end and couldn't

pull her out. "Put down the knife, and I'll ask Tim to send you back," after a long silence, he said weakly

and got up to go upstairs.

Essie went out and walked to the Rolls-Royce at the gate of the yard. She didn't look back for a

moment. She didn't want to have any attachment to the man who didn't belong to her or the place she

did not own.

Zac was looking at her back in front of the window. Her determination scared him. Did he really have to

make a choice between her and Leila to retrieve it?

For the next few days, as usual, Essie went to Tiffany Club to play mahjong and became more and

more familiar with Sally.


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