Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 462 Be Honest (Part One)

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Zac's lips curved with a charming smile. Dot's words enlightened him and he woke up at once.

Sometimes, lookers on see most of the game.

Sometimes, if you cared too much about someone, you would worry about gain and loss.

"Oh, you little fool. I see. I misunderstood you."

"You... Don't listen to Dot. He's just a three-year-old kid and knows nothing. He's talking nonsense,"

Essie stuttered, with her cheeks turning red. Was Dot really her biological son? He pushed her to the

fire bed!

"You little fool, your face is so red. Are you shy, or feel guilty?" Zac was not going to let her go. He was

going to exploit her feelings.

"No, I didn't. the temperature is too high today. I'm a little hot." She made a gesture hurriedly as if to


"Really?" Zac raised his thick eyebrows slightly. "I believe that Dot knows his Mommy very well, so I

choose to believe his words."

"As you like. I don't care whether you like me or not. If you insisted, I can do nothing about it." Essie

decided to run away. The father and son seemed to work together to deal with her. It was powerful

enough to suppress her hundreds of times with an aura of confidence of Zac. Now, he gained the help

of the little smart Dot, she would definitely be killed in an instant or be defeated. The best strategy

among the thirty-six stratagem was to run.

"You go and play chess. I'm going to find Mili." After saying that, she turned around and was about to

leave. However, she was pulled back by Zac. "This question is very important today. We have to

discuss it clearly."

This time, it was Essie's turn to take a deep breath. She knew the demon king's stubbornness. He

wouldn't give up until he gave her an explanation today.

Hence, she nodded and said, "Okay, I admit that I said something against my wish. In fact, I really care

about whether you and Leila have your own child or not." After a pause, she turned the tone. "But this

has nothing to do with you. It's a war between women. When I was in trouble, she came in while I was

in a coma and ruined my marriage. I hate her and I hope she will receive retribution. I can't throw away

anything that belongs to me, even it is chicken ribs. It must be kept untouched. A mistress like her

should not have a happy marriage and a family. She should be cast aside and kicked out of the family

by the fourth or the fifth mistress. She will never turn over. "

She was filled with righteous indignation. Every word was like a bullet in the gun, like a fierce shooting.

She didn't care about Zac's feeling at all. It was his business to love Leila, but she really hated her,

from the bottom of her heart.

Zac drooped the corner of his lips slightly. The sparks of hope that were about to burst out in his eyes

were all extinguished in an instant.

Dot looked at Zac. From his depressed expression, he knew that he believed his mommy's words. As a

matter of fact, his mother's second characteristic was that she was stubborn and good at making up

excuses. Such excuses were reasonable and sounded convincing. It made people hard to resist it.

However, she would never admit that she had a crush on his father in such a situation since his father

was bound by the marriage with another woman. It hurt her self-esteem. Therefore, he could only

remain silent and could not reveal her once more, or he would be confined at home.

Zac released her hand. The person who could not hold his hand would slip away no matter how tightly

he held his fingers.

Looking into his eyes, Essie knew by instinct that he wasn't satisfied with her answer, but she couldn't

give him any other answer.

"I've finished what I have to say. You play chess. I'm leaving now." She took the opportunity to go out.

She was not a tenacious woman. If she stayed too long, the secret could be discovered.

Zac sat back in front of the chessboard and looked at it absent mindedly. Sometimes it was just like a

chess game, if one took a wrong step, he would miss the chance, and it was too late to regret.

"Uncle Rong, if you really don't want to leave Mommy, you'd better deal with that woman at home as

soon as possible. Otherwise, no matter what you do, it will be in vain," Dot persuaded.

Zac sighed. He also wanted to do that. However, his Achilles' heel was tightly seized by Leila, so he

had no power to fight back. What he could do was to try his best to win her over until she recovered.

"Hey, kid, I just found that you don't hate me that much." He raised his eyes and glanced at Dot.

Dot shrugged and said indifferently, "I did this for my mommy, not for you."

"You are right. After all, Hanson is your biological father. No matter what happened, you should take his

side instead of me, an outsider." Taking a deep breath, Zac smiled bitterly.

"If I had treated you as an outsider, I wouldn't have spoken to you,"

Dot muttered in a low voice, as if talking to herself. But Zac heard it since he was close to him. There

was a glimmer of light in his eyes. "Little devil, whether you like me or not, I like you very much. You are

like me."

These words were shocking. Dot didn't hated daddy at all. He just felt a little disappointed that he didn't

live up to both his mommy and them.

"You can be my daddy again if you and Mommy remarry," he said in a low voice.

Zac stroked his head. He was glad to hear that, which meant that he was not an outsider.

At this moment, Mili was feeding fish with Rabi in the fish pool. At the same time, Ivy and Daisy were

playing with them.


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