Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 431 God Is Watching (Part Two)

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"Don't be afraid. Its name is Dodgy. It's a doorman's dog. It's obedient and won't bite people," Essie

said with a smile. She had given it a lot of food in the past two days, so she was quite familiar with it.

"If it wants to bite you, it can't save you even if you hide in the water. It swims better than you anyway,"

Hanson teased.

Leila glared at him.

Then Dodgy kept on barking towards Essie, as if it wanted to tell her something.

Essie smiled and went up from the swimming pool. She walked towards the wolfhound and touched its

head, saying, "Dodgy, are you hungry now? I'll go to the dining room to get you two biggest bones later,


Pouting his tail, Dodgy looked very happy.

Leila slapped the water in anger, and the water splashed. Suddenly, she trembled all over. She seemed

to think of something and hurried to swim to the side of the pool. When she was about to go ashore, a

sharp pain came from her leg. Her face was pale and she shouted, "There are jellyfishes. I was bitten

by jellyfish!"

Jellyfish? Essie was astonished and wondered why there was jellyfish in the swimming pool? Besides,

the jellyfish was highly poisonous. Cherry was bitten by the jellyfish last time and her leg was swollen.

Fortunately, she was cured in time, otherwise it would be serious.

Hanson walked to the side of the swimming pool and looked at it carefully. There was really a jellyfish

in the pool. He quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Leila up.

"Send me to the hospital. The jellyfish is poisonous." Leila panicked.

Essie and Hanson sent her to the medical room at the base in a hurry. Zac came too.

"Brother Zac!" When Leila saw him, she burst into tears.

Stroking her head, Zac turned to the administrator of the activity room and asked, "The swimming pool

needs fresh water. How could there be jellyfish in it?"

"It was the first time that such a thing happened. The swimming pool's pipe went straight to the sea.

Was it going through the pipe?" the administrator asked in confusion.

"The jellyfish is so small. You can't see it if you did not look into it carefully." Essie sighed. If it was not

Dodgy who ran to the swimming pool, she would be the one who had been bit by the jellyfish.

"It's very toxic. We don't have such a treatment conditions in the medical department, so we can only

simply disinfect it. We have to send you to the big hospital in the city for treatment as soon as

possible," the doctor said.

Zac nodded and ordered a helicopter to send Leila to the nearest city to C Island. Upon hearing this,

Leila felt more depressed. 'Go for wool and come home shorn his aunt would pull it out, and that would

hurt.' she thought.

She sneaked into the sea and caught it at noon. And then she put it in the swimming pool secretly

when Essie and Hanson were not noticing.

She had thought that she had a delicate plan. She deliberately asked Hanson to come to her, and then

she would let Essie swim to the pool herself. In this way, Essie would surely be stung by the jellyfish.

But she didn't expect that a dog would come over and ruined her plan.

It was all because of that damn dog!

In the evening, Essie specially picked two pieces of meat filled bones and placed them on the table in

front of Dodgy. She wanted to thank him for 'saving' her life.

"Dodgy, did you see the jellyfish in the swimming pool?" She smiled and stroked its little head.

Dodgy barked as if it was responded to her question.

She smiled and said to the doorkeeper, "Uncle, the Dodgy is a good dog. Please treat it well. I will

come to see it next time."

"It is my half son." The porter smiled.

Leila had stayed in hospital for two days. When the poison had been basically controlled, Zac took her

back to Dragon City.

Essie also went back to the city the next day, because Holy called to say that at Alice drove Pana


"Sis, what happened? Why did you drive Pana away?" Essie asked as soon as she entered the room.

"She stole," Alice responded in a casual manner. She didn't take Pana seriously at all.

"Why did Pana steal? You must have misunderstood." Essie didn't believe it. After all these days with

Pana, she knew her well and was a simple person. She would never do anything like that.

"I didn't get her wrong. My diamond necklace was missing and was found in her purse. If she didn't

steal it. Who else do that?" Alice said affirmatively.

"Sister Pana has been living in our house for such a long time, just like our family. She won't steal.

Maybe someone has deliberately framed her up," Holy said, pouting.

"There are only three of us in the house with Anna. Who do you think is the one to set her up?" Alice

glared at him. "She's from a poor mountain area. If she sees something expensive, she'll be startled.

We have so many guards here. We do not lack any hands."

"Sis, how could you say something like that? Pana is your comrades in arms and sisters. When you

were in trouble, she shut down her restaurant and came to help us. Isn't it too much for you to doubt

her to stole a necklace?" Looking at the person in front of her, Essie felt like she was a stranger to her.

It was as if she was a completely different person and she was not her sister at all.

"But we've got her. I can't trust her. I'm the owner of the villa. I won't allow someone like her to live in an

apartment with dirty hands and feet. " The decision of Alice was firm. Now that Pana was in her way,

she had to get her out of here.


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