Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 529 Daddy Finally Woke Up

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Marina was thin and tall. She wore a pair of glasses. Through the glasses, her eyes were as swollen as

walnuts. She was not beautiful. Her nose was a little short and her mouth was a little wide, which made

her face look lack of a sense of harmony.

"How did she fall down?" Marina asked.

"She fell down accidentally when she went downstairs." Finney asked calmly.

Marina didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that she didn't doubt what Finney said. She took off

her glasses, rubbed her red and swollen eyes and asked her to burn incense for Casey.

Then Finney just left silently.

The past month had been peaceful. Finney had thought that things had passed, but a mysterious e-

mail was sent to her. It was the video of the accident.

She was so scared. Someone threatened her that if she didn't do as he said, he would hand over the

video to the police and let her go to jail. She was so scared that she was at a loss and could only listen

to the other party's orders.

It was already in the evening when Zac drove back to the city. The tall buildings, the shuttling cars and

the noisy crowd made them feel that they seemed to have entered another world from one world.

Zac called his subordinate Marlon and asked him to look for the specific information of the two

mysterious people, Casey and Marina.

They decided to start with Marina, who was the most likely to get the video. Since they didn't know her

real name, Essie drew her outline according to Finney's description.

Then they went to the first people's Hospital of Dragon City where Casey was sent to. Seeing that it

was Zac and Essie, the Dean checked the medical records for them in person.

However, they searched all the patients sent that day, but they didn't find the name of Casey, nor any

patient who fell down.

"She might have been sent to another hospital. There are many hospitals in Dragon City. You'd better

go to others to check it. It will be more convenient." The Dean suggested kindly.

With his help, they got the records of all the patients that day. A total of more than 80 people were sent

to the hospital because of the fall. They looked for different hospitals separately, but they didn't find

Casey's name or the patient's death record.

"As the saying goes, if the one is alive, we should see him in person. If the one is dead, we need to see

his body to check. It's better to find one more person." Marlon said thoughtfully.

Zac nodded and wondered whether Casey was dead or not.

Soon, Marlon got the news. He gave Essie a photo and asked her to hand it to Finney for identification.

This was a group of people's photo. Finney looked at it carefully and recognized that two of them were

Casey and Marina.

"These photos were taken in France half a month ago. Someone uploaded them on micro-blog. Marlon

found the person who posted them on micro-blog. His name is Mall, and he was in the same travel

group with Casey and Marina at that time."

"Half a month ago? Casey died more than a month ago, didn't she? " Finney was shocked. Was it a

fake corpse?

"Obviously, she faked her death." With a gleam shining in her eyes, Essie sat down on the chair and

took a sip of tea. She said slowly, "Casey's name is Levy, and this Marina's name is Honey. They used

to be lovers, and they both wanted to be actress, but unfortunately, they were not good-looking and

were not lucky enough, so they could only act as bit players. A month ago, they went to Germany after

going through the formalities of emigration and deposited five million dollars in the German bank. "

"So, all this is a conspiracy?" Finney felt like she was on fire.

"The two of them have been taken back to Dragon City by Marlon. According to their words, someone

gave them five million dollars and asked them to act this play in order to control you and let you steal

the technical documents from my computer." Essie said to Finney. As for who the man was, needless

to guess, it must be Bles and Elizabeth who did it.

Lowering her head, Finney didn't expect to be deceived like this. "Essie, can you forgive me?" She felt


"This time, just take it as a lesson. No matter what happens in the future, please tell me. I will help you

solve it." Essie said to Finney.

Finney nodded. Seeing that Essie didn't blame her, she felt much more relieved.

When Essie came out of Finney's apartment, she received a call from the hospital and was told that

Baron woke up.

This was definitely good news.

She hurried to the hospital with Holy.

"Daddy, you finally wake up."

In the VVIP ward, Holy ran into Baron's arms excitedly.

Essie felt relieved. Once Baron woke up, she would be able to get rid of the burden of the Xu Group

and restart her own design circle to be a fashion designer.

Baron touched his son's head and looked at Essie. During this period of sleeping, he had many

dreams. He dreamed of Lucy, and dreamed of Cathy. He dreamed that he had returned to the happy

time in the past. Therefore, he didn't want to wake up. He wanted to sleep like this all the time.

"Mr. Baron, I'm glad that you finally wake up." Essie said in a very alienated tone, as if she was facing a

boss, not her biological father.

Baron's eyes dimmed. He could tell that his daughter hadn't forgiven him and refused to accept him.

"Cathy, how's your mother?" He asked in a low voice.

"She is fine. My father is very kind to my mother. He never let her suffer any grievance." Said Essie in a

plain tone, as if she was just telling a fact without any emotion.

But Baron felt uncomfortable when he heard this. Because his daughter called the other man father, but

treated him as an outsider.

"Daddy, do you know that a lot of things have happened during your coma. Elizabeth had colluded with

uncle Bles and our enemies and always wanted to take away the Xu Group. Her sister had an accident

and disappeared for a long time. After she came back, she lost her memory and didn't know anyone.

Sister Essie was almost killed by bad guys several times. Fortunately, Zac protected her, so she could

get out of danger. " Holy said in a low voice.

Baron frowned and said, "indeed, raising a tiger is for trouble." He said through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Baron, have a good rest first. After you recover, I will tell you everything that has happened in the

Xu Group these days." Said Essie in a low voice.

Baron recovered very well. He could get out of bed and move around in a few days.

Seeing that he was in a stable condition, Essie began to report the work. She didn't tell anyone that he

had woken up for the time being. Since he had woken up, everything was up to him.

"Thank you for your hard work these days, Cathy." Baron looked at his daughter with new eyes. She

was as capable as men, and his two daughters were no worse than men.

"Mr. Baron, do you still remember who attacked you?" Essie asked. Baron's coma was not caused by a

cerebral hemorrhage, but by a hit in the head. So she wanted to figure it out.

Baron thought for a while and shook his head. "I don't know. I just remembered that when I entered the

hotel room and was about to turn on the light, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head and then I didn't

know anything."

A sharp light flashed across Essie's dark almond eyes. It seemed that the person who attacked Baron

was premeditated, hiding in the hotel room in advance and waiting for him. If she was right, it was

either Bles and Elizabeth or Willi who did it. After all, she didn't find any other enemies of the Xu Group

for the time being.

"After you fully recover, you can go back to the Xu Group to preside over the overall situation. I can

also remove the heavy burden and be the daughter-in-law of Ronf family." She smiled slightly, paused,

pursed her lips and said, "there is one more thing that I want to report to you. When you were in a

coma, I was worried that once something happened to me and your will could not be carried out, the Xu

group would fall into the hands of the enemy. Therefore, I made a decision without permission. With the

seal of Holy, I transferred all your shares to my own name. In this way, if something happens to me,

Holy can inherit my will and get the shares he deserves. "

Baron smiled gently with loving eyes, "you don't have to transfer your shares to me. Keep it with you."

Shrugging her shoulders, Essie said in a playful tone, "aren't you worried that I will misappropriate the

Xu Group?"

"The Xu Group is yours now. If you really have this intention, how can you think of returning the shares

to me?" Baron smiled kindly, "in fact, in my eyes, daughters and sons have the same status. During this

period of time, you have managed the Xu Group well, which indicates that you are very talented in

management. I'm relieved that the Xu Group is in your hands."

Shaking her head, Essie said, "Holy is the most suitable successor of the Xu Group. I'm ambitious in

the fashion industry. Now that you're awake, I can go back to be a fashion designer. And... " She

lowered her voice and a bitter smile flitted across her face. "I'm not a member of the Xu family since I

left the family at the age of seven. My father's surname is Yi, and I'm the daughter of the Yi family now."

Baron's eyes flashed a trace of shock and pain. He still remembered clearly the resentment on her face

when she left the Xu family.

"You are not my father anymore, and I am not your daughter either. I will never step into the Xu's

mansion in my life, and I will never call you daddy again."

For so many years, her eyes and words had been lingering in his mind and never disappeared. She

used to be his favorite little daughter, but now she treated him as a stranger.

"Cathy, haven't you forgiven me after so many years?"

With a resolute look on her face, Essie said, "Mr. Baron, I only have one father. His name is Bob. I don't

need another father anymore."

Baron sighed heavily and his heart twisted in pain. "Cathy, it doesn't matter whether you admit it or not,

it's a fact that can't be changed. You can't forgive me, but in my heart, you are always my daughter. "

Looking at him, Essie felt sad.


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