Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 407 The Underground Affair Was Exposed

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And this muddled guy, why did she smile so sweetly to Fell? Didn't she know that he had an ulterior

motive? From now on, he had to clear three rules for her: don't look at other men, don't talk to other

men, and don't have any physical contact with other men.

Essie stood up and said to Leila, "go to the bathroom." then he left.

As soon as Essie came out of the dressing room, she was dragged to a dark corner. She was

extremely frightened. When she was about to scream, she was kissed by someone. When she smelled

the familiar scent, she felt less scared but more annoyed instead.

They were just mobs, hiding in the dark. Was he crazy to make out with her in the club? Leila was right

outside. Wasn't he afraid of being seen by her?

She pushed him away with her mighty strength. "What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of being seen

by others?"

"By the way, I don't want you to forget whose woman you are." He held her chin and said in a

domineering and rude tone.

Essie let out a deep breath. She suddenly felt that her freedom was completely restricted by this


"Mr. Zac, I'm single now. It's my business to make any kind of friends. You have no right to judge me,"

"You should know what will happen if you irritate me." He tightened his fingers slightly, and a sullen look

rose from his face. This woman was so unreasonable and arrogant!

She knew very well what would happen, so a chill spread from Essie's spine. She could only obey the

orders of the big ogre and she could not disobey.

"I know what I'm doing. In the celebrities circle, everyone is putting on a show, aren't they?" She

lowered her voice and softened it. It was necessary to maintain the friendly relationship on the surface

of fame and fortune. Though there was enmity between Rong family and Qin family, but Xu family didn't

have one. It was impossible for her to offend Fell for the sake of Zac, which would ruin the harmonious

relationship with Qin family.

Zac knew what she meant. His cold face softened. "It's good that you know what to do." She didn't

have to always let him remind her and make him depressed.

They left in tandem, so as not to attract attention of others. However, a slender figure hiding in the

depths of the shadow peeked at the scene.

On their way back, Alice asked a lot of questions. She seemed to be very interested in what had

happened between Zac and Essie. Hearing that, Essie was not able to answer any of them, so she had

to change the topic. "Sister, it's all in the past. I don't want to talk about it anymore. Now we are just like

strangers and we have nothing to do with each other. "

"Really?" At the same time, a hint of suspicion slipped from Alice's face.

"Even if I do have an occasional relationship with him, it is only for the benefit of the group. After all, we

are partners with the Rong family. We should keep our personal affairs away from public interests."

Explained Essie.

The corners of Alice's mouth lifted into a smirk. "Now that the burden of the Xu group is putting on you,

you are under too much pressure. How about I going back to the company to help you in a couple of

days? Since I am idle at home, I have to find something to do. "

"Okay." Essie nodded her head. Although her sister had lost her memory, she was supposed to be able

to do her job well. After all, her ability and knowledge were unconsciously protected by her sister, so

she wouldn't be affected by her seawater.

"What was my position before?" Alice asked casually.

"Vice president." Replied Essie.

"Can I be a vice president?" She asked with a smile, as if she was joking.

"You're the eldest daughter of Xu family, so it's not appropriate for you to hold the general position.

After all, there are several deputy CEO positions. I'll find you another one." Essie smiled again.

A trace of secret smile played on the corners of Alice's mouth.

The next morning, Lucy suddenly came back from Jiang City. She missed Alice so much that she

couldn't eat or sleep without seeing her.

"Mom -" as soon as she heard that the woman was her mother, Alice flung herself into her arms and

began to cry.

Lucy also began to cry. "My poor girl. I'm so worried about you. As long as you're all right, nothing

matters." Seeing that her daughter was fine, Lucy was finally relieved. However, when she heard that

her daughter had lost her memory, she was so sad that she couldn't even recognize herself.

"Have you gone to the hospital to have a check? Is there any blood on your head?" While saying, Lucy

stroked Alice's head.

"Mother, I'm fine now. Don't worry. Maybe after a while, I will remember everything." Alice sobbed.

Lucy was still a little worried. "If you feel uncomfortable, you must go to the hospital immediately. You

can't delay it."

"Yes, I know." Alice nodded.

After that, Lucy sat on the sofa, drinking tea and talking about the story of the two sisters' childhood.

After lunch, Alice took a nap. Then Essie pulled Lucy to her room and said, "Mom, come here. Can dad

take care of children?"

"I have bodyguards and babysitters. It's okay. Your father can handle it. " Lucy patted her on the back

of her hand. "I'm not feeling very well if I don't come here in person to have a look. Don't worry. I'll go

back in a couple of days."

"Don't tell Alice about the kids. She has lost her memory, as well as her past relationship. I'm afraid that

she might spill it out by accident." Essie warned.

"Don't worry. I know how to handle it. The children are your and Hanson's." Lucy said seriously. It was

she who lied at that time. How could she tell it and let Zac take kids away?

Essie also knew that her mother was very cautious, especially on this matter. Since she was not willing

her to be with Zac, she would keep a secret about her children. She didn't want anything unexpected to

happen to them.

"You must be very tired after the train last night. You should have a rest now." Then Essie told her

mother to go back to her room and went downstairs.

She sat on the sofa in the living room and was about to turn on the iPad, when she saw the message

from Zac on Wechat.

"Come to the Jade mountain tonight." His message was always simple, direct and brutal.

"I can't go tonight. My mom is back." Replied Essie.

"Isn't she taking the children back to Jiang City?"

"My mother is impetuous. She missed my sister so much that she came here. She'll come back the day

after tomorrow. I'll come when she's back. "

After a long while, he finally replied with a word, "okay." Though she couldn't see his face, she could

imagine that he was helpless and unhappy.

The big ogre had always been tough and allowed no obedience to her. But now it was her mother-in-

law, so he had no choice but to give in.

She was so focused when she sent messages to Zac that she didn't even notice that Alice had already

peeped at her messages.

When she put down her iPad, Alice came over from behind as if nothing had happened, and picked up

a cup on the tea table to fake water so that she wouldn't notice.

"What are you reading? Gossip news?" She asked casually.

"Well, just take a look. Is there any interesting news?" With a soft smile, Essie turned to look at her and

said, "you just slept for a few minutes."

"I was a little sleepy after lunch, and I couldn't fall asleep once I lay in bed." Alice shrugged. "Oh, it's

Saturday today. Does Holy need to go to school?"

"No, he is at his friend's home." With a careless and relaxed look, Essie picked up a cherry and put it

into her mouth. In the weekend, she loved to do nothing but lie on the sofa, eating fruit and playing


At this moment, Alice also came to Essie's side and asked, "by the way, how's my dad? Will you take

me to the hospital to visit him?"

"Maybe later. It's not convenient for him to visit now." Essie said in a calm voice, "she not only kept a

secret of Baron's condition from others, but also the Xu family. She was worried that Elizabeth and her

enemies would hurt Baron after they knew the truth. Now that Alice had amnesia, she must grasp the

key point carefully. Her heart still fluttered with fear at Zac's words.

A hint of sorrow flashed through Alice's eyes. "How's my dad?"

"He's stable, but I don't know why he's always in a coma." Essie sighed again.

"As his daughter, we should pay more attention to him and talk to him. I think it might wake him up." At

the same time, Alice's face was full of sorrow.

"Yes. We'll go to see him when he comes out." In fact, she would send Holy to visit Baron every


"Will daddy stay long in there?" At the same time, she furrowed her brows. It seemed that she was

worried about her father and wanted to see him right now.

Essie understood her feelings. She had been living with Baron since she was a little girl, and they had

deep feelings for each other. Even if she lost her memories now, her feelings must be stored

unconsciously and expressed by accident.

"Sis, don't worry too much. I will take you to visit him as soon as he comes out." Essie patted her hand

to comfort her.

"I hope it won't take long." Alice murmured, as if she was talking to herself.

After chatting with her for a while, Essie went back to her room for a nap. As soon as she heard the

sound of the door closing, Alice quietly went upstairs to Lucy's room.

Lucy didn't fall asleep. Seeing that Alice frowned and looked worried, Lucy sat up immediately. "What's

wrong? Alice, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, mom. I'm just a little worried about Essie." Alice stammered.

"What happened to Essie?" Lucy was a little surprised.

"I don't know if I should tell you." Alice stammered, rubbing her hands. She seemed to be in a dilemma.

"We are family. There is nothing that can't be said." Lucy took her to sit beside her.

There was a brief moment of silence before she said slowly, "do you know her ex-husband, Zac?"

Hearing that, Lucy frowned. Right now, Zac was the last name she wanted to hear, and also the last

person she wanted to see.

"Did he come to look for Essie again?"


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