Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 357 a swarm of rivals in love

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In the evening party, Essie was the focus of people's attention. Once the news that she was single

again came, all the nobles in the city were eager to chase her.

But she also knew that they not only wanted her, but also the Xu's Group behind her. If anyone could

get her, he would have the half the power of Xu's Group. Besides, she was a breathtaking beauty. No

man would refuse her.

Tonight, although she was going to attend the party together with Eva and Vinton, she didn't have a

male companion. Since Bella had something urgent to deal with, Hanson couldn't make it. It was a

good opportunity for the rich young men.

She was wearing a long dress embroidered with a Phoenix Nirvana, which seemed to be a sign of her

rebirth. Her long hair was coiled up and she wore a lavender makeup, as if the dark night elf,

mysterious and charming.

Zac saw her at the first sight. The memories of the past few days were rushing over him like the river,

making him want to rush over and hold her tightly in his arms. But he couldn't. He tried his best to put

up with it. He blacked out with anger and he didn't even hear what Leila said.

Essie also saw Zac. There was coldness in her eyes, which had been frozen from the bottom of her


"Don't you want to say hello to your ex-wife?" Said Leila with a smirk on her face. She wanted to let

others know that she had won the battle.

Zac didn't respond at all. It seemed that he didn't hear what she said at all. All his attention was paid to

Essie. However, his steps were heavy. He dared not to take a step towards her. He was afraid that he

would lose control. To his surprise, Essie walked up to him.

"Hello, my ex-husband!" She slowly spit out a word, and her tone was light, as if she didn't care about

him any more, taking him as an insignificant passer-by.

His heart convulsed severely, and his mouth seemed to be full of Coptis. The extreme bitterness

spread from the tip of the tongue to the internal organs, choking thousands of words.

"Everyone is in pairs. Don't you feel lonely to come here alone?" Leila's words were full of provocation.

After that, she reached out and held his arm, declaring her sovereignty.

But Essie ignored her. She smiled and said, "I came here with my elder brother and my close friends.

How could I be here alone?"

"Yes, you are right." Eva's voice came from behind. "Even without Vinton and me, there are still so

many single men at the party. They are all scrambling to be our Essie's companion. How can she be


"Is she so popular? Why didn't I find it?" Leila sneered impatiently. In her eyes, Essie had divorced

before and she had two children.

"Only a fool will give up the girl from a noble family and marry a fake girl of no value and status." Eva

made no secret of the irony in her words.

"You..." Leila's face was livid and pale with anger. A phoenix without feathers was not as good as a

chicken. In the past, in her eyes, Essie was just a poor sparrow, and as long as he flew up on the

branch, it was only a turtlehead. At present, her status was at 180 degrees centigrade. Essie was worth

billions, but Leila only deserved a nominal name.

But it was Zac who felt the most terrible. Now many celebrities guessed that he chose to divorce Essie

because he thought that she would be dead. It was known to all that he was a cold-blooded and

ruthless man. What's more, he had always been doing things his own way and never cared about the

opinions of outsiders. It was not surprising for anyone to do so.

In fact, even if the whole world misunderstood him, he didn't care at all. But it was Essie. Her

misunderstandings and resentments were like sharp blades, cutting his heart into pieces and making

him painful.

"Essie, let's go. We can seldom see someone like her. I don't want to annoy myself." As Eva spoke,

she held Essie's arm and was about to take her away. "You are right. Now that you are divorced, you

should get a clean break. Don't badger my husband anymore. I will always tolerate those women who

try to seduce my husband and will never show mercy to them." Leila continued viciously.

Essie smiled indifferently and said, "I'm tired of this man. I'll leave him to you." Then, she left with Eva

without any hesitation.

A hint of sadness flew into the eyes of Zac. He was really abandoned by her. He began to be afraid that

they would go into the situation beyond redemption. When all this was over, they could not go back to

the past.

Standing beside him and patting him on the shoulder to comfort him, Jim came from nowhere. As the

one who knew him best, he believed that there must be a reason for it.

"Well, let's go for a drink over there." He said in a low voice.

Zac nodded and sat down at a quiet place. Leila hurried to sit beside him, fearing that he would leave

her alone.

Essie was sitting at a seat not far away from them, but she didn't glance at them, as if they were

invisible air over there.

Zac had been looking at her deeply, as if the time was stopped.

At this moment, a voice came, "everybody, long time no see."

When Leila saw the man, she was a little surprised. "Fell, when did you come back?"

"Yesterday." Fell shrugged. Over the years, he had been in Europe to take care of the overseas

business of the Qin family and rarely returned to Dragon City.

"Are you coming back for our little Cathy?" Jim joked.

"You're right. Now that she's back and single, shouldn't I fight for it again?" Fell cast a cold glance at

Zac. His relationship with Zac was as competitive as that between Qin family and Rong family. "I lost

eighteen years ago. Now my strongest opponent voluntarily quit and even becomes the son-in-law of

Qin family. I should be sure to win." He laughed insolently. If Qin family cooperated with Xu family,

sooner or later, they would win the battle from Rong family.

A bloodthirsty rage rose from the eyes of Zac. Fell wanted to take advantage of the situation and try to

seduce his wife. Was he tired of living?

Taking a sip of champagne, Jim squinted his eyes and said to Fell, "you must be ignoring me, aren't

you? You were defeated by me eighteen years ago. "

Fell glared at him and said, "so, do you want to pursue Cathy too?"

"It's a good chance. Why should I miss it?" "I'm more likely to win than you are. She used to be my

gossip girlfriend and I had deep feelings for her."

"It doesn't matter." Fell didn't seem to care about it at all. "As long as the enemies of the Rong family

quit, I will have a sixty percent chance of winning." All of a sudden, a man said in a low voice. "We, the

Rong family, didn't make a concession."

Everyone turned around and saw Walt come over. "My brother quit, and I'm still here."

Clenching his teeth, Zac throbbed in his forehead. Was this really his brother? 'He hit me when I'm

down every time. Does he really have a crush on Essie?' Zac thought.

"Really? You like Cathy, do you?" Fell was a little surprised. Was this what they were talking about?

"A fair lady is a gentleman's good mate. You can chase the woman you love now. Why can't I?" Said

Walt with a light smile.

Upon hearing this, Leila couldn't bear it anymore. "Are you crazy? There are so many good girls in

Dragon City. Why do you keep an eye on her? She has married once and she has two children."

"This is the 21st century. Who cares about this? But it seems that the quality of women is better than

the quantity of them. The best women who get married three times is still popular, and the poorest

women who are virgins are not attractive.. " Fell said slowly. Most of the rich young men in Dragon City

had been studying abroad. Being influenced by the western culture, they were open-minded.

"You are right. Ordinary women are supposed to be have fun. And the excellent women are the best

choice to get married," "Excuse me, I have to go now. You guys continue." Walt interrupted the

conversation when he saw Essie was surrounded by men. After saying that, he walked over.

Of course, Fell saw it as well. He was under a lot of pressure. "I'm done here. It's time to say hello to

my sister. We have to get closer."

Zac didn't take his eyes off Essie. As he held the glass more tightly, the uncontrollable rage burned in

his eyes. His eyes turned red. Jim patted his hand. Jim could tell that with a little more force, the glass

would be smashed to pieces. "Don't worry. I will help you keep the situation steady." He bowed his

head and whispered in his ear. Then he stood up.

Zac rolled his eyes and glanced at him. 'Do something right away and drive away the flies around my

wife.' Zac said through his eyes.

Jim raised his eyebrows and said with eyes, 'only I can help you with this kind of thing.'

Zac cast a stern glance at him, 'acting is only allowed. If you do it for real on purpose, be careful not to

be fired in the future.'

Even he had divorced Essie, he was too bossy to bully his ex-wife. Jim shook his head and signed.

Although she hadn't seen Vincent for eighteen years, she still recognized him at first sight.

The top sons of the four biggest families, Zac, Jim, Vinton, and Fell, each had their own merits. They

were as brilliant as the sun and the moon, as handsome as a tree standing in the wind. All of them

were charming.

As the president of the Appearance Association, Essie held a respectful attitude towards all beauties.

"It has been a long time, Fell."

"Cathy, you still remember me. That's great." A charming smile cracked on Fell's face, and he said,

"people always say that girls change fast in age, and you are more and more beautiful, just like a fairy. I

almost couldn't recognize you."

"Fell, you haven't changed at all. You always talk as sweetly as before." She smiled, revealing two

lovely dimples on her cheeks.

"Is it good or not?" Said Fell with a smile.


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