Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 663 Fight For Mommy (Part Two)

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Hearing this, Mary's face turned pale, and even her lips lost color. How could she leave? If she left,

what if a tramp entered her room?

"I just need to take medicine on time. A few months later, Essie will give birth. At that time, she will be

in confinement of childbirth, and I will help to manage the Rong family."

"If you know that your daughter in law is pregnant, don't make trouble. If anything happens to your

grandson, I'll see how you explain it to the elders." Albert glared at him and went upstairs.

Leila poured a glass of water for Mary, and then walked to Essie. "Essie, mom can't bear any

stimulation. In my opinion, the two people should be downgraded and then be punished to bear the

loss of the ice house. What do you think?"

"No, thanks. I've already asked uncle Li to go through the formalities for them, and I've already decided

the new candidates. They will take office today," Essie said in a firm tone. If she gave in this time, she

would not be able to manage this family in the future.

"Okay, you win!" Mary gritted her teeth. Up to now, the cold storage warehouse was still empty, and

there was no milk cow transported in. She would like to see how this little tramp would make the milk

cow banquet tomorrow. If she dared to replace it with something else, she would definitely let her get

out of the position of hostess.

In the evening, the Rong Mansion became lively. Uncles and relatives came, and Mary's two brothers,

who specially flew from the United States to congratulate his brother-in-law's birthday. Essie also took

Mrs. Rose and Irene over to reunite them.

"It's good to have so many people at home. It's very lively." Mili was very happy to have several


"I prefer quietness," Dot said with a frown, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You are the fifth generation leader of our Rong family. Our family has a prosperous future. You have to

adapt to such a lively atmosphere," Mili said seriously.

"Don't worry. My father can live to one hundred years old. I don't need to worry about the family for forty

years." Dot smirked.

When Zac heard this, a row of crows flew in front of him. "Boy, don't expect me to always bear the

burden with you. I have discussed with your mother that she will retire at the age of sixty. At that time,

you will be in charge of everything. I will take her to travel around the world."

"You can have more children." Dot pouted. In this way, he could share the burden with others.

Zac rubbed his little head and said, "The one in mommy's belly is the last one."

"Don't say that so early. You have been occupying Mommy all day long. Maybe you will put another

baby in her belly one day." Dot burst into laughter.

"It's impossible," said Zac in a slight sweat. How could he not be able to control himself?

Mili tilted her head and glanced at him. Her pure eyes were full of doubts. "Daddy, you used to occupy

Mommy because you wanted to have a brother or sister for us. Now Mommy is pregnant. Why do you

still occupy her and don't let her sleep with us?"

"You are so naughty. What if you kick mommy's belly?" Zac gently pinched her round face.

"We are good. We won't do that." Mili pouted.

"You're already at school. You're not allowed to stay with mommy all day long." Zac put on a serious

look. He had been used to holding Essie in his arms. If she was not by his side, he would definitely

suffer from insomnia.

"You are already thirty years old, but you still stick to Mommy all day long," Mili muttered discontentedly

in a low voice, as if she was talking to herself. Zac coughed, pretending not to hear it, and went to find

his wife for comfort.

Essie was checking the wine for tomorrow's birthday party. The wine was rose red wine and French

champagne that she had booked from the Rose Manor.

Zac hugged her from behind and stroked her swollen belly. "Don't be too tired. Tell the servants to do


"I'll be fine after I clear the wine," Essie said with a smile.

When the two of them came out of the cellar just now, they met Mary. She had been paying attention to

the ice house all the time. It was ten o'clock, but there was no movement. She seriously suspected that

this little tramp was going to replace it with a sheep. She might make a banquet with lamb. Then she

would call it 'Lamb banquet brings bless to the family', to fool the Rong family and guests.

But as her mother-in-law, she would not be so easily fooled. As long as there was a chance to kick her

out of the position, she would not let it go.

"Essie, the family master of the Rong family holds a birthday party with full cow banquet. It is a rule

passed down from generation to generation that no one is allowed to change the food without

permission. Do you know?"

"Mommy, the birthday party is a auspicious and festive one, but you don't have to use a cow. Lambs

are also good. Lambs are happy and energetic," Essie said slowly.

This confirmed Mary's guess. She sneered, "I know you want to replace it with lambs, but I tell you, it's

impossible! If you can't make a full cow banquet tomorrow, just leave. "

Essie's face turned pale as if she was frustrated by her words.


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