Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 653 Paternity Test

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Lucy sighed. They were both his daughters, and she didn't want to be partial to anyone.

"Alice, a woman should focus on her family. Now you'd better focus on the wedding first. Let's talk

about it after you get married with Fell."

"I want to, but the wedding date has not been decided yet." Alice frowned, her eyes full of worry.

"Sister, there are a lot of gossips about brother Fell recently. You have to keep an eye on him," Essie

said casually, taking a sip of the juice on the tea table.

She could tell that Fell didn't pay much attention to Alice. In addition, something bad had happened to

Alice, so his love for Alice must be weaker. The Qin family intended to use Alice to pull the Xu family

into the alliance and fight against the Rong family together. But now that Baron was back in power, it

was impossible for Alice to turn over. At most, the Qin family and the Xu family could only be relatives

by marriage, and the Roger family and the Xu family were also relatives by marriage. This kind of

relationship could not help them at all, so they were not interested in the marriage.

"If the Xu group can return the previous position to me, will Fell do this to me?" Hatred filled her eyes.

Looking at her, Essie asked, "Are you really Alice?" Her voice was as low as a breeze, but it stirred up

a storm in her heart. "What do you mean?"

"Willi can create a person who looks exactly like me, and maybe he can also create a person who

looks exactly like Alice. You can have a paternity test with mom tomorrow, so that everyone can rest

assured," Essie said bluntly.

The corners of her mouth twitched violently. "How dare you suspect me, Essie?"

"A person's face can be fixed, but her heart can't. You are so different from my sister," Essie said


With a livid face, Alice suddenly jumped up from the sofa and said, "You can have a paternity test, but

after I get married to Fell, I don't want anything to disturb my relationship with him." Then she walked

out angrily.

Looking at her back, Lucy turned to look at Essie. "Do you really doubt that your sister is a fake?"

"Willi can do anything. Even if she is real, she might be brainwashed and controlled. We must be on

guard," Essie reminded.

Lucy nodded. From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that she was her daughter. Otherwise, where

would her Alice be?

Two days later, Alice came again. She changed her mind and decided to do the paternity test first. But

she didn't inform Essie, but took Lucy alone.

When Essie received the call from Lucy, the paternity test report had been finished.

"I'm relieved to see this result. I know she is Alice. It won't be wrong," Lucy said with a smile.

"Mom, where did you do the test? Why didn't you inform me in advance?" Essie frowned.

"It's an authority agency specialized in paternity testing, which has been verified by the judicial

departments. I've tested their qualifications. You are getting heavier and heavier. It's inconvenient for

you to come and go frequently. Your sister and I are the same," Lucy said.

"As long as she is my sister." There was a complicated expression on Essie's face.

When Alice arrived, a malicious look appeared on her face. "Are you satisfied with the result of the

paternity test? Don't say anything nonsense in the future. It will hurt people, okay?"

Hearing that, Essie's dark almond eyes blinked slightly. "Didn't you say that we would test it after you

get married? Why did you suddenly change your mind? "

"I felt bad being suspected, so I changed my mind," Alice said with understatement.

"Sister, I don't mean to suspect you. The family who saved you in the village has been found. Because

of gas poisoning, their whole family died in the rental house,"

Essie said, staring at the expression on Alice's face. This was the news that Zac just got yesterday.

Alice revealed an expression of extreme horror. "How could this be? They are good people. How could

they suffer such misfortune? "

"Maybe he was killed to keep their mouth shut," Essie said slowly. This was what Willi was good at.

They didn't have the chance to use his money.

Alice shocked. "Did they offend someone?"

"I don't know the reason. If I'm not wrong, it has something to do with saving you," said Essie, looking

at her with a bit of studying. Her tone was implicit and intriguing.

"Because they saved me and my enemies retaliated?" Alice frowned.

"Maybe, maybe they are afraid that they will reveal the secrets that shouldn't be revealed," Essie said

in a low voice.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, but she didn't show it. She still kept calm on her face and

said, "You are always suspicious. You are really like a burnt child dreads the fire."

"I won't let my guard down until the big boss Willi is killed," Essie said seriously.

"If you have the time, you'd better find a way to make Fell marry me as soon as possible." She rolled

her eyes at her.

"Fell is the number one Playboy in Dragon City. If you want to marry him, you have to be mentally

prepared. " Essie was very clear about the thoughts of the Qin family. As the daughter-in-law of the

Rong family, she would not do anything harmful to the interests of the family, so she would not interfere

in the marriage of Alice.

"All rich and powerful men have a lot of women around them. It's inevitable that they won't be

unfaithful. They will change after they get married. Besides, I can severely punish these tramps in the

name of the young hostess of the Qin family. If anyone dares to seduce our Fell, I will kill her," Alice

said fiercely.

Essie sighed. "Marriage is not a lifelong insurance. You can get married. But you may face

a divorce. The key is to self-discipline. If this man really loves you, he will naturally keep his integrity for

you, just like what our brother did to Eva. If he just wants to make use of you, once you lose your value,

he will ignore you. "

Hearing this, Alice's face turned dark. "Essie, you are so mean. Don't think that you can rest assured

because Zac treats you well. Maybe one day when he gets tired of you, he will treat you as air and

dust. "

"Sister, you are a smart woman. You should know clearly what the Qin family likes about you.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have tried so hard to win a place in the Xu group," said Essie calmly.

'A good medicine tastes bitter.' She knew that what she said was not pleasant to hear, but only by

telling her the truth could she make Alice come back from a maze. She didn't want her to be used by

the enemy and do something that would make the family suffer.

However, when Alice heard this, she was furious. She hated Essie in the first place. If she hadn't

intervened, she wouldn't have been neglected by the Qin family now.

"Essie Yi, do you dare to say that there is no interests in the reason why the Rong family treats you so

well? The Rong family is also counting on you to strengthen the cooperation with the Xu family. "

"Of course. What you said is right." "But even if I'm not a member of the Xu family, the Rong family will

still be nice to me and won't change anything." said Essie, nodding her head calmly.

"You are too confident." Alice snorted.

Seeing the tension between the two, Lucy sighed helplessly, "You are sisters. You should help each

other. Don't hurt the harmony."

"Mom, as you can see, she always goes against me. She not only helps the outsider Vinton to deal with

me, but also tries to destroy my relationship with Fell," Alice said angrily.

"Sister, you misunderstood me. I just kindly remind you. I have no other thoughts. Marriage is like

buying shoes. Only you know whether it fit you well or not. I don't want to say anything more, as long

as you don't regret it," Essie said meaningfully.

"Of course I won't regret it. You can be the hostess of the Rong family, and I can also be the hostess of

the Qin family. My ability is not worse than yours," Alice said crossly.

Essie didn't say anything more. All Alice thought about now was power and status, which seemed to be

much more important than family affection. If she hadn't seen the paternity test, she couldn't believe

that she was her sister. Would a person really become another person after losing her memory?

After Alice left, Lucy took out a stack of photos, which were all the blind dates she had chosen for

Irene. Last time, Mrs. Rose took her to see her friend's son, but she refused without hesitation. Since

she didn't like it, she would pick another one for her until she was satisfied.

Essie was a little confused why her mother had been so concerned about Irene recently.

"Mom, although you and aunt are good friends, Irene is aunt's daughter after all. She has nothing to do

with us. Besides, French people are open-minded. They pay attention to free love and won't have blind


Lucy didn't think so. "There is a saying that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. She is now in

Dragon City, and half of her is a Chinese. Why can't she go on a blind date?"

Stroking her forehead, Essie felt that her mother's behavior was a little weird. She was rarely interested

in such things as a matchmaker.

"Mom, is there any other purpose for you to help Irene find a boyfriend?" She looked at her mother with

sharp eyes.

"No, I just care about Mrs. Rose. She has suffered so much, and Irene is her only adopted daughter. I

also hope that she can have a grandchild as soon as possible and enjoy the happiness of family

reunion like me," Lucy stammered, lowering her eyes and not looking at her daughter.

Essie was keenly aware of her subtle expression. She knew her mother well. She was not good at

lying. As long as she lied, she would feel guilty and dare not look into others' eyes.

"Mom, you have something to hide from me. I'm your daughter. You can tell me anything."

Lucy picked up the cup on the tea table and took a sip, her eyes flickering. She hesitated whether she

should tell her daughter about it or not.

If she told her, it would affect her relationship with Irene. If she did not tell her, and something bad

happened between Irene and Zac, it would be terrible.


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