Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 521 Give Me Back My Life

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Essie didn't answer, and her eyes darkened and darkened.

She stoked her pillow as if she were fondling Dot's head. Her face was overwhelmed with infinite love,

but after a moment, the expression disappeared, and turned into an extreme cold expression, "Dot,

don't be afraid. I won't be sitting still and waiting for death. I will definitely make those who want to hurt

you suffer worse than death."

At the same time, Alice gave a shudder out of fear.

Somehow, she had a feeling that Essie was warning her.

Moreover, she could see that Essie didn't intend to reveal her enemy. It was useless for Alice to ask

any questions.

"Essie, the most important thing for you now is to take good care of yourself. I can handle everything. I

will definitely avenge my nephew."

"Sister, it has nothing to do with you. I don't want you to be involved. You and brother-in-law are going

to hold a wedding soon. You should focus on it. Don't worry about me. " The corners of Essie's mouth

lifted into a smirk again.

Eva put her arms around her shoulders and continued, "well, Essie, the stronger and braver you are,

the scarier your enemy will be. So you have to hold on. You can't be depressed. You can't be defeated

by your enemy. "

Essie nodded and said, "trust me. If we don't root out all of them, I won't fall."

At the same time, a malicious light flashed through Alice's eyes. She didn't want to see Essie become

too strong. The crazier she became, the more beneficial it would be for her.

In the villa by the lakeside, Leila thought she could sleep well tonight. However, before 12 o'clock at

midnight, she heard the sad and ethereal cries again from outside.

Zac didn't come back. There were only her and the maid Anna in the big villa. She was scared and

grabbed Anna's arm, unwilling to let her go.

"Anna, I heard the crying again. It's horrible, it's horrible."

"Really? Where did they come from?" The expression on Anna's face looked weird.

"They came from the garden." Leila pointed at the window, trembling.

Anna walked over slowly, opened the window, looked around and said, "nothing, madam."

Leila came to her back, trembling, and took a look at the outside from the back of her shoulder.

The dim moonlight fell on the garden, like a layer of cold frost. The shadow that could not be covered

by the moonlight was particularly dark and gloomy.

A night wind blew, the flowers and trees trembled slightly, and the leaves on the branches rustled and

fell to the ground, just like children jumping around the tree trunks.

Leila's scalp tingled. When she was about to withdraw her gaze, she suddenly saw a black shadow

passing through the bushes and stopped under a hazy tree. Leila thought it was her illusion, so she

blinked hard, but the shadow was still there.

When the night wind blew again and the branches swayed, a moon shone on the shadow. It was a


With his back to her, she couldn't see his face clearly. But she remembered clearly that he wore the

clothes when he was kidnapped.

"Ah --" a scream burst out of her throat, which frightened Anna. "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

"The child... There is a child there. " Leila pointed to the shade of the tree, her hands and body

trembling like leaves blown by the night wind outside the window.

"I didn't see any kid. Where is he?" Anna opened her eyes wide and looked around.

"He was under a peach tree... He is Dot... The dead Dot! " Leila's words were incoherent. Her throat

was throbbing with fear, and she was unable to speak.

Anna quickly closed the window and drew the curtain. "Madam, have you had any enmity with Mr.

Zac's child before?"

"I... How could it be possible that I have a grudge against him? " Leila's face was as pale as a ghost,

and her guilty eyes were looking around in horror.

"I don't think so. If you didn't do anything wrong, why didn't he let you go?" Anna said with confusion.

"Then what should I do?" Leila covered her ears with her hands. She heard his crying again. It came in

waves, sometimes high and low, sometimes plaintive and sometimes angry. It made her blood run cold.

She was on the verge of breaking down.

"How about inviting a Taoist priest from the Huang Temple to make the painting tomorrow? Will it be

helpful?" Anna suggested.

"Do it as soon as possible." Leila gritted her teeth. Her eyes flashed a flame of anger. She didn't have

time to priest this bastard. He deserved it! He should pay the price for haunting her and her unborn

baby. She would let him pay the price of haunting her and frightening her!

The next day, Ann went to the temple.

Leila had already called Zac in advance to make sure that he would not come back and mess it up. So

they had made an appointment with the master to come here at twelve o'clock in the evening.

The master were fully armed, bringing all kinds of ghost products.

He lit the incense and lit a rune. Then he added the power into the water and let Leila drink it up. He

didn't want her to be possessed by a ghost.

Leila did what she was asked to do.

Maybe it was because the master had spent too much time on it, she fell asleep before she knew it.

When she woke up, she found herself lying in the dark corridor alone.

"Anna -- Master --" she shouted while fumbling for the light switch on the wall.

The light was on, but the light was as dim as ghost fire, different from usual.

"Anna, master --" she spared no efforts to shout, but no one responded.

She was frightened and wanted to run to the hall. But when she lifted her foot, she slipped on the

ground and stepped on something sticky. She lowered her head and took a look. Instantly, her eyes

widened in horror.

The corridor was full of blood, as if it was a horrible scene after killing.

Suddenly, a terrible cry came from behind, and she turned around with trembling.

At the end of the corridor stood a little figure with a hideous face. He stared at her and let out a terrified


Leila screamed too, "don't turn to me. If you want to find someone, you can go to find Essie. It was her

fault to announce your identity so that you can steal my son's position. She forced me to do so. I'm the

lady of the Rong family, and my son is the great grandson of the Rong family. You have no right to fight

with him. You must die! "

The baby cried even louder. He walked towards her step by step with his stiff legs and said, "I don't

want to leave by myself. I'll take my little brother with me."

When Leila heard this, her face was pale. She trembled and covered her stomach. "Don't come over. If

you dare to touch my child, I will let you die!"

She roared desperately, but the child ignored her and reached out his hand to her slowly.

She struggled to jump up from the ground and ran outside. When she reached the stairway, she

missed one step and rolled down.

"Help! Help! " Blood ran out from her body. She held her painful stomach and passed out after


When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital and Anna was looking after her.

When she opened her eyes, she touched her belly and asked, "how's my baby, Anna?"

Anna sighed, "Madam, you miscarried."

"What did you say?" Leila's body was shocked, twisting violently. She couldn't believe her ears. "My

ladyship, the baby was gone." Anna repeated. She raised her voice slightly and said clearly word by


"No way! Impossible! It's impossible! " Leila screamed. Her face twisting with anger, she couldn't stop


"My lady, don't be too sad. It is not good for your health." Anna comforted.

Leila couldn't calm down at all, "ah --" she screamed hysterically and crazily. She had tried every

means to get the baby, hoping him to be the successor of the Rong family, and make her dream come

true. How could she lost the baby?

Leila's words made Anna's ear numb. Anna stood up and stepped back, fearing that the fire at the city

gate might harm the fish.

Leila's throat was sore and her voice became hoarse. Then she closed her mouth. It seemed that she

thought of something, and she turned to the woman and asked, "where have you all been? Why did

you disappear after I woke up? "

"What are you talking about, my ladyship?" Anna was confused and shocked. "We were watching the

master in the hall. You suddenly jumped up and ran around as if you were crazy. The master said that

you were enchanted by a ghost, and the little ghost was very resentful and said that he wanted to take

revenge on you. I don't know what kind of hatred he had with you. The master couldn't deal with him. I

was so scared at that time that I hid myself in the wardrobe. When I came out, I saw you fell down the

stairs. "

The expression in Leila's eyes became gloomy, and her eyes and face were flushed with anger. "I'll find

someone to beat the little guy to death to avenge my child!"

Anna sighed, "as the old saying goes, the payback is worth it. That little bastard said it was you who

killed him, so he wanted your child to pay for his life. He is so angry that even no one can take him

under control. You'd better not provoke him again, or you will be in great trouble."

"It's his fault. All the people who stand in my way should be dead!" Leila shouted, "don't think he could

hurt me by killing my baby. He couldn't destroy my confidence. I can give birth to another child. When I

recover, I will do the surgery." She believed that she would still be pregnant with his child as long as

sperm was stored in the sperm of wing.

Anna shook her head with a very helpless expression. "Madam, there is something I haven't told you

yet. The doctor said that your uterus has been seriously damaged, and I'm afraid you will never be able

to get pregnant again in the future."

Leila's face turned pale in an instant as if she was hit by a bullet. This was definitely the most deadly

blow. It destroyed all her hope, not even a trace of cigarette.

She couldn't bear the blow and fainted.


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