Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 340 Daddy Was Cheated

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At dusk, Hanson came. When Mili saw him, she ran into his arms and rubbed his face with her little

face. "Daddy Hanson, you haven't come to see Mili for a long time. I misses you very much."

"I miss you too." He gave her a big kiss on her pink face.

"Are you hungry? The dishes are cooked by Essie. They are all your favorites." Lucy said to him with a


Essie was setting the bowls and chopsticks. She couldn't help but be a little nervous when she saw

Hanson again.

They had talked for a long time after Zac was injured.

She had loved him. Even if she was in love with Zac right now, Hanson still had an irreplaceable

position in her heart, so she hoped he could be happy. She believed that there would be a girl who

could replace her to love him. And she also believed that this was the best ending for them.

Unfortunately, Lucy was not satisfied with the result, neither did the kids. They didn't want Hanson to

leave the home, which undoubtedly left her a big problem.

The most helpless thing was that Lucy threatened her with cutting off the mother daughter relationship.

If she dared to break up with Hanson again, Lucy would not recognize her as her daughter.

"Hanson, the Xu's Group was in trouble these days, and Essie was under too much pressure. Please

understand her. When her father wakes up, we'll ask him to handle everything. After that, we'll leave

Dragon City and never come back again. " Lucy said.

"I hope that Mr. Baron can wake up soon. It's really difficult for Essie to take such heavy burden alone."

The thing Bob worried most was the safety of his daughter. Many people were still keeping an eye on

the golden bricks of Xu's Group.

"I don't care what you do now. I said I would wait for you for ten years. Now it has only been three

years. I won't give up easily."

"Sorry, Hanson." She lowered her head, feeling sorry and guilty. She didn't like to owe other people a

favor. But she owed Hanson too much. If she couldn't repay him in this life, she had to wait till next life.

"It's not your fault. It's the God's test for us. I think we can live happily together as long as we get

through this." He smiled with relief. He comforted her and himself at the same time.

She bit her lips, stopped talking, and didn't know what to say. It was lucky for her to meet him; it was

her fate to meet Zac.

"The road to happiness is strewn with setbacks. Lucy and I were like this in the past. As long as we get

through it, everything will be fine." He patted Hanson's shoulder and invited him to have a drink with


At this time, Essie's phone rang and there was a text message. She read it and it was from Zac, "come

here." He was always straightforward and crude.

She replied, "No, I have something to do."

"What is it?"

"It's private,"

The phone was silent for a while. There was no other message. She could imagine how Zac looked

now, but she decided to ignore it. He was spoiled by her.

In the villa by the lake, Zac kicked down the tea table in front of him. Smashing was a way of

expressing his anger.

'How dare the stupid woman disobey my order? Does she want to rebel?' He thought.

"Sir, spicy crabs are ready. Would you like some?" Sage walked out of the kitchen and asked


"Throw it all." He growled and went upstairs.

Sage sighed, she knew that he couldn't eat spicy food, he never ate spicy, only Mrs. Essie loved spicy


Zac locked himself in the room and sulked. Then he picked up the phone. He had a spy. It was good to

ask that if the stupid woman was doing something shady behind him.

"Holy, where is your sister? What is she doing?"

Upon seeing his message, Mili turned around to cast a glance at her mom who was watching Dot and

daddy Hanson playing chess. Daddy Hanson is daddy's rival in love. If she says mommy and daddy

Hanson are together, daddy will be jealous and definitely have a big fight with mommy tomorrow. He

had made her mommy cry once and Mili would not give him another chance to make her mommy cry


So she picked up the iPad and slowly typed, "my sister caught a cold. She's sleeping now."

Catch a cold?

Zac was surprised. Was the stupid woman talking about coldness and sleeping?

"Is it serious?" He asked immediately.

"Yes, she has a fever." Mili sent a crying emoji.

Have a fever?

For no reason, Zac's heart twisted. All of a sudden, he had an urge to fly to Essie's to see her, but he

soon forced himself to calm down.

'What the hell does it have to do with me if the stupid woman is sick? Why bother me?' Zac told


"Well... Let her take medicine and drink more water. " After sending the message, he threw his phone

aside. The anger in his heart had disappeared, and there was only a hidden and inexplicable worry left.

'What a stupid woman! Can she take care of herself?' Zac asked himself.

It was only when she was dealing with some major events that she could become as good as she

could. Her ordinary and insignificant life was totally a mess, looking rather muddled and sorrowful. Just

two days ago, she had broken his two beloved porcelain cups when making coffee.

Had she taken the pills? People like her who was confused would definitely not always prepare the pills

at home.

While thinking, he was running downstairs out of control, as if he was controlled by some kind of power

in his subconscious. Damn it! He hated stupid women very much, okay? Why did he go out in the

middle of the night?

Thus, he hesitated and struggled all the way. Finally, he bought some medicine from a drugstore and

sent it to the villa of Alice.

Zac didn't intend to go in, but sent a message to his "little spy" on Wechat, "Holy, come out. I'm at your


Mili was startled to see that. God! Daddy was here!

She quickly pulled Holy aside, stood on tiptoe and said in a very low voice, "Uncle Holy, when I came

back in the afternoon, I dropped the Barbie's shoes outside the gate. It's dark and I don't dare to go out

and pick them up. Could you help me pick them up?"

"Okay." Without hesitation, Holy nodded his head and walked out of the house.

As soon as he got out of the gate, Zac came up to him. He put some medicine on Holy's hand and

said, "don't forget to let your sister eat. One bag every time, three times a day. Don't eat too much."

After saying that, he added, "don't tell her that I brought it to her."

Holy was confused about what was going on. The sudden appearance of Zac had already scared him

to death. He was even more confused with what Zac was doing. He wanted to make it clear, but Zac

had already got on the car and drove away.

On the window of the second floor, Mili and Dot were looking outside secretly.

"So he's our daddy! He is so tall, so handsome, so cool! He's more shining than he is in the photo!" Mili

exclaimed in astonishment.

"You can know it by looking at me. He must be very handsome." Dot raised one of his brows smugly. It

turned out that narcissism was inherited from people.

When they went downstairs, Holy was entering the door with a big question mark. When he saw Mili,

he quickly said: "I didn't find your doll's shoes, were they left somewhere else?"

"I found it just now. It dropped under the bed." Mili made a face and stuck her tongue out. She glanced

at the pills in his hand and asked deliberately, "what's this, uncle Holy?"

"This one..." Holy scratched his head. He stopped when he thought that Zac wouldn't let him tell them

the truth, "I just have a cold. I'll put it in the cabinet." Then he entered the side hall.

Mili pulled Dot aside and said, "I just lied to daddy that mommy caught a cold, but he actually brought

some medicine to her. It seems that although he has become a devil, he is still very concerned about


Dot looked at Hanson. Then he sighed and said like a grown-up. "If only a woman could marry two men

at the same time." Then they could have daddy and daddy Hanson at the same time.

At this moment, Essie, who was totally unaware of what had happened, was watching the TV drama of

Eva with Hanson and her parents.

"Eva is getting more and more popular and her career is flourishing. Her mother also has earned a lot

of glory. " Lucy said. When they were in Jiang City, the family of Eva and Essie lived in the same

neighborhood and they had a good relationship with each other. Eva's mother and Lucy often visited

each other and played mahjong together.

"Ask Eva and Mandy to come for dinner someday. I haven't seen them for a long time." Said Bob.

"Okay." Hearing this, Essie nodded. Now that Eva didn't take part in any new play at the end of the

year, she should have time to come.

Hanson turned his head to look at Essie with a smile and said, "the new year is coming soon. My

mother said if you are free, you can go to have the new year's Eve dinner together with us."

"Of course she will. She is going to visit her future parents-in-law." Lucy took over his words. Essie

nodded slightly. She had already made a rough arrangement for the next few days from the New Year's

Eve to the ninth day of the lunar new year. She had arranged her schedule to visit the elders in families

of Yi, Xu, Rong and Xia.

In the middle of the night, the cold air from Siberia swept the whole Dragon City, and the temperature

was falling sharply. An unruly woman lifted the quilt and got a cold in the morning.

Seeing that Essie sneezed incessantly, Lucy hurriedly went to the drawer to look for the medicine.

Essie shook her hand and said, "you don't have to look for it. I just forgot to buy it last time after I took a


"You should take good care of yourself. Don't forget to buy some pills."

"It doesn't matter, aunt. I'll go out and buy it." When Hanson was about to go out, he was stopped by

Holy, "no need to buy it, brother Hanson. I have some antipyretics here." He handed medicine to Essie.

It turned out that Zac could not only predict the stock market plummet, but also predict her sister's

health. He was really a genius!

"Holy, why did you have medicine? Do you have a cold?" Said Essie.

"Well... I know you'll forget to buy it, so I'll buy it myself. You can put it at home as a spare. " Holy

scratched his head. Since Zac forbade him to tell the truth, he had to lie.


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