Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 543 Woman, You Are So Stupid

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The new play which Jim and Eva participated in started in Hengdian smoothly.

That night, the crew held a cocktail party in the banquet hall of the hotel.

Eva didn't drink much, but she felt drunk. Before the party was over, she stumbled into the elevator and

went back to her room.

In a daze, she saw the elevator door open and walk out without noticing that which floor it was.

This floor was quite spacious without a long corridor. There was only one room. Seeing that the door

was not closed, she pushed the door open and walked in.

She was so uncomfortable that she just wanted to lie down and didn't care where she was.

At this moment, in room 6606 downstairs, an extremely ugly man was waiting in the darkness. He was

like a spider which was preparing a vicious net and was ready to swallow the prey entering the door.

After the cocktail party, Jim returned to his room and found that the light was on. It must be some

careless waiter who forgot to turn off the light.

Without thinking too much, he went to the bathroom and was about to take a shower. When he glanced

at the room, he suddenly froze.

There was a woman lying on his luxurious bed. When he saw her face clearly, his eyes froze for a

moment, and his dark eyes suddenly emitted an exceptionally sharp light. Perhaps being stung by the

light, Eva struggled to get up from the bed, stood at the bedside and stared down at him. "Jim, why are

you in my room?"

"I should ask you this question!" With a smile at the corners of his mouth, he looked back at her with an

interested expression. "Heaven pepper, do you have a crush on me and come to throw yourself at


"What did you say?" Perhaps Eva didn't hear it clearly, or perhaps she was irritated, she stepped

forward and wanted to grab his collar, but unfortunately, she forgot the gap between the edge of the

bed and him, so she stepped into the air. In the scream, she clumsily pounced on him. He lost his

balance and fell on the carpet with her.

Jim's body stiffened slightly. He couldn't describe this feeling. It was the same feeling as the last time

he kissed the red pepper, it was not only not spicy, but also very wonderful.

However, Eva didn't have the same feeling. She was ashamed, annoyed and embarrassed. She got up

in a hurry and tried to escape, but the alcohol swelled up in her brain, making her dizzy. The room was

huge, and she was like a headless fly running around, unable to find the door.

Jim stood up and walked over. He lifted her up and threw her back to the bed. If she went out like this,

something might happen.

This action also frightened her. She struggled to get up, pulled the quilt and wrapped herself. "Get out,

or I will call someone!"

"Get out? How can you get out of here? Can you show me? " He held the edge of the bed with one

hand and said word by word playfully, his handsome face close to hers.

She wanted to step back, but her body was against the bed railing, and there was no way back. She

subconsciously curled up and said, "let me tell you, Jim, I have been practicing karate for the past three

years. You are no longer my match!"

A faint smile appeared on Jim's charming lips. "Do you want to have a competition again?"

"Let's do it!" After saying that, Eva threw a punch at him. He dodged nimbly, grabbed her arm with his

five fingers and twisted it behind her back.

She gave him a hard kick, trying to kick him away. He dodged sideways and loosened his hand. She

took the opportunity to kick him with her spinning feet, but she was controlled by him again.

After a few rounds, she was exhausted. Lying on the carpet, she could no longer use her strength.

Jim looked at her and sneered, "Heaven pepper, you won't be my match even if you practice for the

rest of your life."

She bit her lips with dissatisfaction, and her beautiful big eyes flashed with resentment. Taking

advantage of this opportunity, she lifted her foot and swept across. Unexpectedly, Jim dodged as fast

as lightning, and quickly grabbed her ankle with his five fingers like pliers.

"You've already used this trick. It won't work on me at all." Jim sneered and let go of his hand. Then,

Eva jumped up from the carpet and stared at him angrily, "Jim, don't you have any weakness?"

"Of course I have. Everyone has a weakness, but I will find others' first before others find mine." Jim

said casually.

Eva was a little annoyed. After the fight, she felt extremely hot all over her body. She felt dizzy and

wanted to go out, but she couldn't find the door. "Jim, turn up the air conditioner. I'm dying of heat."

Only then did Jim notice two abnormal blushes on her cheeks.

"Damn it!" He cursed in his throat. This woman seemed to have been drugged? Who was so bold to

touch her?

Eva's consciousness began to be confused. She was getting hotter and hotter. He couldn't help taking

off his coat and pouncing on Jim. "Jim, I'm so hot. Have you turned on the air conditioner?"

"Heaven pepper, you are so stupid that you didn't know you were drugged." Jim was almost suffocated

by her hug.

It seemed that Eva didn't hear what he said. She narrowed her eyes and looked at his handsome face.

"Jim, although I hate you very much, you are really good-looking. Your forehead is good-looking, your

eyebrows are good-looking, your eyes are good-looking, your nose is good-looking, and your mouth is

good-looking." She shook her head and seemed to be a little annoyed. "Why don't you have a ugly

part? You are so annoying." After saying that, she rubbed his face with her two snow-white claws, as if

she was venting her anger.

Jim was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. He grabbed her restless little paw and said, "Heaven

pepper, you are so anthomaniac. Are you secretly in love with me?"

"You wish. I won't accept a jerk like you." Eva wrinkled his nose with disdain.

A little blush crept into Jim's eyebrows. A woman with maldeveloped and no gentle temperament like

her, he wouldn't take her even if she clung to him. "Heaven pepper, why are you holding me like this?"

He asked in reply with a sneer.

Eva's head was constantly attacked by alcohol and medicine, and she had lost half of her mind. As

long as she could make herself feel better, she could do anything. "I'm too hot. Your body is cool, and

I'll feel better."

A mischievous look flashed through Jim's charming peach blossom eyes. "Heaven pepper, let me

change a place with you. I promise you will be cooler." Then he lifted her up and walked towards the


He turned on the cold water switch and threw the woman in his arms into the bathtub.

When a cool shower came, Eva's hot brain was instantly awake.

"Jim, what are you doing?" She struggled to stand up, but was forcefully pressed down by Jim, so she

punched and kicked, desperately trying to escape from the bathtub. Jim had no choice but to take off

his tie from the hanger and tie up her hands and feet.

Since someone dared to drug her, there must be more. Maybe he would wait for her somewhere.

If she went out, there would be a sensational gossip tomorrow, or her reputation would be ruined.

Although he hated her very much, he decided to save her once for the sake of her friendship with


How could Eva know what he was thinking? She thought he was going to have an affair with her, so

she was ashamed and angry.

"Bastard, if you dare to touch me, I will kill you!"

"Heaven pepper, look at you. I just want to defend myself. I can't attack you." Jim's low and sarcastic

laughter echoed in the bathroom.

Eva was ashamed into anger. Was she so bad? "Jim, no matter how bad I am, I'm pure natural and

pollution-free. You like those fake products with silica gel. You're ignorant and have no taste."

He found that he hadn't had a close contact with her for three years, and the meat in a certain part of

the heaven pepper seemed to be much more. It was turning into a hill, not like the whole basin in the


"Heaven pepper, have you done surgery secretly?" He asked in a low voice. In the entertainment circle,

there were almost no female stars that hadn't done surgery since they became famous, and this

heavenly pepper should be no exception.

Eva blushed with shyness. If her hands and feet were not tied, she would have jumped up and fought

with Jim desperately.

"I won't use these boring things on me."

Jim raised his eyebrows. When his inquiring eyes fell on her chest again, she was so ashamed and

annoyed that she kicked the water with her feet and splashed the water all over his body.

"Jim, don't look at me."

"I've never thought of poisoning my eyes. I am just studying miscellaneous diseases." Jim snorted.

"Jim, let go of me, or I... I will bite my tongue and commit suicide. " She shouted.

Jim sneered.

Biting her tongue to commit suicide, such a strange suicide method often appeared in martial arts

movies, but from a medical point of view, no one could do it in reality. However, he wanted to see if the

person in front of him could have such a power.

"Heaven pepper, just bite it. Let me see if you have the guts." A deep smile came out of his throat, full

of mockery.

A strange look flashed through Eva's eyes. "Jim, get closer to me and I'll work hard to let you see if I

dare to bite."

With his hands on the edge of the bathtub, Jim approached her with a sneer.

With all her strength, Eva leaned over and bit him desperately.

However, what she bit was not her tongue, but his shoulder.

Jim snorted and tried to push her away, but she bit him harder, as if she wouldn't give up until she bit a

piece of his flesh.

It seemed that he had to take some measures.

A faint flame flashed through his eyes. He raised his hand and chopped down at the back of her neck.

She loosened her mouth, tilted her body and fell into his arms...


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