Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 505 Artificial Impregnation

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"It seems that you really want to get rid of me. Well, then I'll leave it to fate. " she lowered her head and

muttered. Her face looked dejected and desperate.

She took the dice cup before her, and it wasn't an ordinary cup of dice, it was a magic dice cup she had

prepared beforehand, in which she could name the numbers she wanted.

"Let's decided the result by one gamble. If your number is larger than mine, then you will win."

Zac nodded slightly and said coldly, "Let's begin."

She shook the dice cup hard and then opened it, it was three pieces of one.

That was the smallest amount of points, which looked like she lost without any doubt.

Zac's expression became extremely complicated. His eyes seemed darker and darker as if they were

dyed by a dark ink. No one could tell whether he was happy or sad, grateful or disappointed.

"It's your turn," Essie said dejectedly. She had made up her mind that if this was what he wanted, she

would do him the favor.

Zac took up his cup and shook it gently. The force was so weak that it was of no use. No one knew if

he felt he was going to win, or subconsciously he never thought about winning her.

When he unscrewed the cup, Essie was dumbfounded.

And it turned out to be three pieces of one again.

She shook out three pieces of one was because she had used a cup of magic dice. But his cup was

just an ordinary one. It was weird to get the same points as hers.

Was she really a disaster? She sucked his good luck and made him unable to win the dice?

Zac didn't show any disappointed expression on his face. Instead, he looked a little gratified. "Come

again." He took up the cup.

In the second play, the two continued to fight evenly with three pieces of one.

In the third play, Essie let Zac throw in advance. She didn't expect him to have the same result again!

She touched her forehead and sweated, "Icy guy, it seems that the God doesn't give you a chance to

turn over. Why don't you listen to me?"

Zac's beautiful eyebrows slightly wrinkled. "No more nonsense, go on." Although he hated the three

disobedient little things very much, today they seemed not to be so annoying.

"Let's change to another way. The one who had the smallest numbers will win," she suggested.

"Whatever," he said impatiently. He just wanted to end this gambling as soon as possible. Otherwise,

he would lose control and show his true feelings.

"You come first," Essie said in a low voice.

He took up the cup, shook two times casually, and opened it: two, three and five.

A bitter smile gradually emerged on Essie's face. The battle was finally over.

Then she took up her magic cup and shook six times to open it. It was three pieces of six.

"Congratulations! Freezing guy, you finally win!" She forced herself to smile at him.

There was no joy or excitement in his dark eyes. "You can go now. Fuck off from me."

Essie grabbed the cocktail on the table and took a big gulp of it. Then she stood up and walked around

to stand behind him and put her arms around him regardless of anything. "I admit defeat for bet.

Goodbye! Icy guy. Without me, the disaster, good luck will come back to you. And your arms will

recover soon."

Her voice was like a hot iron, rolling over his heart, his viscera, every part of his body, and his soul. All

of his painful nerves were stirred up. He gritted his teeth and endured the sharp pain, trying not to let

any emotions on his face.

His body was weakened too. The sharp pain took all his strength away. He couldn't break free from her

grasp. He just remained motionless and silent.

A drop of tear fell down from her eyes and dropped on his shoulder. His shoulder shivered slightly and

he felt a pain. It seemed that his shirt and skin were burnt.

"Let me go. You'll disappear right away," he arduously spit out several cold words.

She tremblingly loosened her grip, turned around and ran away. It turned out that he could really be so

cold-blooded and heartless. She finally realized it.

Seeing her slender figure disappeared at the door of the bar, he collapsed in the chair as if all his

strength had been sucked out.

His eyes turned red because of the pain. He grabbed the half bottle of wine on the table and gulped it

down, forgetting the doctor's words. He was badly in need of anesthesia to relieve extreme pain, or he

would fall to the ground and die immediately.

Just then, William called. Doctor Smith, who would only come next month, canceled his trip to Italy and

decided to go to Dragon City for his treatment first.

Doctor Smith, who got the doctor of psychiatry of Harvard Medical School, was the most authoritative

neurologist in the world. He hoped that his arrival would bring some hope to the patient's arm.

After a series of examinations and consultation, he preferred to do a muscle repair surgery for Zac.

It was a very complicated operation and the success rate was only half.

Fortunately, the operation was very successful. After the anaesthetic left, his arm was painful, but he

still couldn't exert himself. It would take a period of rehabilitation training before he could completely


On the third day of the surgery, in the VVIP ward, Zac was watching an award ceremony of the year

which was broadcast on TV.

The moment Jim showed up, he immediately received a thunderous and crazy cheer from his fans.

The girl who stayed with him was so pure and beautiful.

All the reporters on the spot rushed forward, and surrounded the two.

"King Jing, are you dating Miss Xu? Is this true?"

"Are you finally together in everyone's wish?"

The journalists seemed more excited than the people concerned. That was the biggest news of the

year. As for who would win and who would be the king or queen tonight, they didn't care.

"Can we date each other?" With a touch of sarcasm in his voice, Jim asked the same question. Then

he raised his arm and held around the slender waist of Essie. The way he held her was very

ambiguous. It was obvious that they were showing off love, and the relationship between them was

very honesty.

Fans, who were standing outside the fence, kept shrieking. Some of them were so excited that they

even passed out directly.

Essie was speechless. Jim was indeed incomparable and unparalleled in the entertainment circle.

Meanwhile, she was worried that his fans would throw eggs and beat her once they broke up one day?

"Ms. Xu, are you really touched this time?" A reporter's question interrupted her thoughts.

With a soft smile, she leaned her head against Jim's shoulder, like a lovable little bird. "In fact, I've been

his loyal fan. Now I finally realize my dream of being with my hero."

Jim gently pinched her chin tip and said, "I am the one that finally got what I want."

They seemed to express their love to each other in front of the cameras, and even the reporters were

so excited that they wanted to scream.

In the VVIP ward, it seemed that Zac was pushed into a lemon sea with sourness from his pores. He

threw the remote control violently and with a loud bang, the TV screen was smashed.

Dream guy! When did Jim become the dream guy of that stupid woman?

He had thought that Jim would do thirty-six tricks, adding the strength to touch her a little bit. However,

it was only two days later, they were like inseparable lovers, showing off their love in front of the people

of the country. It seemed as if they were of one accord.

Although it was all his fault and he gave her to Jim, they couldn't just keep a low profile and give him

time to adapt?

As for this stupid woman, she didn't know that all men are selfish. The best thing was that they couldn't

get what they want. Why couldn't she be a little more composed? Couldn't she make it too difficult for

Jim to pursue her?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He smashed things to vent his anger in the ward.

The nurse and the servants were hiding outside and refused to enter, trembling with fear.

When William came over, there was silence in the room.

The maid incoherently described the reason for the man's rage, and he sighed heavily.

He knew that the boss would regret after he made the decision.

In the ward, Zac was not regretting it. He was just extremely disappointed.

He didn't expect that Doctor Smith would come to the hospital in advance to treat his injury, and he

didn't expect that the operation would be successful and that the arm which could be sentenced to

death could have a chance to recover. But when he made this decision, he was ready to suffer the


But he didn't expect that Essie would be changed so soon. He had just left for a few days, and then

they began to show off their love with each other. It seemed that he had completely forgotten about her.

The sense of loss in his heart was as cruel as falling from heaven to the hell. Even if she would really

become the wife of Jim after marriage in the future, he hoped that she could still keep his position in

her heart. He didn't want to be as transparent as before.

"Boss, it's not too late to get her back," William said.

Zac glanced at him and said, "Let's get down to business."

Taking a deep breath, William thought, 'Now what I care most about is the relationship between you

and Essie?'

Swallowing his saliva, he began to report, "I have found out where Leila was after Ford lost track on


Zac leaned slightly, a sharp cold light flashing across his eyes. "Where?"

"The Blessed hospital," William said with a depressed voice.

"She have been pregnant at that time?" Zac raised his eyebrows and was a little surprised.

"No, she went there to do the artificial impregnation."

Blazing anger flashed in his eyes. This woman always went to extremes. How could she do such


"Whose sperm does she use?"

With an imperceptible strange expression on his face, William coughed and said, "Boss, according to

the records, it seems to be yours."

Zac didn't think that he could understand what he was talking about, so he explained patiently, "I need

to ask who kind of person she found to pretend to be me?"

William pursed his lips. He understood what Zac meant. It was that Zac who didn't understand what he

said and he decided to express it in another way in case that Zac would fly into a rage later.

"Boss, have you ever donated your sperm in the hospital?"


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