Novel Name : A Beautiful Misunderstanding

A Beautiful Misunderstanding Chapter 451 We Got Trapped (Part Two)

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"When did I cut off your route of retreat?" he frowned and asked.

"If I guess it right, you should have gotten the marriage certificate with Leila right after you finished the

divorce, right?" She thought with a bitter smile. 'The procedure of getting a divorce and marriage

certificates are in the same place, it is convenient for him to solve the problem in the same way.'

Zac didn't answer. He only asked the staff to make a scene instead of inputting any data. Then he took

the fake marriage certificate to them.

Essie thought he admitted it by his silence. She felt even bitter in her heart. "No matter what you're

trying to do or going through, you should at least wait for me to wake up before we get divorced. Have

you ever considered my feelings? Or do you think that I'm going to die and would never wake up,

leaving me there alone?"

Zac sighed, helpless and sad. If he didn't agree to marry Leila, how could he save her and let her wake


He knew that she was deeply hurt as long as he didn't tell her the truth. However, she would never

know that he had already been in love with her. As long as she hurt, he would also hurt.

"I'll tell you the truth, not now."

"No need for that. Since the day we got divorced, there was no turning back for us." She said in

desperation, "You see, even if I don't treat your mommy as an enemy, she will treat me as an enemy.

Even if we are still together, she won't let us go."

"As for mommy, I'll deal with it. Now the old lady is in charge of the Rong Mansion, so she can't turned

a single wave." Zac lowered his voice.

"You underestimated your mother. She gave advice to Elizabeth in the past nine years after she had

gone through ups and downs. Have you ever seen her stopped and given up?" Essie sneered again.

Zac was stunned. "Maybe it's just a mistake. Even if mommy wants to help her, it's impossible for my

mommy to help her for nine years."

"What if she is not support but the mastermind?" Essie asked.

"Mastermind? Impossible! My mommy and your Mommy have no enmity against each other. How could

she do such a thing?" Zac was shocked. He couldn't believe his ears.

"The reason behind it, you have to ask her in person. My mother has always regarded her as her sister

and pushed her close to her, but she wants to kill my mommy. How can I face such a person like her?"

Essie said as she blushed in anger.

It struck terror to Zac. He still couldn't believe that his mother would do such a terrible thing. And he

also didn't want to believe that if her mother really did it, Luce would never forgive her. This feud would

not be dissolve.

"I believe it must be a mistake. I will find it out."

Essie sneered and said, "Your mother is very good at doing that. Cherry and Jenney, those two

women, didn't she stuff them to you in the same way? I'm afraid that I can't serve such a mother-in-law.

I'd better leave her to Leila." While speaking, she took the opportunity of his absent-minded, pushed

him away with brute force, and limped forward.

Zac's mouth twitched. He followed up, fearing that she would fall.

In the hall, Essie saw many relatives and felt embarrassed. She was the only outsider here. It was so

conspicuous as if the sky was blue.

The old lady waved to her, indicating her and Zac to sit beside her and her grandfather. When she was

hesitating, Zac held her waist with his arm and forcibly took her there.

The old lady held the hands of Essie and said, "Do you remember what aunt Bonney told you last

time? She told you that every cloud has its day. When aunt Bonney arrives in a couple of days, I'll ask

her to make another divination with you and see if it is time for the dispersing of the clouds."

"Nowadays young people always play the trick of shotgun marriage and flash divorce. You can't learn

these bad things," Sally said.

Mary felt aggrieved, she felt Essie who was sitting opposite her an obstacle. She really wanted to kick

her hard so that she wouldn't come back and hurt her.

But she couldn't show it. She tried her best to maintain the feigned smile on her face. "Essie

and Zac are just friends now. It is mother who invited her to come here today. It has nothing to do with


With a faint smile, the old lady said, "The children are still young, and they might go out on some

extreme activities sometimes. However, as their elderly parents, it is not good for them to talk and do

things improperly. They have to set a good example to their children, so that they can obtain their

respect." As she said, she patted on the hands of Essie. "The people who can sit here today are the

grandchildren and daughter-in-law of the Rong family, no outsider. Our country has a law and

constitution. We also have our own family rules in our Rong family. If the daughter in laws don't make

mistakes, you can't get divorced. Whether Essie and Zac had that piece of paper, I don't care. As long

as she hasn't remarried, she will be the daughter-in-law of our Rong family."

When Essie heard the old lady's words before, she didn't take it seriously. But now, she was a little

nervous when she said in front of all the members of the Rong family.

These words were not only to make Mary, a daughter-in-law's words annul, but also to prevent her, a

granddaughter in law, from remarrying.


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